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Astros close to trading for Urbina

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Cardinals beat the Royals 3-1 in 10 innings.  They now have a 4 gm lead on the,  Flubs.  They're getting tremendous pitching.  They probably have the best line-up in the National league.  I still feel they need 1 more starter and they'll be in real good shape as far as the division goes.

If the Cardinals can manage to get a reliable starter and push Woody Williams down to the 5th post in their rotation, without sacrificing their current major-league personnel, they will be a serious threat in the NL Central.

I still expect the Cubs to win the division, but I also expect St. Louis to stick around the race and make things interesting.

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If the Cardinals can manage to get a reliable starter and push Woody Williams down to the 5th post in their rotation, without sacrificing their current major-league personnel, they will be a serious threat in the NL Central.

I still expect the Cubs to win the division, but I also expect St. Louis to stick around the race and make things interesting.

Woody as their 5th starter? He won 18 gms last year. When he's healthy. He's no doubt their #2.

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I can see where the Cards would have a need for another starter(like a very good starter), but who goes out of the rotation then? Marquis has been solid, you can't take Morris out, Carpenter and Suppan have been two of their best starters all year...I think that means Williams is gone, doesn't it?


Anyway...if the Cards get another starter, and they add some depth to that pen, they could be a very dangerous team down the stretch. If they get those two additions, they could be the favorites, even ahead of the Cubs.


I still think the Cubs win the division...but the Cards could most definately make it very interesting.





Now that I said everything Critic just said, only in more words, we can move on. :D

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I understand what you're saying; however, sometimes it's just not possible to fix these problems immediately.  For example, you know we need another starting pitcher.  We've been seriously courting Freddy Garcia from Seattle.  Seattle knows their season is shot, and that Garcia's a great player they can deal and get some good talent for.  If you were Seattle, would you take the first offer you received for Garcia (being that it's the White Sox), or would you wait a while and see what other teams offer?  I don't know about you, but I'd wait to see what else is offered.  KW could have gotten Garcia right away, but he would have had to gave up a tremendous amount to do so.


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I'm with you man.

KW proved last year he is willing to get up "balls" and trade.  He made 2 very good trades last year that improved our team, it didn't work out....oh well.

I'm very happy with KW he's a very aggressive, hardworking GM.

Unlike what most of you think, it's pretty damn hard to pull off a trade.

I'm confident KW will pull of a couple good trades before july 31.

God, some of you guys suck.

I knew somebody else had to be sane on this board...


I'd hate to say I told you so...

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Cardinals with a 5 gm lead on the,  Slubs  :headbang

That's sweet as hell.


I just hope we can put a bigger cushion on that Cardinals lead next weekend. We all know that a 5 game lead is not safe, hell, an 8 game lead is not safe.


The Twinks were back 7.5 at the ASB last year, traded Kielty for Stewart, and look at what happened to them.


I hope the Cubs are out 10+ games at the ASB, because if they're not, they have a chance.

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