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Damn Cop Dogs


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f***ing searching cars in our high school parking lot luckly i saw them and got my car out of there. I cant go to school becuase of cop dogs smelling my stash in my car. god damnit. Why do they got to make kids go home from school early because they wanna find a dime bag on some high schoolers.


O well I keep myself safe from the mother f***ing police. Glad i went to school 10 minutes late.

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Why do they got to make kids go home from school early because they wanna find a dime bag on some high schoolers.

I'm going out on a limb here, but maybe because it's illegal :huh:


And don't blame the cops. They're just doing their job. If pot is so important to you that you're taking it to school, take it from a guy who likes to drink, you have a problem. I never took alcohol to school and I never take alcohol to work. If you can't leave the house without a dimebag, seek help before the addiction and, eventually, the legal bills get out of hand. Smart pot smokers don't drive around with any pot in their car..... especially to school.

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I am in a Drug Use class and we actually discussed how much they government wastes- I mean spends- on drug enforcement and it is ridculous the large amounts they spend on the most worthless areas. Studies show that treatment is a more effective way to stop the use yet our country wants to spend billions of dollars patrolling the borders and searching people. It just boggles the mind.

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I used to love drinking at school. The last 2 months of high school is was a real s*** show. I even brought it into classes. Shop class pissed was just great, the teachers must have known, but what the hell difference is it to them as long as you stay away from the band saw ;) They would do those fake drug searches in our school, I say fake because they would bring in some dogs and never even found the s*** that was stashed in lockers. I know some kids who went to school till they were 22+ because being the school dealer wasn't a bad job. I don't get into the drugs though, even weed, didn't hate it just had more fun drinking for some reason.

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It seems like most people agree on this. that they should spend less on anti pot. i can understand some of the harder drugs. So why has nothing changed?

Because it's in style to be tough on crime and tough on drugs, so common sense and facts get thrown out the the window.


Hell, look at the millions that agree with Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell...there are many idiots in the world that the sane people must drag kicking and screaming into what is right.



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What the hell kind of high schools do some of you people go to? :D


I never saw cops searching peoples lockers and stuff or having dogs sniffing. Where I was I didn't even think they could search your locker without probable cause.

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It seems like most people agree on this. that they should spend less on anti pot. i can understand some of the harder drugs. So why has nothing changed?

Isn't it legal to smoke pot in Denmark? You should move there

Who cares if its legal in Denmark? I have a Danish exchange student and he says that prisons in are really weak. They have everything in their cell. Xbox, TV, you name you got it! So if your life is ever in trouble with the mob or something, just move to Denmark and get thrown in prison... :lol:

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What the hell kind of high schools do some of you people go to?  :D 


I never saw cops searching peoples lockers and stuff or having dogs sniffing.  Where I was I didn't even think they could search your locker without probable cause.

Me either and I'm still in highschools!

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I hate f***en Cop dogs, last year one of the dogs smelled something in my locker (i don't even use my locker) and they tried to make me take a drug test. Needless to say i refused and after my parents refused to give them permission so they could do s*** to me. :fyou Cop dogs.

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It seems like most people agree on this. that they should spend less on anti pot. i can understand some of the harder drugs. So why has nothing changed?


Hell, look at the millions that agree with Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell...there are many idiots in the world that the sane people must drag kicking and screaming into what is right.

Three things we now agree on.

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What the hell kind of high schools do some of you people go to?  :D 


I never saw cops searching peoples lockers and stuff or having dogs sniffing.  Where I was I didn't even think they could search your locker without probable cause.

a high income city. very wealthy teenages and very big high school dealers that there big buisness is to a 6 local citys of 40,000 + people. thats my kind of high school:)

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Isn't it legal to smoke pot in Denmark?  You should move there


You are correct :). although everything is legal there and that makes it bad to see people shooting up in the streets

Only half correct. Drugs that are illegal here and prostitution are legal in Amsterdam but only when done in government approved areas. So, when you go and buy pot in Amsterdam, you are only allowed to legally smoke the pot in an establishment specifically designated for drug use. Same goes for prostitution. Both are very heavily government regulated. So..... "Shooting up in the streets" will get you thrown in an Amsterdam jail just as quickly as it would here in the States.

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So why has nothing changed?

The Christians who run this country are still so ass backwards that they think morals found in some stupid book written some 4,000-2,000 years ago are 100% infallible and like to ram those crappy morals down everyone else's throat.

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What the hell kind of high schools do some of you people go to?  :D 


I never saw cops searching peoples lockers and stuff or having dogs sniffing.  Where I was I didn't even think they could search your locker without probable cause.

My junior year, a senior got busted with like $50,000 of drugs in his car. He was 18 at the time, and I think is now serving a 10-year prison sentence.


And I do think they need probably cause to search a locker, but we had a couple every now and then.

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So why has nothing changed?

The Christians who run this country are still so ass backwards that they think morals found in some stupid book written some 4,000-2,000 years ago are 100% infallible and like to ram those crappy morals down everyone else's throat.

i agree 100% it is the people that live in the past that make this s*** illegal

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