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During the singing of "God Bless America" in the seventh inning, an image of Cheney was shown on the scoreboard. It was greeted with booing, so the Yankees quickly removed the image.


This is actually far from the truth.


I was sitting in the bleachers Tuesday and when they showed cheney there was no initial reaction. I turned to my friend and said "Do these people even know who Dick Cheney is?" Finally a low rumble of boo's and cheers emerged from the stadium (people must not have been watching the jumbotron), and a minor "4 more years" chant broke out. While a ton of people did boo, the image was up there for a good deal of time, and neither the boo's nor the cheers were overwhelming.


If anything, I would say noone cared because a-the yankees were kicking boston's ass and their fans only cared about the 'boston sucks' chan. and b-boston fans were too depressed to boo.


As a Time's subscriber, I have grown to love the liberal slant it puts on things...but this appears to be simple misreporting.

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