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Shingo's expression


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I thought it was funny when Burke went to talk to him in the 10th.  I wonder what he was saying, because I don't think Takatsu speaks English and I'm sure Burke doesn't know Japanese.

You'd be surprised what you learn when living in the environment of the foreign language for a few months. They say that if you are trying to learn a language and living in a country where it's spoken it takes you 4-6 months if you had some background knowledge of the language. I'm sure they teach some English in Japan, it's used too globally not to.

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I'ver heard that he is actually busting his butt learning English. So I am sure by now he knows the very basics of baseball talk. Things like "fastball" "away" and such, I am sure he knows those by now. He has been here for some time now.

You just have to speak English real loud and anybody can understand it. :lol:

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Shingo understands everything a player needs to know on the field in english.


It just has to be said slow

d-o y-o-u s-e-e t-h-a-t h-o-t c-h-i-c-k i-n t-h-e t-h-i-r-d r-o-w? S-h-e'-s m-i-n-e.


Teams have an almost unspken language nowadays. With so many players from all over the world it is necessary.


That is one of the challenges of pulling a team together. It is tough to make friends if you don't hablar espanol or speak english in many clubhouses.

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lol that's true.


btw, hablar is the infinitive form. It's habla.  ;)

you are correct. Living where I life, I should have known that. It's nice to see the We Speak English signs in some windows :lol:


como se dice "closer" ey espanol?

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