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Spiderman 2


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It's necessary to see the first one, unless you know the story.  It's so true to the comic books.

He got bite by a spider, and turned into Spiderman....kinda like Catwoman? :lol: I know that much, that's about all. Also, he loves that one girl who he kissed upside down, no?

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The next Spidey movie sould have Venom in it! He is my fav. Spidey villian. Just look at the guys costume. PP should turn into venom then back to spidey.

The way they set it up; he at least won't be in the next one. I don't want to spoil it, because it seems a lot of you are going to see this soon.

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The Next Spiderman they make is going to have Harry Osbourne as the Hob Goblin (The same thing as The Green Goblin, just orange)


In case you didnt pay attention, Harry stumbled across his Dad's (The Green Goblin) secret room with the Human Growth things and all the bombs and Glider... Harry turns into the Hob Goblin and thats what the next one is going to be about... Its true to the comic

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I saw it tonight.  The reviews were right; this movie was AWESOME.  It was so much better than the first.


The only bad thing I can say about Spiderman right now, is that the next movie won't come out until 2007. 


Everyone see it.

I saw it on Tuesday and was pretty much dis-interested in the movie. I liked the first one better.


However, I think part of the reason was it was like 1 AM on Tuesday and I was really thinking sleep would of been the better idea :lol:

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"Spoiler ahead" would have been nice.  :dips***

go watch the f***ing movie, I said like one thing.... It didnt spoil anything, insted of being a b**** about it you could just keep your mouth shut??


I mean, is that possible?

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You can't do the Venom story without doing the black costume story and the Secret Wars story..


They will have to go away from the comic books if they want to bring Venom in for a movie.





I'm looking forward to Venom though.


(Being the resident geek I am) :headbang

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