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Spiderman 2


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go watch the f***ing movie, I said like one thing.... It didnt spoil anything, insted of being a b**** about it you could just keep your mouth shut??


I mean, is that possible?


I will.. when I get a chance. In the mean time why don't you have some consideration for those who haven't seen it instead of being an ignorant little prick and calling people names when they point out your inconsiderate behavior.


As for not being a b****... no, it's not possible. But thanks for your concern. ;)

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Just in case Man of Steel and Steff take this thread wildly off-topic, I would like to throw in a question now...


If I didn't like the first one, will I like this one?

Go see the f***ing movie.. :dips***



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As for not being a b****... no, it's not possible. But thanks for your concern.  ;)

I am going to steal a line from a movie (a Steven King movie I can't remember the name of at the moment):


"Sometimes being a b**** is all a woman has to hold on to." ;)


And a morphed Muppets Movie quote:


"b**** not name, b**** job." (Original quote was "Jack not name, Jack job.")


:D :lol:

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Just in case Man of Steel and Steff take this thread wildly off-topic, I would like to throw in a question now...


If I didn't like the first one, will I like this one?

Not a clue. I think the story's probably deeper in this one than it was in the first. The first was just basically the introduction to Spiderman. I personally liked the first one also.

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I will.. when I get a chance. In the mean time why don't you have some consideration for those who haven't seen it instead of being an ignorant little prick and calling people names when they point out your inconsiderate behavior.


As for not being a b****... no, it's not possible. But thanks for your concern.  ;)

Ok you know what.... When you enter a thread titled "Spiderman 2" maybe you should EXPECT that people are talking about the movie.... just maybe??


If you didnt wanna read anything about it you should have never entered the Thread... use some common sense..


And on another note, I was asked to apologize to you for "lashing out" which I am going to say right now I WILL NOT DO.. Sorry, I just dont like you Steff.. Ever since ive joined this board ive had a problem with you, maybe because its the fact that you think your some badass who everyone has to like or your just going to be rude to them.. Ive seen you do it to lots of people.. so no, I will not apologize to you, I would rather take the suspension..


I guess you take pride in having a war of words with a 20 yr old over a message board? I dunno, but if I am going to be held responsible for "lashing out" and your not gonna be told anything for your response, calling me a prick or whatever, I guess thats how it has to be.


I have nothing more to say

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Ok you know what.... When you enter a thread titled "Spiderman 2" maybe you should EXPECT that people are talking about the movie.... just maybe??


If you didnt wanna read anything about it you should have never entered the Thread... use some common sense..


And on another note, I was asked to apologize to you for "lashing out" which I am going to say right now I WILL NOT DO.. Sorry, I just dont like you Steff.. Ever since ive joined this board ive had a problem with you, maybe because its the fact that you think your some badass who everyone has to like or your just going to be rude to them.. Ive seen you do it to lots of people.. so no, I will not apologize to you, I would rather take the suspension..


I guess you take pride in having a war of words with a 20 yr old over a message board? I dunno, but if I am going to be held responsible for "lashing out" and your not gonna be told anything for your response, calling me a prick or whatever, I guess thats how it has to be.


I have nothing more to say

Yea.. I expected it to be talked about.. and when a spoiler is posted it's warned beforehand. C'mon.. you're hardly new here. Movies are talked about all the time and others are considerate enough to warn before they ruin it for others. That's common sense.


You don't like me... :crying







You have a wonderful day, kiddo.

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Yea.. I expected it to be talked about.. and when a spoiler is posted it's warned beforehand. C'mon.. you're hardly new here. Movies are talked about all the time and others are considerate enough to warn before they ruin it for others. That's common sense.


You don't like me...  :crying







You have a wonderful day, kiddo.

Ever notice how someone that's let's say, oh ... 20 years old or so, will act like a 20 year old and then try and b****slap you for arguing with a 20 year old?



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Ever notice how someone that's let's say, oh ... 20 years old or so, will act like a 20 year old and then try and b****slap you for arguing with a 20 year old?



I felt it would be rude to point out the irony.. :lol: :lolhitting

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Great now im gonna get teamed up on by the older people :huh:


I guess im just a young whipper snapper?.. is that still cool terms used by you guys?





I know I am hardly new here but I havent seen any movie threads before because I had never really looked in this section of Soxtalk.com till the MVP Baseball Thread..


I didnt spoil anything for you, people were wondering who the third Spiderman villian was gonna be and I told them because I knew... so what?


I said something that happens in the movie for like 3 minutes... theres about 2 hours that I didnt even say... I didnt spoil anything

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I didnt spoil anything for you, people were wondering who the third Spiderman villian was gonna be and I told them because I knew... so what?

No - you didn't just say 'Green Goblin will be the next villain.' You went on about a whole scene, which, IMO, is pretty vital to the movie and to the next movie.



Anyways - Getting back to who the next villain for Spiderman 3 is going to be, if they are, in fact, following the same series as the comic books (I found this out from my friend who knows a lot more about the whole series than I do), then the next villain should be the Electric guy. I forgot his name and stuff, but if you went on the Spiderman ride at Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios, or just plain know the Spiderman series, you'll know who I'm talking about.

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Anyways - Getting back to who the next villain for Spiderman 3 is going to be, if they are, in fact, following the same series as the comic books (I found this out from my friend who knows a lot more about the whole series than I do), then the next villain should be the Electric guy.  I forgot his name and stuff, but if you went on the Spiderman ride at Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios, or just plain know the Spiderman series, you'll know who I'm talking about.


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