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All-Star Game Commercials

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Have you guys seen these All-Star Game Commercials on Fox? They play Blues Brothers music and have a car driving around making announcements.


What the Helll???? Houston has NOTHING to do with the Blues Brothers!! If anything, they should have used that last year! Appernetly they thought of it AFTER last years All-Star game and thought "HEY, that's a great idea!" Too bad they are using CHICAGO to market a game in Houston

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Well last season was the first time that "It counted." :rolleyes: So they were so worried about enforcing the "This time it counts."  theme.

still a really dumb ass idea.

Here is an idea... the team with the best regular season record record in the World Series gets home field advantage

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What I find ironic in that commercial is they're playing music from the Blues Brother, a classic film made in Chicago, yet no players from either Chicago team appear in the commercial itself. Ooooooookay.

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What I find ironic in that commercial is they're playing music from the Blues Brother, a classic film made in Chicago, yet no players from either Chicago team appear in the commercial itself.  Ooooooookay.

And they managed to snub most of the Chicago players...

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