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Here is the thing with Kendall ...


Do they need a catcher right now?  Probably not.  Alex said it best, the combo of the three guys should be fine.


However, would adding Kendall improve the team?  It sure would.  If the Sox, for example, peddled Davis and prospects to Pittsburgh and all the finances worked out ok, that definitely improves the White Sox.


And that's what Williams has been saying, if he can improve the current team, he will do it.


Borchard ... I strongly feel they will not trade him, especially with Reed traded.  He is getting better and better at Charlotte and he's the obvious fall back option if Maggs leaves after the season.


Maggs ... did anyone see the Tribune today, where KW says he has not talked about Maggs to Atlanta at all, but that he's been speaking to Atlanta?


Bottom line, they are talking to Atlanta, but Maggs is not part of the discussion.  Many of us were talking about this last nite.  It makes no sense for the Sox to trade Maggs, period.  The Sox are going for it.  If you're going for it, no way do you trade a guy like Maggs.  Let next year be next year.


IMO, any trades will involve prospects only, and/or someone who is not a "key" on the current roster.  You can bet other teams would have an interest in certain young, cheap White Sox players.  Rowand?  Sure.  Harris?  Maybe.  Marte?  Absolutely, but KW is looking to add to the bullpen, not subtract.  Rauch?  Yes.  Diaz?  Yes.  Those are the types of guys a team like Pittsburgh would want.


That's why, right now, the White Sox trade bullets are the minor league guys.

I totally agree. We don't need Kendall, but he'd be an improvement, because he's able to get on base at a damn good rate, and he calls a good game behind the plate.


It isn't a pressing need - but if Pitt is willing to take on more than half of the contract, without giving up anyone from the current roster/major prospects (someone like Rauch, IMO, should go in a deal like this), then I'd be really happy.

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Change Mesa to Meadows and take out Rowand and I would do it.

Still no - Borchard is our Jeremy Reed now. Borchard must come through, on this White Sox team.


Kendall and Meadows for Rauch and a lower level prospect, and they take on more than half of Kendall's remaining contract. We don't want to take on such a contract like that, so you pay it and give us a little throw in in return for taking the contract off of your hands. ;)

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As much as Kendall, Benson, Mesa would be helpful I wouldn't do that deal. Their are better ways to spend that money and PItt would have to give them to us for free (player wise and salary wise) for it to make sense (whose to say they won't).


I'm just not a Kris Benson fan although he has had a couple of good outings as of late.

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Kip Wells would be the pitcher I'd want (although I'm thinking something is up with him cause his numbers have went funkist).


However, it still brings in a big long term contract and if the Sox have Elo/Freddy/Maggs all as potential walkouts then I'd hate to see Kendall as the reason all of them leave or something along those lines.


I like Kendall, but I think their are other more important needs at this point and other cheaper, better defensive options (Schnider).

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I would love this move. If we were making a move for a standard catcher I would be leery, but Kendal is a legitamte #2 hitter which would be awesome in this line-up. (of course this is all based on Pitt eating some of that contract, that sucker is giant)

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Kip Wells has a circulation problem in his right middle finger that they can't seem to figure out.


He's been having his problems this year, ERA over 5.


If anything happens with the Pirates, think bullpen arm from Pittsburgh too, i.e. Soloman Torres.

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As much as Kendall, Benson, Mesa would be helpful I wouldn't do that deal.  Their are better ways to spend that money and PItt would have to give them to us for free (player wise and salary wise) for it to make sense (whose to say they won't). 


I'm just not a Kris Benson fan although he has had a couple of good outings as of late.

As much as Kendall, Benson, Mesa would be helpful I wouldn't do that deal. Their are better ways to spend that money




Mesa will be a RHP co-set-up-man that we need fo sho.


Kendal might be just an average defensive catcher but his value will be as a Todd Walker (but with speed) type who thrives against good pitching in the playoffs in the #2 hole.


Benson I have no use for. You're getting an expensive pitcher? Go get the best or spend the money somewhere else.


Pirates pay half of Kendall salary beyond 2004, then it's another story.

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Kendal might be just an average defensive catcher but his value will be as a Todd Walker (but with speed) type who thrives against good pitching in the playoffs in the #2 hole.

Who's to say he will thrive in the playoffs?


He's never even sniffed them with Pitt and his contract is horrible.

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Who's to say he will thrive in the playoffs?

His confidence, strike-zone judgement, hand-eye coordination and a contact swing are all top-notch. That OBP would be .400+ on a good team.


He doesn't have the brute strenght or special kind of batspeed to be an All-Star power hitter, but if you have Willie standing on 1st and you need a base-hit to RF off Curt Shilling under ALDS pressure at Fenway, there are few RH 2-hole hitters in baseball I would rather have than Kendal.


Boston fans will tell you that Todd Walker was unbelivable in the playoffs in 2003, esp. compared to overswinging choker Nomar who got eaten alive by good pitching.


Kendall has the potential to be THAT kind of a player for the Sox. The guy who may not hit HR but when he is going good, you can't get him out.


If only he was making 5-6 Mill less.....

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The intriguing thing about Kendall is his numbers suggest his SLG avg would improve greatly at the Cell. Everybody's SLG avg increases at the cell.


His 419 career OBP would fit nicely on the SOX if or when they part with Thomas.

We don't have too many guys with that kind of OBP. For 5 or 6 million a year for a C who can hit 310 w a 420 OBP I think that's a good buy.

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Thank you Brando, enough about Jason Kendall, we aren't getting him.

I'm not so sure about that.


You'd be surprised what can happen with baseball economics, when your team is suddenly on pace to well exceed 2 million paying customers for the first time in years.


Williams is thinking outside the box, we should too if we're attempting to anticipate what he'll do next.


Go down the list of contenders and see who is a realistic viable option for Kendall.

Let's assume the Pirates want to rid themselves of his contract and get a decent cheaper catcher in return.


Actually, I'll save you all some time ... it's basically the Chicago White Sox and the San Diego Padres.


Not saying it will happen, but the possibility is very much there.

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