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Michael Moore Hates America


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I criticized him of hating America, thats news to me. My names Confederate so that means i hate america ?

Well, apparently you hate at least two states. :D


Confederate"48"... Where's the love for Hawaii and Alaska? :D


And it puts a big smile on my face knowing Moore has so many people up in arms. A big expose' book comes out against the Administration - even a well-researched and well-written one - and the right wing pundits yawn. American's don't read, so the most damning information will be barely a blip on teh radar.


Americans do see films (only we're vulgar and call them "movies"), so Moore's efforts reach more people. Not died-in-the-wool Bus***es of course, the won't see it and are not expected to. And not people who dislike Moore's selective portrayal of facts (which still make them facts by the way, though people want to dismiss that. And Mike Moore didn't invent the art of propaganda and choosing to tell only one side of the story). That's OK too, the film isn't being billed as this Summer's Hollywood blockbuster.


But it's getting solid reviews from very respected sources. And even if "trickledown" didn't really work in the economic world of the 80s, it will work here. Liberal-leaning Hollywood and its atache's will see the film, talk about the film, and possibly be influenced by it. Moore's cause and outrage will be adopted by many more celebrities in the public eye, and in that way some of Moore's message will get out second-hand to even avaowed Moore-haters because othr celebs they do admire will put it out there.


I personally deplore the website that has Bus***es contacting the theaters slated to show F911 and threatening boycots if they run it. Again, it's not a Hollywood blockbuster running on multiple-screens at the cineplex. And running films is the job of the theater manager, making boycot threats an attempt at economic sencorship - worse than shooting the messenger, because all the theater is doing is running the summer releases as they are supposed to.


Sure, people have the right to take this approach, so what are you gonna do? And it's shaping up to be a no holds barred fight up til November, so it's not surprising. But it's no different than the tactics of the conservative religiosos who for years had stooges listening to every word that came out of the mouths of Stern et al., and beyong badgering the FCC boycotted the advertisers who ran adds during the "objectionable" shows. Aain, the small businesses running the adds were the victims, punished for doing something that made good business sense (advertising effectively to a target demographis).


Again, it's people's reghts to operate that way, underhanded as it is.


F911 in theaters tomorrow :headbang

And to think Eisner coul have just held on to the film...

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I hate him too. He such a fat piece of s*** who uses his resources to push his political views on people. He really does hate America. I hope he dies after eating one to many Milkyway bars. :usa  :usa  :usa  :usa  :usa

so why is it these days that if you hate Bush, you hate America? Frankly I'd think it's the other way around. In America we are ALLOWED to hate our president and so its AMERICAN to disagree and dislike him. It's UNAMERICAN to tell someone they cant disagree or dislike him. Think about that.

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so why is it these days that if you hate Bush, you hate America?  Frankly I'd think it's the other way around.  In America we are ALLOWED to hate our president and so its AMERICAN to disagree and dislike him.  It's UNAMERICAN to tell someone they cant disagree or dislike him.  Think about that.

I have thought about it....and where have you heard someone say "you can't disagree or dislike the president" Who said..if you hate bush you hate america??


I say if you hate America than you hate America. I would never say just cause someone hates bush that they hate America. Moore is referred to as hating America for his own comments..not because of his disdain for Bush.




He's a f***in scumbag

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I hate him too. He such a fat piece of s*** who uses his resources to push his political views on people. He really does hate America. I hope he dies after eating one to many Milkyway bars. :usa  :usa  :usa  :usa  :usa

To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


And using resources to push political views on people...Would that be having the Secret Service create free speech zones to remove protesters to far away areas during taxpayer subsidized campaign stops? (Bush has done on numerous occassions. He's said they are official Presidential stops and end up being campaign fundraisers. John and Jane Q. Public pay for his transportation there too when that should be taken out of his election campaign coffers.)


Would that be "Americans need to watch what they say and watch what they do" according to Ari Fleischer's analysis of legal dissent against the Bush administration?


Would that be ramming through the PATRIOT Act after 9/11 when even Justice Dept. officials said that they had been going for these extra-Constitutional abilities for years but were never given them because they were so "odious to democracy"?


Would that be saying that anybody questioning the intent of the Bushies would be aiding the terrorists? "To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, your tactics only aid terrorists." - John Ashcroft -or- "You're either with us or against us." - George W. Bush


Would that be outing a CIA agent's identity in reponse to her husband exposing the lies to begin a war in Iraq?


Would that be tons of phone calls during the 2000 election asking questions like "If John McCain had an illegitimate black child, would you be more or less likely to vote for him?" in states like N. Carolina? (Rove actually had that done to lower McCain's poll #s)

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his comments come from his disdain of bush and never once does he say he hates america, therefore, by your own logic, he does not hate america!

Sorry That's where you're wrong Reddy...Moore's radicalism isn't due to Bush ...He is what he is...


Here's some of Moore's headlines from Bowling to Columbine....this has nothing to do with Bush....just the big bad America is at fault for everything.



"1990: Iraq invades Kuwait with weapons from the U.S." (The footage here is of a Soviet armored personnel carrier)


"1991 U. S. enters Iraq"


"Bush reinstates dictator of Kuwait"


"1991 to present: American planes bomb Iraq on a weekly basis"


"UN estimates 500,000 Iraqi children die from bombing and sanctions"


"2000-01: U.S. gives Taliban-ruled Afghanistan $245 million in 'aid'" (The truth is "aid" given to the Taliban came via the United Nations as food aid to overcome an impending famine.)


The final headline says: Sept. 11, 2001: Osama bin Laden used expert CIA training to murder 3,000 people.



Take some time to read about the man before you go defending him by saying his hatred only comes from Bush....




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So what you're saying is that because he is attempting to show a line of poor choices in Foreign Policy that dates back over a decade, he hates America.


Oh, I see.


If you think that there are parts of our history that aren't worth repeating, than you hate America. By that logic, why don't we just take back women's right to vote, bring back segregation, and slavery.


Oh and btw, the Bush administration in 2001, did spearhead efforts to aid Afghanistan in their fight against poppy (heroin) traffic.... by giving them money.

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I personally deplore the website that has Bus***es contacting the theaters slated to show F911 and threatening boycots if they run it.  Again, it's not a Hollywood blockbuster running on multiple-screens at the cineplex.  And running films is the job of the theater manager, making boycot threats an attempt at economic sencorship - worse than shooting the messenger, because all the theater is doing is running the summer releases as they are supposed to.


Sure, people have the right to take this approach, so what are you gonna do?  And it's shaping up to be a no holds barred fight up til November, so it's not surprising.  But it's no different than the tactics of the conservative religiosos who for years had stooges listening to every word that came out of the mouths of Stern et al., and beyong badgering the FCC boycotted the advertisers who ran adds during the "objectionable" shows.  Aain, the small businesses running the adds were the victims, punished for doing something that made good business sense (advertising effectively to a target demographis).


Again, it's people's reghts to operate that way, underhanded as it is.


F911 in theaters tomorrow  :headbang

And to think Eisner coul have just held on to the film...

So is it also a bad thing when Jessie gets his Rainbow gang together to boycott Walmart because they aren't giving him a kickback? Or when a feminist group tries to picket the Masters and boycott their sponsors? These people are expressing their opinions just as much as Moore is. In fact, they are being very honest about it, saying what they will or will not buy, etc. as a result of it. How is that deplorable?

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So is it also a bad thing when Jessie gets his Rainbow gang together to boycott Walmart because they aren't giving him a kickback?  Or when a feminist group tries to picket the Masters and boycott their sponsors?  These people are expressing their opinions just as much as Moore is.  In fact, they are being very honest about it, saying what they will or will not buy, etc. as a result of it.  How is that deplorable?

I don't know any of the datails of the Rainbow Coalition deal (Out-of-towner), but "kickbacks" don't sound appropriate if in fact that's what he's looking for. On the other hand, Wal-Mart, Shoney's restaraunts and several other megacorporatios ARE being justly pursued in cases of alleged discrimination in hiring, pay, and promotion practices. I can't say these corporations are guilty of all charges and that's what the suits are looking to substantiate.


The feminist picket of the Masters is, imo, ok if that is the target they stick to. But, yes, if they then apply pressure on businesses that sponsor the Masters I think it descends to another level. While the cause may be more socially just (ending long-standing sexual descrimination in the tournament) than that of the Anti-Moore and Radio Religiosos, throwing punches at sponsors does often blindside these groups that were just carrying out business.


You, I presume, didn't really think through the Wal-Mart analogy. There is a monumental difference between taking on a corporate juggernaut for unilaterally unfair or discriminatory business practices, as opposed to squeezing small businesses because they have the 'audacity' to advertise on a station that syndicates a radio personality they find objectionable or they to run a film they are scheduled to run a responsibly-rated film they are contracted to run. At the same time, I initally conceeded they have the right to operate in such a way if it doesn't break the law. It doesn't mean you have to like it.

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