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Interesting read


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Ah, Protest Warriors, the neo-conservatives who support TWAT (The War on Terror)


I was on Fark yesterday and saw that a Utah school passed a ban on anti-war t-shirts because of "real threats of physical violence from pro-war students."


If this student actually got permission to put up the signs, he does have a right to since free speech does not end at the school door as he says citing the case of Tinker v. Des Moines. However, throwing them up randomly isn't the best way to do things. And calling his teacher a socialist? Does he have proof that she's a socialist? It's more sensationalistic because he knew that this unapproved signs would be taken down and then he could take compromising photos.


And if he's saying that she reads Chomsky but then loves Communism then the kid is again somebody who has not read Chomsky. Chomsky tears apart Soviet Russia and its satellites' policies just as often as he critiques capitalist regimes like the US in his books and lectures.


The signs are too simplistic and leave no room for actual debate (i.e. US weapons being sold to Saddam that allowed him to perpetrate his mass murder spree etc.) I also found it mildly amusing that they had a Thomas Paine quote on the page when he was against entangling foreign affairs and quite not Christian.


I have no problem with him putting up his signs, except his ones for the Greens. The Green party is not what he states and is not into socialism. It is into creating greater responsibility for organizations like the WTO etc. It's deception in that sense. However, it could have led to a fruitful debate re: crony capitalism and other topics related to TWAT.

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Yes, it could have led to meaningful debate, but those opposing him resorted to labeling him a racist and threatening violence.


Regarding his decision to "throw them up randomly", sometimes you have to peacefully force the issue to make someone listen.



Disclaimer: Though this was young man had a "conservative" point of view, I feel well thought out protest from either side of the political spectrum is appropriate. As the "liberal" side did so effectively at our nation's educational facilities back in the 1960's.

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