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NCAA Football 2005


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create-a-player seems decent to me, can't really answer your question because i don't think I ever used it last year.


And w/ a dial-up, your gameplay probably will be pretty choppy/laggy.....

damn, that sux... :angry:

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Hope all u guys are enjoying the game at the moment, sounds pretty sweet. I can't wait to get it, hook my PS2 up downstairs with the Dolby Surround Sound system I got, and hear some big time crowd noise! :headbang

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What team are you? My problem is probably because I'm Northwestern, Noah Herron isn't really a fast back. Only 86 speed. :angry:


EDIT: One more question, SnB. Have you figured out the celebrations yet>? It says that R2+Square will do a player celebration, yet every time I do it, it cuts to the fans. I am mucho confused.. :unsure:

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Shouldnt 86 speed still outrun linemen ??

Yeah I was a bit overexaggerating, sorry about that. I think I've found my offense. It took four games but I found it.


I just had a drive that felt so f***ing good. 11 plays, 58 yards. Nice and slow. I ran it down their throats. The option and the draw are working for me... yes yes yes! :headbang

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What team are you?  My problem is probably because I'm Northwestern, Noah Herron isn't really a fast back.  Only 86 speed.  :angry:


EDIT:  One more question, SnB.  Have you figured out the celebrations yet>?  It says that R2+Square will do a player celebration, yet every time I do it, it cuts to the fans.  I am mucho confused..  :unsure:

i've been michigan/illinois so far and both had pretty fast backs.

And for celebrations, I think I've figured it out.

You either hold L2 or R2 AND O/triangle/square. (L2-mild celebrations, R2-extreme celebrations)

I'm not sure the specifics, but each button is either for fans/players/mascots....

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I was gonna get the game sunday

Me too. That's when I get my next paycheck, so I was gonna wait, but w/ all this talk of it, I don't know if I can take it anymore. I guess I'll have to quit reading this thread until I get it. :crying

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i've been michigan/illinois so far and both had pretty fast backs.

And for celebrations, I think I've figured it out.

You either hold L2 or R2 AND O/triangle/square.  (L2-mild celebrations, R2-extreme celebrations)

I'm not sure the specifics, but each button is either for fans/players/mascots....

But everytime I do it, I always get the fans, never the players, whether I hit square, circle, or triangle. Oh - nevermind - now I got it. Pracitce makes perfect, I guess. :lol:


Anyways, take a look at the Sox schedule. Maybe we can get together for that Minny series in late July? Well, let me know.

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this game is BADASS


Maryland whooped my ass 33 - 10 in my first game as K State but I started a TRUE freshman at QB and he was definatley rattled... Fumbling 4 times throwing an INT and completing a LOW number of passes...


This game is awesome

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Anyways, take a look at the Sox schedule.  Maybe we can get together for that Minny series in late July?  Well, let me know.

Well, this is my last week of work before I have an entire month off before leaving for school in august. So i'll definitely be able to go to alot more games. Let me know when your planning it....

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Well in my first dynasty game w/ illinois (all american diff.) I NARROWLY edged florida A&M 55-0!  God they were terrible.  And my starters only played the 1st half too...

Bit of an ass kicking there SoxnBears, 55-0. :lol:

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Well in my first dynasty game w/ illinois (all american diff.) I NARROWLY edged florida A&M 55-0!  God they were terrible.  And my starters only played the 1st half too...

Hopefully that's how it is in real life too! :headbang Go Illini!

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Damn this game is absolutely sick!!! My friend got it and he called me over tonight. We were IU of course, and we only played on the varsity ranking. It was sweet; we played ND in South Bend for the first game. The crowd was awesome; I loved that. It's awesome how the match sticks change throughout the game. We won that game in OT 17-14. We then played the rivalry game with Purdue at Bloomington; damn we took an ass beating there, 45-12. It also wasn't much for a crowd either; it was like crickets after playing at Notre Dame. Next, we just played a quarter in Flordia; that crowd was INSANE to the fullest. Awesome stuff.


After that, we messed around with a dynasty. We simulated the first season, and went through the recruiting processes. I had a blast just running through the recruiting process.


Awesome awesome game! :headbang

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Alright, i can barely see the computer screen because i just played about 6 hours of this game with 'minor' breaks like the ncca booklet says to do....haha


Observations and thoughts....


Alright i have to share my first TD story. I start out with Illinois vs NW, first quarter i get to the 12, throw a pass into the endzone. Hits a NW player in the head, off another NW players hands, off ANOTHER NW players hands, and i run and press triangle to catch it at the very side of the endzone. Ridiculous.


The celebrations thing is hard for me right now. I keep getting fans going nuts...which is pretty cool, but i want to do player celebrations. I can get them to work sometimes on breakaway touchdowns, and that's about it.


Home field advantage is just crazy. I played in the Big House with ND and my controller just rattled all game long. And if you turn the speakers up to just a normal volume, the stadium still seems loud. Don't try calling hot routes and audibles if the crowd is up to the max, players don't know what the hell is going on. Also, another cool thing, is if you are going out of the shotgun, when you press X to snap it, the QB lifts his leg...then a second or two later the snap takes place. Usually in any game you press X and the ball is immediately snapped. Not in this case...this game is so realistic.


Kicking field goals on the road is hard as hell too, the screen is shaking and your hands are trembling along with the controller. It's major pressure. I've already missed a fair share from 35+


The big hit button is cool, it can help you pass defend by knocking the ball out of their hands. If you can time it right with your safeties, it's good to use (L2). Sprinting to the ball is good to do with secondary players but with linebackers you can get burned big time if the ball carrier makes one quick move.


I've had more success running the ball than passing it. I thought i read somewhere in a producer interview where running up the middle would be easier if you have a good line. This is very true. You don't have to run everything to the outside anymore if you go where the hole is supposed to be. Passing has been tough because the secondary has made a lot of late hits on the receiver.


The matchup stick stuff is real nice. You can check out the oline vs dline matchup, linebackers vs backfield, or secondary vs receivers. Gives you a green for good or red for bad rating, as well as a composure rating. Guys like Brady Quinn are rattled as hell playing in Michigan and have little composure...no wonder i threw some picks with him. This game is incredibly realistic in that sense. If you have a drive to win the game, you have to go to your go to guys, or your hot guys for that game. If you go to the ratings during the game, you will notice numbers in parentheses next to guys names, depending on how they are playing. If your receiver is having a huge game, he'll have his rating and then like a +4 or whatever. On offense, you want to get guys rolling. On defense, you have to try not to let their stud guys get hot.


I haven't fumbled all that much in this game thus far, it's been similar to last year. Who knows though.


Just been playing exhibition games for now, but i might start a dynasty soon.


Anyway, this game has lived up to the hype, IMO...at least in the short time i've played it so far. Still have a lot of experimenting to do with different teams and stadiums and the whole dynasty mode.




Ya, Steve and Keith, we should tailgate at a game soon. That Minne series could work out. I will try to get my umping schedule squared away ASAP, but that weekend against Detroit i should be at one of those and Minne possibly both night games. And Keith, i believe that game is called bean bag toss...lol.

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I won't be starting my dynasty till Wendesday, when the first edition rosters come out. But I can't wait till that day. Noah Herron, in each game I've played, has ran for 100+ yards every game. I really need to stick with the running game more often, it works for me. Once I get the passing game down I'll be damn good. :headbang

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Ya, Steve and Keith, we should tailgate at a game soon. That Minne series could work out. I will try to get my umping schedule squared away ASAP, but that weekend against Detroit i should be at one of those and Minne possibly both night games. And Keith, i believe that game is called bean bag toss...lol.

I'm going to the twins game on monday so it's obviously half price. If you guys are going to go to one of the twins game, try making it that game it would be cool to meet you guys.

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Found this on another board, this is a rating of all the teams in NCAA;



Oklahoma 98 92 95 95 95 86 88 85 88

FSU 98 79 93 88 92 91 95 93 89

USC 96 83 90 82 91 87 87 93 98

LSU 95 93 92 82 88 82 93 90 85

Ohio St 95 93 79 87 89 82 87 90 98

Miami 95 86 93 82 90 86 86 91 85

Penn St 93 83 83 82 92 86 86 91 91

Ariz St 92 95 85 89 84 79 87 90 80

Georgia 92 90 95 85 89 77 86 78 89

Maryland 92 91 78 76 90 83 87 90 94

WVU 92 79 90 82 85 89 93 86 85

Michigan 92 76 86 92 85 87 84 90 86

VT 92 85 89 82 83 92 87 82 84

NC State 90 78 80 82 91 83 92 90 91

Iowa 90 95 77 80 86 88 84 84 88

Virginia 90 86 93 78 87 81 80 95 82

Tex A&M 90 78 94 80 86 83 84 89 85

South Miss 90 85 88 77 78 86 83 91 88

Florida 89 76 79 88 87 89 87 78 93

Nebraska 89 82 86 77 93 89 83 83 84

Texas 89 76 81 86 92 95 80 83 82

Fresno St 89 91 79 80 91 86 76 84 86

Wash 89 81 88 78 82 82 90 89 83

UCLA 89 76 90 77 84 83 89 86 82

Tenn 87 82 88 77 84 83 82 83 90

Alabama 87 70 84 70 85 89 88 89 93

California 87 82 81 73 82 88 80 87 94

Cincinnati 87 81 88 88 77 79 80 89 83

Minnesota 87 78 92 74 91 73 80 83 94

ND 87 74 91 82 82 89 74 82 90

Colorado 87 76 88 81 78 87 86 84 83

Okla St 87 95 84 81 78 79 80 90 73

Purdue 87 88 80 85 69 83 83 88 83

South Car 86 79 81 81 88 80 81 82 91

Arizona 86 83 87 81 81 80 77 87 83

Oregon 86 78 89 80 80 88 84 80 79

Louisville 86 91 74 83 80 83 81 86 79

Ol'Miss 86 81 81 80 78 80 89 88 78

K State 86 78 85 81 84 79 82 85 80

BC 86 89 80 80 78 81 76 90 78

Missouri 85 83 74 80 85 87 80 84 82

Iowa St 85 85 83 78 86 80 71 83 85

West Mich 85 76 82 81 74 82 82 88 80

Miss St 83 74 84 67 83 87 80 89 82

Nevada 83 76 84 84 78 83 76 81 82

Boise St 83 89 83 77 79 72 78 90 75

Tulane 83 85 78 81 78 82 76 77 83

Houston 83 76 79 76 74 89 81 83 78

Kansas 82 70 83 86 87 74 80 83 78

Col St 82 78 83 80 74 78 80 84 82

Arkansas 82 78 81 80 80 85 76 81 77

Auburn 82 74 83 77 80 75 81 88 79

BYU 82 91 70 77 87 75 74 85 78

Stanford 82 74 74 73 84 79 83 81 88

Ala-Birm 82 74 80 82 77 79 80 82 80

Buffalo 82 83 78 80 77 80 71 91 73

Syracuse 82 72 89 82 81 79 73 73 84

LA-Monroe 82 72 91 77 78 77 80 83 74

Mich St 82 74 88 76 71 86 76 86 73

Pitt 80 79 75 74 82 89 84 81 75

Hawaii 80 88 82 73 82 74 76 77 85

Oregon St 80 67 72 79 84 81 79 83 89

Marshall 80 74 75 81 84 82 82 75 79

NC 80 78 88 64 79 79 72 90 82

Wake For 80 90 75 74 88 75 73 77 80

Wisconsin 80 67 81 72 79 88 88 80 74

Temple 80 85 78 80 73 78 76 83 75

Wash St 80 70 86 89 75 77 84 77 70

North Ill 80 76 87 83 75 71 80 78 77

S. Florida 80 85 80 77 75 70 73 83 84

Kent St 80 76 83 74 74 80 79 81 77

LA Tech 79 72 83 69 86 80 82 77 78

GA Tech 79 82 81 76 72 73 72 93 77

N Texas 79 76 82 78 84 68 76 89 72

Toledo 79 74 83 77 79 74 83 77 78

BGSU 79 74 82 72 75 82 82 72 85

UNLV 79 78 84 80 73 77 80 67 85

Akron 79 83 79 69 77 84 78 83 70

East Car 79 74 73 75 78 78 73 83 88

N Mex St 79 76 84 71 81 74 80 82 74

New Mex 79 76 75 75 80 74 79 82 80

Tulsa 79 74 85 74 78 73 81 69 86

MidTennSt 79 64 90 74 75 79 81 75 78

Memphis 79 76 89 68 74 79 86 77 64

N'western 77 72 77 77 78 73 75 82 82

Utah 77 74 78 77 81 77 64 84 79

Clemson 77 64 79 75 66 77 87 81 83

Cent Fla 77 72 74 86 72 70 78 84 75

Rutgers 76 74 88 68 74 76 74 77 77

Air Force 76 78 76 77 69 70 73 84 75

UCONN 75 67 79 75 83 73 73 79 74

Baylor 75 76 77 76 74 80 74 67 77

Illinois 75 72 74 84 80 75 74 73 69

Wyoming 75 67 80 70 75 76 80 77 74

Indiana 75 81 84 64 74 68 67 83 75

SDSU 75 81 74 68 67 77 82 74 73

TCU 75 61 88 72 78 72 76 73 75

MiamiOH 75 83 80 77 68 71 64 79 72

Troy St 75 61 88 63 62 84 77 75 75

Kentucky 73 79 79 70 77 79 71 74 66

Ball State 73 92 72 74 69 69 73 70 72

SouthMeth 73 72 76 72 70 81 73 70 74

Utah St 72 74 72 75 78 75 59 80 73

Ark St 72 78 73 74 74 69 74 74 67

Vanderbilt 72 88 83 59 60 70 87 70 58

Cent Mich 70 76 63 64 73 75 72 80 75

East Mich 67 72 72 63 71 76 68 59 80

SJSU 67 74 73 65 70 72 67 77 63

Idaho 67 72 73 72 63 69 74 71 63

S Illinois 67 65 59 58 64 66 64 63 NA

Murray St 66 70 70 64 66 64 73 77 70

Tenn St 66 74 76 58 72 69 59 73 72

Rice 66 92 62 64 65 67 72 67 63

Army 66 79 73 65 69 63 77 68 57

LA-Laf 66 67 68 74 63 67 68 78 64

Towson 65 72 70 58 71 64 77 67 70

Navy 65 59 67 71 70 71 66 72 72

McNeeseSt 65 74 70 59 64 66 76 69 69

SE MO St 65 74 72 64 73 65 59 71 69

J'ville St 65 74 66 60 68 68 64 73 68

East Kent 63 74 69 59 70 66 63 71 69

Tenn Tech 63 72 71 55 73 64 65 72 67

StephFAust 63 70 70 64 60 63 73 72 66

UTEP 63 89 59 62 61 68 67 67 63

Ohio 62 74 71 64 65 65 66 67 62

Duke 62 64 70 60 63 69 68 66 66

FLA-Atl 60 70 70 59 59 62 73 66 67

SamHou St 60 70 70 61 59 62 74 66 64

Will&Mary 60 59 75 64 64 64 78 59 63

TennMart 60 64 69 64 62 60 67 77 59

WCarolina 59 57 62 75 66 76 61 61 59

Montana 57 72 59 58 64 66 61 67 62

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