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Things to throw at ANY Cubs fan who dares to croak

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Cub fans are probably going to try to croak over winning the season series, when, in reality, they have so much to do to even "even up" things from a historical standpoint. If any Cub fan even tries to croak at you, throw out any of these FACTS to shut them up:


1. The White Sox have a better historical winning percentage than the Cubs.

2. The White Sox have finished with a better record than the Cubs in far more seasons.

3. The White Sox have won the only all-Chicago World Series (1906).


5. White Sox fans are more intelligent and better fans than Cubs fans.



We'll get through the next couple of days...Cub fans really can't croak just because they win this season series. They must face history, which points in OUR direction!!!

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Few things



1. I don't think we will be in first place for too long, thanks to the Royals sucking tomorrow.

2. But, for now you can't argue against a first place excuse.

3. don't forget too mention the fact that Frank, Maggs were not in the lineup(tell a cub fan i bet you could not beat us without alou and sosa)

4. Cub fans who rub it in past monday should get punched in the face, let me tell you my good friend works for the Brewers, and that city is primed and ready for the scrubs.


5. Another good excuse, say "how about them Cardinals.

6. FInally, say "how does it feel to win a game due to a rain out.

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