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More Idiots

Wong & Owens

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What a couple of utter morons. But it definately makes you think about your personal safety before you tell jerks like this to curb their language.


And of course, it helps perpetuate the drunk trash Sox fan image we all have to put up with.


The only ugly incident I witnessed at Friday's Sox-Cubs was in the can, and it was unfortunately a drunk asshole "Sox fan" starting trouble. I know I wasn't the only Sox fan present that wanted to belt the guy.

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What a couple of utter morons.  But it definately makes you think about your personal safety before you tell jerks like this to curb their language.

No kidding.


Brian and I were in Peoria for a AA hockey game and there were these two clowns behind us that were swearing through the whole game (half the time at us and half the time at the team we were cheering for - Clones :headbang :crying ). There were quite a few small children around us and at the end of the game the guy decided he wanted to fight Brian (this was after the guy consumed about a case of beer). Being the hot-headed Irish-Kraut that he is, he wasn't about to walk away from a fight (until I told him he'd be walking back from Peoria after he calls his brother to bail him out cuz I wasn't about to do that). By then the security guards broke it up. I was stunned that the parents didn't seem to care about the language being used in front of their kids (ages ranging from 5-12) - not one of them went to the usher or the guards that were walking around the stadium through the game. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

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I dont understand the big deal about bad language...


Everyone will use it some time in thier life... There is no avoiding it, its just a part of life...


I remember when I use to be scared to cuss when i was little but now im in college and my parents dont even care... I dunno


but starting a fight over it is not the answer

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I dont understand the big deal about bad language...


Everyone will use it some time in thier life... There is no avoiding it, its just a part of life...


I remember when I use to be scared to cuss when i was little but now im in college and my parents dont even care... I dunno


but starting a fight over it is not the answer

It's different when you are a parent. You want to protect your kids from just about anything you can, and that includes foul language.


It's not that you really can protect your kids from everything, but it shouldn't be too much to ask fellow gamegoers to watch their language with kids in attendance. It's something I have made a point of long before I became a parent, probably since back in high school. Every adult has probably accidentally dropped an F-bomb or two around kids, but it's just common courtesy to try not to do it and especially to respect a parent's request for the sake of their kids.


Adults should be capable of understanding there are times when profanity is appropriate and times where it is not. The words in and of themselves are not evil, and nobody's going to he2xhockysticks for using them. But kids grow up fast enough as it is without being showered with profanity from all sides.


This topic has already been discussed at length on Pale Hose I see, and I'm not planning on adding to the argument. But I think the cop and his wifge had every right to confront the Brothers Idiotic about their language. Who knew they would get violent over it? It's like predicting who's going to pull a gun on you in traffic if you flip them off for cutting you off, you just assume the people around you are not THAT detached from reality.


If I was at the park and had inadvertently offended someone around me by my language, I woulkd appreciate it if they talked to me first and asked me to cool it before setting security on me. Again i know that's just because I know my response would be apologetic and I would respect the request, but I think it's in your rights to ask others to watch their mouths.

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I dont understand the big deal about bad language...


Everyone will use it some time in thier life... There is no avoiding it, its just a part of life...


I remember when I use to be scared to cuss when i was little but now im in college and my parents dont even care... I dunno


but starting a fight over it is not the answer

Of course you don't...And that is evident by your promotion in your sig and avatar of thugs and felons like 50 Cent and 2Pac.

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What do you do if you're a fan watching this scene? I'd think I'd jump in and stop them, but then does a riot ensue?

I'm not getting in the middle of 3 guys throwing punches, especially considering my age and size. If anyone was hitting someone younger, or a girl, i might change my mind then.

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I'm not getting in the middle of 3 guys throwing punches, especially considering my age and size. If anyone was hitting someone younger, or a girl, i might change my mind then.

Yet you failed to defend me when that beer got spilled on my purse last year... :rolleyes:

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