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john kruk blast carlos


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my favorite point


"I don't want to sound like I'm calling Lee out on this. Sure, I blame him, partially. But some of the blame needs to go to front office and the manager, Ozzie Guillen, for putting up with that.



The very next inning, Ozzie should have waited until their pitcher was ready to go, called time-out and pulled Lee in front of everyone in the whole damn stadium -- with the TV cameras rolling, too.



You better believe Lee would have gotten the message then."




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Allow the pitchers to pitch inside and this will stop. If not then install a rule that if a hitter "shows up" the pitcher when he hits a deep one, both benches are warned that if someone else does it they get tossed with the manager.

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When Kruk has balls enough to blast Bonds, Griffey or Soso for doing the same or worse, I will give that comment the respect he is seeking. Yes, he mentions them in passing at the bottom of the story, but until he makes one of the big guys front and center, he is just a big wuss.

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Whether or not Kruk has a bias against the Sox, he's right about this.

I'd really rather not wait until the showboating costs the Sox a game to address it.

He obviously didn't learn anything from last time.

Not gonna harp on it, though....

He's not bias at all towards the Sox. He's said on air that Ozzie's one of his best friends; I think he's just more upset as a fan. He really seems like he's pulling for the Sox this year.

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He is saying that C-Lee is lazy and that he doesnt play hard. C-Lee busts his butt. There is no problem looking at a bomb if you know its gone. Im pissed that C-lee got caught in the act and thrown out at 2nd. Look at what happened to Mientkiewicz yesterday. It cost them the game. The difference...we won that game and yes, Carlos OWES Jose. But like I said yesterday, I dont care if Carlos does the Riverdance as long as it SURELY leaves the premisis. Also, why does he rip C-Lee and not Sosa, Bonds, Griffey, Thome, and even A-Rod. f***ing b****ass Sosa does the hop on a f***ing flyball caught 20 feet sort of the wall and no one says s***. Bonds hits a bomb that goes off the wall, yeah he poses, but he gets a double, does anyone say s***? Griffey, Thome, and A-Rod wacth their HR's too. No one says s***. Thats bulls***. Call out everyone not just one person.

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What would ripping CLee in such a public manner have accomplished? Nothing but causing trouble. You count on CLee learning from the incident and move on. I think Ozzie handled it properly.

You count on CLee learning? Thats a good one. CLee has been picked off so many times in his career. That is another trait of laziness and lack of focus. He is one of our best players, unfortunately he is also one of the dumbest in the game. Good luck on him learning anything unless Ozzie pulls him to the side and reprimands him in front of everyone.

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You count on CLee learning? Thats a good one. CLee has been picked off so many times in his career. That is another trait of laziness and lack of focus. He is one of our best players, unfortunately he is also one of the dumbest in the game. Good luck on him learning anything unless Ozzie pulls him to the side and reprimands him in front of everyone.

That's fine, but if CLee is as dumb as you and others let on and constantly getting picked off hasn't taught him a lesson, a public dressing down isn't going to do it either. A child learns not to touch a hot stove quicker by getting burned than having mommy yell at him. The problem here is that Lee is a grown man that isn't going to appreciate getting humiliated. Typically, I don't give a crap about players' feelings, but we have a chance to do something special this year and Lee is a big part of that. No use in losing him now.

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What would ripping CLee in such a public manner have accomplished? Nothing but causing trouble. You count on CLee learning from the incident and move on. I think Ozzie handled it properly.

thats just it bob..clee didnt learn...he did the same thing yesterday..he is posing at home plate for a homer that fell in the 2nd row of the bleachers and lew ford almost brought it back into the field of play..HE DIDNT LEARN...because ozzie didnt do anything about it...

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thats just it bob..clee didnt learn...he did the same thing yesterday..he is posing at home plate for a homer that fell in the 2nd row of the bleachers and lew ford almost brought it back into the field of play..HE DIDNT LEARN...because ozzie didnt do anything about it...

I thought Ozzie reemed him a new one when he was thrown out at 2nd after watching instead of running?

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I thought Ozzie reemed him a new one when he was thrown out at 2nd after watching instead of running?

i didnt hear that..in fact i heard something like ozzie said he thought it was gone too...but if he did..it obviously didnt sink in with carlos...who's still posing...i just dont understand why its so hard to run full speed out of the box...


the only guy id actually be willing to give a pass to is thomas...because of his size, age and hammy problems this year

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CLee has been picked off so many times in his career. That is another trait of laziness and lack of focus.

You say a lot of inaccurate s*** on here. Carlos ain't lazy. He's just a bad baserunner.


Carlos has only hit 2 HR since the end of April! Consider this before you blast him for posing. He can't recall what it's like to hit a HR.

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When Kruk has balls enough to blast Bonds, Griffey or Soso for doing the same or worse, I will give that comment the respect he is seeking.  Yes, he mentions them in passing at the bottom of the story, but until he makes one of the big guys front and center, he is just a big wuss.

Right on!

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Isn't this the same CLee that took the extra base the other day when Tom Goodwin slipped? He didn't even see it and just put his head down, knew that Goodwin has no arm, and ran 1st to 3rd without thinking twice.


The same CLee that was considered a poor outfielder and has taken extra fly practice to improve. I don't like the grandstanding either, but it's for the pitchers or managers to send a message, not the umpires or John Kruk or the league office. It ain't goin' away.


And it's in all sports...TO and Joe Horn in football, Antoine Walker and Kobe in B-ball, etc.

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Isn't this the same CLee that took the extra base the other day when Tom Goodwin slipped?  He didn't even see it and just put his head down, knew that Goodwin has no arm, and ran 1st to 3rd without thinking twice. 


The same CLee that was considered a poor outfielder and has taken extra fly practice to improve.  I don't like the grandstanding either, but it's for the pitchers or managers to send a message, not the umpires or John Kruk or the league office.  It ain't goin' away. 


And it's in all sports...TO and Joe Horn in football, Antoine Walker and Kobe in B-ball, etc.

It is the same CLee. Ozzie and Carlos can work out anything they need to work out. I am tired of CLee bashing.

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Yea, he'll bust his ass running down a fly ball. He'll bust his ass in a gapper situation to get to second, etc.


The point is though, when you hit the ball, GO. In other words, go about your business, don't stand there and admire. It's bad sportsmanship, IMO. Whether it's Berroids swinging and strutting, or ShamME doing his hop on a fly ball, or Carlos standing there and admiring, it's bad class. Other areas of his game can overshadow that, but how many people on here would scream bloody murder if in the playoffs it cost him a potential game tying double? That's what I am talking about. It's rare, yea, but it's a BAD habit.


It's not bashing the snot out of Carlos. It's me wishing that he would work on a weakness that can be dearly costly down the road. If it were once, it would be one thing, but more then that, bad habits can cost you and your team games.

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It is the same CLee.  Ozzie and Carlos can work out anything they need to work out.  I am tired of CLee bashing.





As for the staement about Lee getting picked off. I don't get to see but a fraction of the games. How many times has this happened this year?


In general, I don't think Carlos is a bad baserunner at all. And he damn sure is not lazy.

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The point is that Lee could have cost them the game by not playing hard. That's my problem.



OK, if you need to know, the White Sox won the game in extra innings on a homer by Jose Valentin. Hey, Lee -- you owe Jose dinner.



Obviously, someone didn't watch this game from start to finish. Because if he did, he would've known that Jose won the game for the Sox the previous day. This incident which he mentions happened the following day.



Before you call someone out for showboating, how about having your facts straight first? But then again, that wouldn't be the ESPN way, would it?

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