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Hair-do from hell


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The hair-do from hell


She said: "I left the salon at 8pm on the Friday and the next day my scalp started itching and I saw blood and dye on my headscarf.


"I went to hospital and they gave me some tablets, but when I woke up on Monday the top of my head was three times bigger than normal and my eyes were swollen as well.


"I looked like Frankenstein's monster. I could hardly see anything and I was really scared because I truthfully thought I was going to stay like that. I thought I was going to go blind.


"I wanted to look like Beyonce not ET." She added: "My mum calls me the Elephant Man. I have hardly spoken to anyone because I could see from the corner of my eye that people were giving me funny looks."



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Why does this woman have a case against the salon if she's allergic...? Does that mean I can sue Red Lobster for the first time I got hives from the shrimp..?


It's not like they had malitious intent.


If she sues them... I say they should counter sue because she neglected to tell them she was allergic.

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Why does this woman have a case against the salon if she's allergic...? Does that mean I can sue Red Lobster for the first time I got hives from the shrimp..?


It's not like they had malitious intent.


If she sues them... I say they should counter sue because she neglected to tell them she was allergic.

Would it depend on whether they did the allergy test before dyeing her hair? I know on dye boxes they tell you to test a little of the dye on scalp part or some of them say near your elbow/wrist area...

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Would it depend on whether they did the allergy test before dyeing her hair?  I know on dye boxes they tell you to test a little of the dye on scalp part or some of them say near your elbow/wrist area...

I ate shrimp all my life until one day I had a reacton to it. :huh

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