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#5 Dangelo Jimenez


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Yeah very good article. I do not read much on ChiSox.com but that was a pretty interesting article on Jimenez. I just wonder how much of a clubhouse jackass he is or if that's only stupid Padre players that hate him. I hope he is good in the clubhouse, because I cannot take anymore of bad team chemistry crap, IT JUS PISSES ME OFF! :headbang

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Yeah very good article. I do not read much on ChiSox.com but that was a pretty interesting article on Jimenez. I just wonder how much of a clubhouse jackass he is or if that's only stupid Padre players that hate him. I hope he is good in the clubhouse, because I cannot take anymore of bad team chemistry crap, IT JUS PISSES ME OFF! :headbang

After the issues they've had over the past 2 years with Wells and Clayton, I'm very certain the Sox would not have acquired Jimenez if his work ethic and clubhouse presence was sub-par. I think it's just the Padres being bitter about being on a s***ty team. :)

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He better be or else this team is really, really screwed.

No. We're screwed if Garland and Wright have poor years. The success of our offense is not going to depend solely on D'Angelo Jimenez. If he has a great year, then yes, it will have a big impact on things, but if he falters a bit, we're not "screwed" - it will just make things a bit more interesting. If our offense has to score 5 runs to win, we're in good shape. If we have to score 7 or 8 runs to win, we're in trouble.

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I really like Jimenez and Im glad to see that he recovered well from his accident. I think hell be a great leadoff hitter for us this year...

He better be or else this team is really, really screwed.

Well, he performed really well with us this past year and I think he can do it again. From last year, his fullseason stats would be like 116 runs and a decent amount of homeruns and RBIs for a leadoff hitter. But those final two arent important for a leadoff hitter, I think some younger Sox fans might be dissappointed to see that Jiminez wont hit 20 HRs a year but they shouldnt. Power for a leadoff guy is not important. Hes supposed to be fast and good at betting on base, which Jiminez is...

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Nice article.


It's hard not to pull for a guy that returns from a devastating injury like that. Hopefully he'll live up to the potential that he once had.

He may never be as good as he was before injury, but he will always be a great middle infielder. I can't wait to see him on the White Sox staff for a full year. Great addition to the bat and the glove.

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The key stat that has baffled me is how much his stolen base numbers have dropped. This guy was a threat to steal every time he reached base before the injury and I don't think he really lost any speed. Last year, he wasn't running much at all, although he did have quite a few triples, which shows he's got some speed.


I'd like to see him really work on getting more steals.

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I really like Jimenez and Im glad to see that he recovered well from his accident. I think hell be a great leadoff hitter for us this year...

He better be or else this team is really, really screwed.

Well, he performed really well with us this past year and I think he can do it again. From last year, his fullseason stats would be like 116 runs and a decent amount of homeruns and RBIs for a leadoff hitter. But those final two arent important for a leadoff hitter, I think some younger Sox fans might be dissappointed to see that Jiminez wont hit 20 HRs a year but they shouldnt. Power for a leadoff guy is not important. Hes supposed to be fast and good at betting on base, which Jiminez is...

i dont want him to hit homeruns all i want is a .350 obp i could care less how he does it has long has he is on base. :headbang

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I really like Jimenez and Im glad to see that he recovered well from his accident. I think hell be a great leadoff hitter for us this year...

He better be or else this team is really, really screwed.

Well, he performed really well with us this past year and I think he can do it again. From last year, his fullseason stats would be like 116 runs and a decent amount of homeruns and RBIs for a leadoff hitter. But those final two arent important for a leadoff hitter, I think some younger Sox fans might be dissappointed to see that Jiminez wont hit 20 HRs a year but they shouldnt. Power for a leadoff guy is not important. Hes supposed to be fast and good at betting on base, which Jiminez is...

i dont want him to hit homeruns all i want is a .350 obp i could care less how he does it has long has he is on base. :headbang

Agreed...the most important thing out of a leadoff hitter is a good combo of speed and OBP....I'd rather have a guy that had 30 steals and a .350 OBP than a guy who has the capability to steal 60-70 bases but have an OBP of like .320 or have a guy that steals only like 5-10 bases a year but have an OBP of like .390.


Rickey Henderson was a stud from leadoff.....no one was better. A real good eye and real good speed. You got that and you have a stud on your team, immeadiately.

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The key stat that has baffled me is how much his stolen base numbers have dropped.  This guy was a threat to steal every time he reached base before the injury and I don't think he really lost any speed.  Last year, he wasn't running much at all, although he did have quite a few triples, which shows he's got some speed. 


I'd like to see him really work on getting more steals.

so would I - something missing from our arsenal (at least as being done well) the past two seasons

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I really like Jimenez and Im glad to see that he recovered well from his accident. I think hell be a great leadoff hitter for us this year...

He better be or else this team is really, really screwed.

Well, he performed really well with us this past year and I think he can do it again. From last year, his fullseason stats would be like 116 runs and a decent amount of homeruns and RBIs for a leadoff hitter. But those final two arent important for a leadoff hitter, I think some younger Sox fans might be dissappointed to see that Jiminez wont hit 20 HRs a year but they shouldnt. Power for a leadoff guy is not important. Hes supposed to be fast and good at betting on base, which Jiminez is...

I really wouldn't consider a 27-game stint with about 120 plate appearances a "year."


His career .344 OBP isn't bad... I'd prefer an everyday lead off hitter be a tad higher (See Durham, Ray... .352). We'll see... We all saw how good this offense can be when there is a decent lead-off hitter (Lofton in April of '02) and we all saw how god awful they are when they top of the order is not producing.


And, IMO, order of importance to have a solid year for the White Sox to succeed...


1) Garland or Wright (either or, doesn't matter... But one HAS to step up)

2) Jimenez... We need someone to step up and lead off.

3) Thomas... Really need that big stick in the middle of the lineup. Thomas/Ordonez/Konerko/Lee is much more terrifying than Lee/Ordonez/Konerko/Daubauch at the heart of the lineup

4) Olivio/Alomar/Paul... Someone in this organization is going to learn how to catch one of these days.

5) Koch... Good bullpen = lots of wins

6) Colon... Has to prove that last year wasn't some crazy, unduplicable career year.

7) Rowand/Harris... Someone in this organization is going to learn how to play centerfield and hit one of these days.

8) Valentin... Sparkplug for the '00 squad needs to up offensive production to 2000 levels or else becomes a huge defensive liability with no upside

9) Konerko... A season consists of two halves, Paul.

10) Crede... The plus is that no one will challenge Joe for third, the down is that if Joe sucks a fat one, there's no on the Sox can stick at third until you get to like, A ball.

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The key stat that has baffled me is how much his stolen base numbers have dropped.  This guy was a threat to steal every time he reached base before the injury and I don't think he really lost any speed.  Last year, he wasn't running much at all, although he did have quite a few triples, which shows he's got some speed. 


I'd like to see him really work on getting more steals.

With all the big thumpers behind him in the line up, they may not run him very much. In that case, then the OBP will be the important stat for this guy. Any of the next 5 or 6 batters in the order can and should hit 20+ dingers.

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The key stat that has baffled me is how much his stolen base numbers have dropped.  This guy was a threat to steal every time he reached base before the injury and I don't think he really lost any speed.  Last year, he wasn't running much at all, although he did have quite a few triples, which shows he's got some speed.  


I'd like to see him really work on getting more steals.

With all the big thumpers behind him in the line up, they may not run him very much. In that case, then the OBP will be the important stat for this guy. Any of the next 5 or 6 batters in the order can and should hit 20+ dingers.

I agree....OBP is the only stat we should be paying attention to with respect to Jiminez...I don't care how the hell he gets on...hits, walks, errors, heck get yourself hit 30 times....I don't give a s***...all I know is that there are 125 runs sitting there waiting to be had at that spot, so whoever it is better damn well be patient and once they do get on base stay there for the big boys to knock you in....

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The key stat that has baffled me is how much his stolen base numbers have dropped.  This guy was a threat to steal every time he reached base before the injury and I don't think he really lost any speed.  Last year, he wasn't running much at all, although he did have quite a few triples, which shows he's got some speed.  


I'd like to see him really work on getting more steals.

With all the big thumpers behind him in the line up, they may not run him very much. In that case, then the OBP will be the important stat for this guy. Any of the next 5 or 6 batters in the order can and should hit 20+ dingers.

I agree....OBP is the only stat we should be paying attention to with respect to Jiminez...I don't care how the hell he gets on...hits, walks, errors, heck get yourself hit 30 times....I don't give a s***...all I know is that there are 125 runs sitting there waiting to be had at that spot, so whoever it is better damn well be patient and once they do get on base stay there for the big boys to knock you in....

JM said Jimenez has a patient approach at the plate. So that bodes well. However, I would consider running before the end of Maggs AB's to cut down on the DP possibilites.

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