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Official Ortiz/Jones ATL Rumors Thread


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BTW - Andruw Jones is hitting .243, and the highest he's ever hit was .303 in 2000. Besides a good glove in center, I really don't want him. Harris/Rowand can provide a .243 average if they wanted to, and they're doing a lot better than that so far this year.

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Those are great numbers to be putting up in turner field. If we get Drew where would you bat him. between frank and carlos ?

I might just put him in the two spot, or maybe in the five spot, so our lineup would be:


3.) Thomas

4.) Lee

5.) Drew

6.) Konerko

7.) Valentin


That is both solid and balanced.

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What do you mean we don't need another lefty bat?  Everytime we go against a hard throwing, solid righty we get dominated.


Damn - I knew Drew was pretty good, but I didn't know he was as good as his stats show this year:


.291 Avg, .414 OBP, 14 HRs, 40 RBIs, All of this in a pitchers park.

We don't need one. Look at our offensive out-put. I understand you want Drew to balance out our line-up, but I'd rather have Jones. I don't understand what's so hard to understand about that.


Look I love J.D. Drew, but I don't think Kenny should take a chance on him because of his previous injuries. Also he's a Scott Boras client as another poster mentioned. If he's a Boras agent there is no hope for signing him to a long term deal.


Plus we still have until July 31st, there are cheaper options out there than Drew. The Braves just acquired Drew this off-season, and gave up the highly touted Wainwright for him. I don't think they'd give him up that easily and demand more than Rauch and Maggs, possibly even Sweeney, Anderson, Borchard etc.


In my opinion if we want another left handed bat we look to trade with Arizona. Steve Finley would be a perfect fit for this team, and in my opinion would come much cheaper.



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Lets look at Jones and Drew:


Jones is 27

Drew is 28


Jones is a GG CF

Drew is an above average OF who can potentially play any position out there if youll take that risk.


Jones over 30 home runs 5.

Drew over 30 home runs 0.


Jones over 100 rbi 3.

Drew over 100 rbi 0.


Jones over 100 run 3.

Drew over 100 run 0.


Jones over 30 2b 4.

Drew over 30 2b 0.


Jones over 20 sb 4.

Drew over 20 sb 0.


Jones right handed.

Drew left handed.


So simply for the last fact you are going to take JD Drew over Jones?


5 years from now people may be looking back and saying how didnt people realize that Jones could of been the better CF than Beltran.


Hes going to have 250 home runs by the age of 28.


Beltran has 123 home runs and he is 27.


If some how the Sox got Jones, that would be sick.



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um duh??


Thats why Ortiz is in the deal

I was responding to another poster that stated that our biggest need was: A LEFT HANDED BAT.


This post was not made out of the blue, but in response to another poster.



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Lets look at Jones and Drew:


Jones is 27

Drew is 28


Jones is a GG CF

Drew is an above average OF who can potentially play any position out there if youll take that risk.


Jones over 30 home runs 5.

Drew over 30 home runs 0.


Jones over 100 rbi 3.

Drew over 100 rbi 0.


Jones over 100 run 3.

Drew over 100 run 0.


Jones over 30 2b 4.

Drew over 30 2b 0.


Jones over 20 sb 4.

Drew over 20 sb 0.


Jones right handed.

Drew left handed.


So simply for the last fact you are going to take JD Drew over Jones?


5 years from now people may be looking back and saying how didnt people realize that Jones could of been the better CF than Beltran.


Hes going to have 250 home runs by the age of 28.


Beltran has 123 home runs and he is 27.


If some how the Sox got Jones, that would be sick.



Oh yeah - Pick and choose the stats that support your argument, but ignore the ones that disprove it:


Namely OBP, Andruw Jones highest OBP was .366. Jones highest average was .303. Jones highest OPS was .907. Drew has surpassed these multiple times in multiple seasons.


CWSOX45, I NEVER said that our biggest need was a LH bat. I'm just comparing Drew and Jones, and at the current time in this situation, I'd rather have Drew.

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CWSOX45, I NEVER said that our biggest need was a LH bat.  I'm just comparing Drew and Jones, and at the current time in this situation, I'd rather have Drew.

I understand that. That portion of my post was directed at other posters. I just kinda gelled it all into one post.



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Oh - and if we're making this deal and getting Jones, why not just make the deal with someone else and keep Aaron Rowand, who's doing a much better job than Jones is doing this season?

We'd still have Rowand in the outfield.


Our outfield would look like this from left to right:








Rowand played right field his entire career in the minors.


Willie Harris would than continue to platoon with Valentin and Uribe. Much like in the beginning of the season.



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We'd still have Rowand in the outfield.


Our outfield would look like this from left to right:








Rowand played right field his entire career in the minors.


Willie Harris would than continue to platoon with Valentin and Uribe. Much like in the beginning of the season.



But I don't see the point in trading for Jones... Other than GG defense, he wouldn't provide much to this team...

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I was responding to another poster that stated that our biggest need was: A LEFT HANDED BAT.


This post was not made out of the blue, but in response to another poster.



then i apologize to you :wub:

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Because I was accounting for the fact that Drew puts up superior numbers when he doesnt play a full season.


His highest OPS seasons, he only plays 100 games, only in 2000 did Drew "put it all together" but even those numbers arent great for a guy whos gonna ask you for $10 mil next year.


2000 StL 135 407 73 120 17 2 18 57 67 99 17 9 .295 .401 .479 .880


2000 Atl 161 656 122 199 36 6 36 104 59 100 21 6 .303 .366 .541 .907


He gets more walks, Jones generally will hit for more power and k more.


Jones can develop more discipline, and then he will be far and away better than Drew.


But I cant argue, if people want to be stuck with Drew, then so be it. But Jones would make more sense in the 2 hole, and a change of scenery may be all he needs to be lights out.



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But I don't see the point in trading for Jones...  Other than GG defense, he wouldn't provide much to this team...

I see where you're coming from. He has struggled a lot in Atlanta this year. However I'd just trade for his glove. Any offense he provides would be great, and who knows maybe a change of scenery would do him some good.



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Because I was accounting for the fact that Drew puts up superior numbers when he doesnt play a full season.


His highest OPS seasons, he only plays 100 games, only in 2000 did Drew "put it all together" but even those numbers arent great for a guy whos gonna ask you for $10 mil next year.


2000 StL 135 407 73 120 17 2 18 57 67 99 17 9 .295 .401 .479 .880


2000 Atl 161 656 122 199 36 6 36 104 59 100 21 6 .303 .366 .541 .907


He gets more walks, Jones generally will hit for more power and k more.


Jones can develop more discipline, and then he will be far and away better than Drew.


But I cant argue, if people want to be stuck with Drew, then so be it. But Jones would make more sense in the 2 hole, and a change of scenery may be all he needs to be lights out.



But I'm saying we don't need another righty-power-bat who strikes out a lot. Drew (knock on wood) hasn't been injured thus far, and if he plays right, his chance of injury will decrease (rather than playing centerfield).


I understand the injury risk, but I still like what he'd provide to this team.

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Hes had 1 bad year and hes 27 years old.


Your saying that Rowand is better than Andruw Jones.


I cant even argue with this lol.


2003 Atl 156 595 101 165 28 2 36 116 53 125 4 3 .277 .338 .513 .851


Thats what Jones put up last year, if you have some sick dream where Rowand hits almost 40 home runs and over 110 rbis, then thats your fantasy.


But 1 bad year for a 27 year old whos been in the majors since he was 18, please.




CAREER 336 746 114 208 45 2 24 90 45 130 12 3 .279 .331 .441 .772


CAREER 1207 4374 715 1168 234 28 233 712 466 933 120 46 .267 .341 .493 .834


I think Ill take stat line number 2.



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Has there been anything else heard on the radio? Levine and/or Score?


We are getting waaaaaay ahead of ourselves here with all this speculation.

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A poster on WSI claims that Levine said earlier that the Braves are interested in Magglio, and everyone there had a crap attack. I started to laugh, just because they are interested in Magglio doesn't mean the Sox are talking about trading him. I'm sure every team in MLB would be very interested in having Ordonez on their team.

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Hes had 1 bad year and hes 27 years old.


Your saying that Rowand is better than Andruw Jones.


I cant even argue with this lol.


2003 Atl 156 595 101 165 28 2 36 116 53 125 4 3 .277 .338 .513 .851


Thats what Jones put up last year, if you have some sick dream where Rowand hits almost 40 home runs and over 110 rbis, then thats your fantasy.


But 1 bad year for a 27 year old whos been in the majors since he was 18, please.




CAREER 336 746 114 208 45 2 24 90 45 130 12 3 .279 .331 .441 .772


CAREER 1207 4374 715 1168 234 28 233 712 466 933 120 46 .267 .341 .493 .834


I think Ill take stat line number 2.



I'm not saying Rowand is better than Jones, but this year Rowand has been better than Jones. Argue with the stats if you want to, but....


Jones will strike out 100+ times in a season. Sure, he's a big RBI/Homer guy, but we already have that. We need more and better table-setters. Drew's career OBP is 381, as opposed to Jones' .341. Not to mention he's a lefty bat, not to mention he hits for higher average than Jones.

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