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ESPN 1000: Freddy Garcia traded to the White Sox

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And then I looked at Ben Davis (ugh!). I guess we really will be testing the Cell factor with this guy. A 700 OPS in 900 ab's over his career at catcher. He is a switch hitter but that doesn't say much. He has a 854 OPS vs LH, but a 596 OPS vs RH. Which is pretty much the mold of our other struggling hitters on our team.


This year he's butt ugly from both sides (less than 500 OPS vs RH & LH) so if he can't hit at the Cell he can't hit. My guess is this guy doesn't make the team next year.


This trade only makes sense if the ATL trade goes down. You're given up Olivo's speed & defense for a pitcher. You need to try & get some of that back & Andruw Jones is that player.

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I love the move.

I will miss Mo very much, and wish him all the best.

Jeremy Reed, have fun in Seattle (I was never really that impressed).


Freddy Garcia is a stud.

I have all the confidence in the world that he will be resigned.


Good move KW.

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i think someone needs a new name.....

and new sig too :lolhitting

Yea I know :lol:

Still thinking if I could just leave Reed's name and just put "The New Future For Seattle" or something or should I change it. There's no way I'm putting Borchard's name for a future on anything. I'm not a fan of his and I like grinder-type players. (Like Reed, Graffy, Gload etc..)

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FYI, for those who don't memb, Ben Davis is the guy who broke up Schillings no-hitter in the 9th with a bunt single a few years ago. :)

Holy crap, I remember that! Bob Brenly (sp?) was really pissed after he did that.

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Does anyone know much about Davis?  His scouting report on ESPN indictes a good arm, and I know he's hitting like crap this year.  Was/Is he considered a decent player?


Sox had to get a pitcher... Garcia was the best one out there.  MO is a good catcher, but not great.  Don't forget that Sandy played down the stretch last year when MO was struggling.  Don't get me wrong, I love Olivo, but we just acquired one of the best pitchers in the AL this season.


He might become great, might.  We all hoped he would, but if you're going to win the Series, you need four horses in your rotation... we now have at least three good/very good pitchers, and hopefully Garland will pitch like he did earlier in the season.

Ben Davis was considered a stud catching prospect a few years ago when he came up in the Padres organization. He's alwasy been a very impressive defensive catcher who has never been able to hit. The Pads gambled and dealt him to the Mariners for Brett Tomko (i think thats one of the guys they got) in what was a decent size deal. Actually it was more the Mariners that gambled.


The Mariners thought he'd turn into a star catcher, but he never did. He still has some upside though and is very good behind the plate.

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Ben Davis was considered a stud catching prospect a few years ago when he came up in the Padres organization.  He's alwasy been a very impressive defensive catcher who has never been able to hit.  The Pads gambled and dealt him to the Mariners for Brett Tomko (i think thats one of the guys they got) in what was a decent size deal.  Actually it was more the Mariners that gambled.


The Mariners thought he'd turn into a star catcher, but he never did.  He still has some upside though and is very good behind the plate.

Do you think Greg Walker can fix him?

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Mariners fans are orgasming all over this deal.

They should be.


Olivo is going to be in the all star game in two years. :angry:



Reed doesn't hurt as bad because he never got a chance to produce in the majors.




I swear, if Garcia doesn't produce...



Kenny you will be DONE in my book.

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From a Mariners Baseball Blog: (http://ussmariner.blogspot.com/)


Freddy Garcia and Ben Davis for Jeremy Reed, Miguel Olivo, and Michael Morse.


Congratulations Bill Bavasi. Seriously, let me say this again. Congratulations Bill Bavasi. This is probably one of the best player-for-prospect hauls any team has gotten since the Bartolo Colon to Montreal trade. Since the White Sox farm system is essentially based in North Carolina (their Double-A team is the only one not within an hour of my house), I've seen all these guys extensively, and this is basically the heart of the Sox system.


Reed is a healthy version of Chris Snelling with a few more walks and a few less singles. Prospectus was a bit nuts when they called him the 2nd best prospect in the game this spring, but he's legit top 20. He's got line drive power and a very compact swing, makes great contact, and knows the strike zone. His swing won't let him develop much more home run power, but his offensive game is tailored for the top of the order. In his prime, he should hit .290/.380/.450, which is a quality player. He's got a great chance to be the next Rusty Greer. Defensively, he's a corner outfielder. The M's might dream that he can fill the need in center, but he just doesn't have the range to be an asset there. He can play right or left well, and center in an emergency, but they should still be searching for a permanent CF.


Miguel Olivo is a league average catcher right now. He has a bit of a long swing and won't ever win a batting title, but he has above average power and runs well to boot. He's hitting .270/.316/.496, making him not only our best catcher, but probably our fourth best hitter. He's only in his second year, meaning he's making peanuts for the next two, maybe three years. He's not the catcher of the future-he's the catcher of the present. At 25 years old, he still could turn into a Jason Varitek type player.


Michael Morse is a decent hitting prospect with line drive power and a nice swing. He's also abysmal defensively. I watched him probably 30 times last year in Winston-Salem, and he's the worst defensive SS I've ever seen. He doesn't have the footwork or instincts to play third, either. He should probably end up in left field or at first base, and there were a few nights I thought he should DH. But the swing was always there, and he's had a breakout offensive season at Double-A. There are attitude problems involved, though, as he was just suspended for 2 weeks for violating a team rule. He's never been the hardest worker, and motivation can be a problem. He's definitely not a choir boy, but he can hit.


Seriously, this trade is so much better than what the Royals got for Beltran it isn't funny. Reed is now our top prospect, Olivo our best catcher, and Morse is about as interesting a bat as you'll find in the system, even if he has nowhere to play. Making them pay Ben Davis' salary the rest of the year is icing on the cake.


Seriously, just a fantastic trade for the Mariners. Great deal, Bill. Very well done

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Yeah, I wasn't impressed either when he hit damn near .400 in the minors last year.

A)And he was the minor league player of the year too... just like Jon Rauch.


B)Why when talking about Reed does everyone talk about what he did last year?

Why not this year in AAA?

Why not about how he looked LOST in Spring Training?


C)Just because you are a good minor leaguer doesn't mean you will be a good major leaguer.


*I am sad to see Olivo go, but never got attached to Reed so maybe I am wrong... but going to Spring Training made me more excited for Sweeney than Reed.

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Do you think Greg Walker can fix him?

Its definately a possibility. I've just been thinking a bit about htis deal and for a long time I have had a sneaking suspicion that the White Sox didn't like Miguel Olivo. It was evident by the fact none of the pitchers wanted to pitch to him.


It was further made evident when Buerhle wanted Burke (who really never caught him other hten a few bullpen sessions) to catch him over Miguel. While Miguel has a great arm, he doesn't have a quick release and we still have to see whether he cna hit right handed pitching.


The Sox just got an ace pitcher and who knows, maybe they can look to Anaheim for one of the Molina's for a catcher or somewhere else. Miguel was the Sox 9 hole hitter and played only partially.


Ben Davis still has the potnetial that made him a #1 pick and behind the plate he's talented. He's also supposed to call a good game and frankly who knows if Walker can fix him. I don't know if he's going to do it or not, but if he hits .250 he's a valuable player.

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