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Another Black eye

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Maybe Mariotti paid these guys to beat someone up. Maybe Mariotti paid someone to run on the field and assault a coach.


Jay, please don't report it. We cannot handle the truth, it's too scary. Please just tell us happy news! Yeah. Tell us how everything is perfect and we're the best. We like happy news! Tell us this was an evil plot by Cub fans and we'll believe it.



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They've been revoked for 3 years.

There goes that theory.


My theory is Moronotti can't do research himself...He didn't know it happened. Then after he saw somebody else do the story, he said oh s***...how come I didn't get on this...I can't miss the opportuniy. So he then proceeded to talk about it on his radio show all day yesterday and print a lovely full page article regarding it and the big bad cell in todays paper. He is such an asshole.


My second theory is he knew about it, but figured it wouldn't get much coverage with the cubs sox series going on over the weekend....and then we had the trade Sunday night....so it wasn't brought up Monday....ahhh Tuesday is an off day to stir the pot...

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Maybe Mariotti paid these guys to beat someone up. Maybe Mariotti paid someone to run on the field and assault a coach.


Jay, please don't report it. We cannot handle the truth, it's too scary. Please just tell us happy news! Yeah. Tell us how everything is perfect and we're the best. We like happy news! Tell us this was an evil plot by Cub fans and we'll believe it.



Tex.. why don't you stop f***ing generalizing?

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They just didn't renew it.

because of his negative columns?


I heard variously that he got into an argument with someone, a player at USCF and that he never came to the park anyway. I was just wondering what the reason was for not renewing.

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because of his negative columns?


I heard variously that he got into an argument with someone, a player at USCF and that he never came to the park anyway.  I was just wondering what the reason was for not renewing.

I'd imagine whatever the reasons, they're good ones. Don't believe s*** you hear that he got in a fight with a player though. Jay's never even been in the clubhouse.

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There goes that theory. 


My theory is Moronotti can't do research himself...He didn't know it happened.  Then after he saw somebody else do the story, he said oh s***...how come I didn't get on this...I can't miss the opportuniy.  So he then proceeded to talk about it on his radio show all day yesterday and print a lovely full page article regarding it and the big bad cell in todays paper.  He is such an asshole.


My second theory is he knew about it, but figured it wouldn't get much coverage with the cubs sox series going on over the weekend....and then we had the trade Sunday night....so it wasn't brought up Monday....ahhh Tuesday is an off day to stir the pot...

The fact that he stole columns from WSI posts tells me all I need to know about his research ability.

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Tex.. why don't you stop f***ing generalizing?

Ok. everyone that say's


Boo hoo :crying Mommy, Jay doesn't like me. Everytime something bad happens he tells everyone. :crying :crying Mommy please make him go away. He makes me sad. :angry:


Please grow up as the thread title says. It's a big world, not everyone likes everything.


Everyone else (especially Steff) ignore the above.

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This happened during the Cleveland series, was reported on the news last Thursday night, and Moronotti doesn't bother to mention it until his press parking privileges were revoked?  GEE, DO YOU THINK THIS IS A PERSONAL VENDETTA?

I really believe it's time for Sox management to stand up for themselves, their ballpark, their neighbourhood, their fans.  They need to call ESPN and tell them that either Moronotti gets his ass thrown off the air, or they're pulling their games off of ESPN and moving to the SCORE. 


And I'd pull the ass hole's press credentials and ban him from the ballpark.  For his own good, of course.

Welcome to Soxtalk...finally!!




First round at the JJ is on me!


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Maybe Mariotti paid these guys to beat someone up. Maybe Mariotti paid someone to run on the field and assault a coach.


Jay, please don't report it. We cannot handle the truth, it's too scary. Please just tell us happy news! Yeah. Tell us how everything is perfect and we're the best. We like happy news! Tell us this was an evil plot by Cub fans and we'll believe it.



The article by Mariotti did mention there were problems occuring at other ballparks, including Wrigley.


But IMO, he just goes overboard with this stuff. The two guys goofball brothers were hooligans. Hooligans are everywhere. Of course the kids are traumatized and that's the worst part of all. Looking back, the parents caught a raw deal being cuffed around by two hooligans but I bet you the dad wishes he'd handled things a little differently too. It is mostly the two goofballs fault, maybe 95%.


Mariotti is a columnist and he's paid to generate reaction. He could care less if it's positive or negative. He dislikes Reinsdorf and Harrelson and many others at U.S. Cellular. He knows Sox fans are passionate and that we have chip on our shoulder about media coverage. So he plays right into that, and the cycle continues. Mariotti absolutely LOVES it when there's a negative reaction to his columns, that gets his creative juices flowing. He's much like an actor.


His columns are overly dramatic and yes, he goes out of his way to tweak the White Sox organization every chance he gets. But you know what, he used to do that to the Cubs too ... mid-90's, and later on when Ed Lynch was over there.


So he's an equal opportunity jagoff if you ask me :lol:


Seriously, this guy is just doing his job unfortunately. It's the nature of the Sun Times to have sensationalism, it sells newspapers. They always have a picture of some hot woman in the sports section every day - sensationalism. He is what he is.

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Maybe Mariotti paid these guys to beat someone up. Maybe Mariotti paid someone to run on the field and assault a coach.


Jay, please don't report it. We cannot handle the truth, it's too scary. Please just tell us happy news! Yeah. Tell us how everything is perfect and we're the best. We like happy news! Tell us this was an evil plot by Cub fans and we'll believe it.



I don't think anyone is saying that Tex. Just that he longs for these opportunities to name the "sox fan" the black sheep of fans. He talks and writes as if the park is the cell from hell and the fans are all evil. We have had 150,000+ walking in and out of those gates over the last 10 days....The way Jay writes you would think 75% were hooligans.

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Don't believe s*** you hear that he got in a fight with a player though. Jay's never even been in the clubhouse.

thank you!


that says something about one supposed in the know source...


thank you very much - nice to get the word from someone who is worthy of trust :headbang

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I have been involved in incidents like this where drunken idiots were swearing HARDCORE in front of my son. I ask them to stop once to be polite...the second time, I'll tell them I will contact the ever-present security. Third time I do.


I am not talking about "Damn"s and even the occasional "s***".


I'm talking x-rated dialouge, f-bombs every other word...


I would not engage in a fight with them, unless they physically attacked me first.

God forbid if my Wife jumped in, they'd be in the hospital...


Anyway...use common sense and the police Uncle Jerry provides...


Thats what I do...and carry gum, cause smoking stinks!




if you guys think the cell is bad..try riding the metra trains at night back to the suburbs...omg...some of the most disgusting individuals on this planet...we went to the sox braves game saturday night a few weeks ago..had a great time with the kids...we took the train back to elk grove and omg..the behavior of some of the people just was sickening...people drunk off their butts dropping "f'' bombs everywhere..so pycho woman who was celebrating her 46 th birthday , looking more like 66 decided to take off her shirt and run around the train topless ..of course all the drunks were making all kinds of jokes like , hey i cant tell if those are her breasts or her knees....and she was so drunk she didnt even realize everyone was making fun of her...sad thing was she had her 23 year old daughter with her..felt bad for the poor conductor trying to remove her from the train (lol)


i figured confronting these people was futile so i used the time to show my sons how out of control alcohol and how stupid alcohol can make you act if you abuse it...i asked my sons if they saw their mother acting like that one woman was how would they feel???....i believe thats a much better way to handle those kinds of situations then telling a bunch of drunks to shut up and quit swearing because you have kids present....at best they will just laugh you off and make fun of you in foront of your kids...then you have to deal with your kids watching you being insulted and seeing how you handle it...and that situation , especially for guys could lead to them starting a fight because they dont want to look whimpy in front of the kids...and is that the image you want your kids to see of you???


and at worst you get what happens to the cop at the cell...you get jumped by 2 or more drunks and your kids get to watch you get pummeled..scaring them pretty bad...

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