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Reed instead of Crede


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From Phil Rogers,


In about the seventh inning Sunday, Reinsdorf gave his blessing to a bold move by general manager Ken Williams, who borrowed from the future to improve the immediate outlook.


The White Sox paid a high price to get Garcia, 28, whose 3.20 earned-run average ranks fifth in the American League. But Williams is 99 percent certain he can sign Garcia to a contract extension that keeps him off the free-agent market.


Before the game, a White Sox executive had indicated that it was Garcia, not Atlanta's Russ Ortiz, who was the pitcher most being sought. He indicated that the Sox would ask Seattle for a 72-hour window to sign Garcia to an extension.


But according to sources, Williams decided to do the deal with no assurances when Seattle expressed a willingness to take Triple-A outfielder Jeremy Reed, a career .333 hitter, instead of third baseman Joe Crede.


In the early talks between the clubs, Mariners GM Bill Bavasi was asking for Miguel Olivo and Crede. As much as Williams coveted Garcia and his 76-50 career record, he wasn't going to give up two regulars.


Having hit .287 with 11 homers at Double-A Birmingham before a recent suspension for violating a team rule, 22-year-old shortstop Michael Morse was throw-in. He was ranked as the Sox's 17th-best prospect coming into the season, but he and Reed both would have been in the latest top 10.

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Sounds to me like the Sox are gonna try and sign him pretty quickly and if that happens I'll really be stoked.

It also said in that article that KW was 99% sure he would get Freddy signed long - term.

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Crede has been consistently a prime-time player in the 2nd half.

2003: pre-AS .692 (he's currently at .744) OPS

2003: pos-AS .892


2002: pos-AS .826 (912 in Sep)


2001: pos +200 better than pre


Considering he's nearly +50 over this time a year ago, & then posted +200 better

I'm glad Kenny didn't give up Joe yet. He's going to have a big 2nd half.

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Folks, the option wasn't Crede or Olivo it was Crede or Reed and personally I think Crede has a lot more upside then Reed and he's already playing at the major league level and has shown flashes of being a Scott Rolen like 3rd baseman. I know he was slumping early on and he still has to shorten his swing, but he has 30 HR power and should hit in the upper .200's while playing GG defense.


It does suck that Miguel is gone, but the Sox got a very good frontline pitcher and that is what wins ball games.

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I love this trade...yes it hurts to lose MO, but come on guys


MO does not hit right handed pitching well .... everyone here knows it


In Seattle, his pwer #s will suffer even more in that ball park. I am willing to bet with anyone here that MO will not be an all star ever


He will hit 0.250-0.275....I prefer Garcia...that is a stud that can shut down teh darn twinkies and get us to compete against the As and the Yanks


And would you rather lose Crede or Reed...yes, Crede has struggled here, but we have many more OFers in our system than 3rd basemen....and Crede will get his act in the second half....we have seen it before



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yeah losing reed is a lot better then losing crede.... if we lost crede and olivo then i would of been pissed.... now im sad olivo is gone easily my favorite player besides carlos lee on the white sox but freddy garcia is worth a lot more then olivo......... now what would really piss me off is if we dont resign garcia and he goes back to seattle then i would kill KW

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yeah losing reed is a lot better then losing crede.... if we lost crede and olivo then i would of been pissed.... now im sad olivo is gone easily my favorite player besides carlos lee on the white sox but freddy garcia is worth a lot more then olivo......... now what would really piss me off is if we dont resign garcia and he goes back to seattle then i would kill KW

Curious ... are you the former HotSoxChick?


Your posting style is very reminiscent of hers.


I hope so! :D

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