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Guest hotsoxchick1

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just like the report says..if you hate capitalism and religion youll hate america..there you go ripping on pat robertson because he is religous...you always try and twist the truth...no one is advocating killing iraqis...just like no one was advocting the killing of serbs in kosovo....


if you really want this war averted then you and all your buddies that think like you should be pressuring saddam and not president bush....if the UN had presented a united front against saddam he might have very well stepped down from power...or one of his many general who all have to realize that they will all die in war and have no chance at victory might have found a way to execute saddam...but the UN is sending mixed messages...that will surely lead to war...

I don't hate Pat because he is religious. I hate him because he perverts his religion. "The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians." -- Pat Robertson, fundraising letter, 1992


"I think we ought to close Halloween down. Do you want your children to dress up as witches? The Druids used to dress up like this when they were doing human sacrifice... [Your children] are acting out Satanic rituals and participating in it, and don't even realize it."--Pat Robertson, "The 700 Club," 10/29/82


(You do let your kids go trick-or-treating, right Baggio? Then you are also anti-Patty Pat)


Petersburg Times, June 26, 1994; Bailey Smith, a founding father of Robertson's Christian Coalition, once told 15,000 people at a Religious Roundtable briefing in Dallas, "With all due respect to those dear people, my friend, God Almighty does not hear the prayer of a Jew."


The Los Angeles Times, reprinted in The Religious Right: The Assault of Tolerance & Pluralism in America, produced by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL); "It's like guerrilla warfare....It's better to move quietly, with stealth, under cover of night. You've got two choices: You can wear cammies and shimmy along on your belly or you can put on a red coat and stand up for everyone to see. It comes down to whether you want to be the British army in the Revolutionary War or the Viet Cong. History tells us which tactic is more effective".


(I guess Patty Pat even likes the VC, eh Baggs?)


His sexist and ethnocentric views are why I hate him....and even moreso that he does it under the guise of Christianity.

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just like the report says..if you hate capitalism and religion youll hate america..there you go ripping on pat robertson because he is religous...you always try and twist the truth...no one is advocating killing iraqis...just like no one was advocting the killing of serbs in kosovo....


if you really want this war averted then you and all your buddies that think like you should be pressuring saddam and not president bush....if the UN had presented a united front against saddam he might have very well stepped down from power...or one of his many general who all have to realize that they will all die in war and have no chance at victory might have found a way to execute saddam...but the UN is sending mixed messages...that will surely lead to war...

I don't hate Pat because he is religious. I hate him because he perverts his religion. "The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians." -- Pat Robertson, fundraising letter, 1992


"I think we ought to close Halloween down. Do you want your children to dress up as witches? The Druids used to dress up like this when they were doing human sacrifice... [Your children] are acting out Satanic rituals and participating in it, and don't even realize it."--Pat Robertson, "The 700 Club," 10/29/82


(You do let your kids go trick-or-treating, right Baggio? Then you are also anti-Patty Pat)


Petersburg Times, June 26, 1994; Bailey Smith, a founding father of Robertson's Christian Coalition, once told 15,000 people at a Religious Roundtable briefing in Dallas, "With all due respect to those dear people, my friend, God Almighty does not hear the prayer of a Jew."


The Los Angeles Times, reprinted in The Religious Right: The Assault of Tolerance & Pluralism in America, produced by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL); "It's like guerrilla warfare....It's better to move quietly, with stealth, under cover of night. You've got two choices: You can wear cammies and shimmy along on your belly or you can put on a red coat and stand up for everyone to see. It comes down to whether you want to be the British army in the Revolutionary War or the Viet Cong. History tells us which tactic is more effective".


(I guess Patty Pat even likes the VC, eh Baggs?)


His sexist and ethnocentric views are why I hate him....and even moreso that he does it under the guise of Christianity.

i dont agree with muslims , hindus or budhists...but unlike you and the so called tolerant left i dont hunt them down and rag on every word they say and try and to violate their civil liberties like the left does to christians through perverting the seperation of church and state...you make it a personal vendetta...


as for robertson..he is just like anyone else..some of the things he says i dont agree with..others i do...i dont see him or conservative christians as some evil trying to destroy the american way of life...


actually our family doesnt celebrate halloween..never has..


im not anti pat or pro pat..he is just another american with an opinion..just like you and i...


listen to some of the crazy s*** coming out of your mouth..i still converse with you :lol:

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Then again, Baggs, I am not advocating the murder of people like Patty Pat is.

yes you are..thats exactly what you are doing...right now as we exchange ideas iraqi citizens are being tortured and murder under the reign of terror that is saddam...everyday this man stays in power more and more of his own people die....didnt it strike you as funny that with the millions of people marching against this war you never saw an iraqi living outside iraq protesting???...did you watch WGN news tonight???....they had a group of iraqi citizens that live in chicago on...everyone of them is begging president bush to go now....did you watch mtv europe's chat with tony blair???...did you see the one iraqi that now lives in england as he was almost crying thanking tony blair for his stand on iraq and telling him he couldnt wait for saddam to be removed???...they had 4 other iraqis on that show...now from this group of people your age ..college students...of the 5 iraqis 4 couldnt wait for the military action to start..the other was a female that hated saddam but was woried that bombs might actually end up killing more iraqis than saddam in the long run...but she understood why we were doing this...millions of iraqis have left iraq under saddam because he has perpertrated crimes against them and / or their families...


you dont take a stand against saddam then you are helping to empower him....

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why dont yopu ever ask questions like wasnt doesnt saddam disarm???..why has he killed hundreds of thousands of his own people???...why has he attacked other soveriegn nations???....


why isnt saddam the nazi???

Because displacing blame is the newest craze in this country. Lawyers are really good at displacing blame too :rolleyes:

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I once made a post about the liberal slant of our media and our institutions of higher education. Sideshow came back with a rant that was so outrageously liberal I knew there was no convincng him, so I just let it go. Later, I find out he is a college student (big surprise, eh?). In this thread he has blasted just about every conservative icon in this country. People who believe in the fabric of America. People who believe that this country has always been based on, and should continue to be based on the fact that there is a supreme being and that He should be freely worshipped by those that choose to do so.


I'm sorry sideshow, but you are so far out in left field it's ridiculous.

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I once made a post about the liberal slant of our media and our institutions of higher education.  Sideshow came back with a rant that was so outrageously liberal I knew there was no convincng him, so I just let it go.  Later, I find out he is a college student (big surprise, eh?).  In this thread he has blasted just about every conservative icon in this country.  People who believe in the fabric of America.  People who believe that this country has always been based on, and should continue to be based on the fact that there is a supreme being and that He should be freely worshipped by those that choose to do so. 


I'm sorry sideshow, but you are so far out in left field it's ridiculous.

I just dislike anybody like the KKK, homophobes, Rev. Fred Phelps who protests homosexuals funerals because they died of AIDS, The World Church of the Creator (a Nazi Church), Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson declaring racist and sexist and anti-feminist things on their TV shows.


I mean after 9/11 having Falwell and Robertson claim that gays, lesbians, People for the American Way, the ACLU, atheists, agnostics, et al. (insert all other non-Christians) were to blame for 9/11. That is something I have a problem with.


Since when were atheists and agnostics part of a group of fundamentalist Islamic terrorists?


You want me to blast some liberals as well because I can do that just about as fantastically. How about Joe "I like to censor everything I don't like" Lieberman. I mean, come on....school shootings being committed because the two kids from Columbine listened to Marilyn Manson? If Manson was such a big influence then why didn't they wait 5 days and go see his live show in Denver?


Joe Lieberman is quite possibly the scariest politician in the United States. With his vast censorship policies, guising his own political agenda behind "family values" along with Al and Tipper Gore.


I never said that Patty Pat couldn't worship, but he has no right to claim that people exercising their Constitutional rights are committing "treason" and that gays, lesbians, et al. are responsible for terrorism hitting our nation. He's no better than the KKK except he doesn't have white supremacy, he's using religious supremacy. He's a sexist racist ass.

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why dont yopu ever ask questions like wasnt doesnt saddam disarm???..why has he killed hundreds of thousands of his own people???...why has he attacked other soveriegn nations???....


why isnt saddam the nazi???

If a nation completely disarms all their weapons, what is to stop other nations (i.e. Iran...we do remember the Iran-Iraq war, correct?) from invading and taking over?


Complete disarmament is a pipe dream for any nation. Any country is going to keep weapons on hand for defense. If Iraq wasn't so close to our terrorist pal, Israel (don't get me wrong, I condemn Palestinian terrorism as well...I think Sharon and Arafat are both hardline non-negotiating f***s that need to get out of power for any sort of progress to be made) then Iraq wouldn't be so much of a problem (cuz let's face it...Iraqi missiles can't hit us, but they can hit Israel which is the main reason we want them to disarm)


We are worried about a man who possibly has capabilities to attack us. Yet, we are not worrying about a man who has nuclear capabilities who can theoretically hit the United States with a missile. We are not worrying about the man who has orchestrated the horrific 9/11 attacks. We are not worrying about trying to alleviate an incredibly s***ty economy. We're worried about a 3rd world moderately secular country with a leader who we provided with a vast array of weapons in the 1980s. I'd rather worry about groups that have attacked us then worrying about using military force against countries who have never attacked us.


I mean, Ashcroft is raping our civil liberties, we can at least make the cost worthwhile, right US government?

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why dont yopu ever ask questions like wasnt doesnt saddam disarm???..why has he killed hundreds of thousands of his own people???...why has he attacked other soveriegn nations???....


why isnt saddam the nazi???

If a nation completely disarms all their weapons, what is to stop other nations (i.e. Iran...we do remember the Iran-Iraq war, correct?) from invading and taking over?


Complete disarmament is a pipe dream for any nation. Any country is going to keep weapons on hand for defense. If Iraq wasn't so close to our terrorist pal, Israel (don't get me wrong, I condemn Palestinian terrorism as well...I think Sharon and Arafat are both hardline non-negotiating f***s that need to get out of power for any sort of progress to be made) then Iraq wouldn't be so much of a problem (cuz let's face it...Iraqi missiles can't hit us, but they can hit Israel which is the main reason we want them to disarm)


We are worried about a man who possibly has capabilities to attack us. Yet, we are not worrying about a man who has nuclear capabilities who can theoretically hit the United States with a missile. We are not worrying about the man who has orchestrated the horrific 9/11 attacks. We are not worrying about trying to alleviate an incredibly s***ty economy. We're worried about a 3rd world moderately secular country with a leader who we provided with a vast array of weapons in the 1980s. I'd rather worry about groups that have attacked us then worrying about using military force against countries who have never attacked us.


I mean, Ashcroft is raping our civil liberties, we can at least make the cost worthwhile, right US government?

getting rid of saddam could very well lead to peace in the middle east....president bush recognizes that both israel and palastine are legit...other arab countries now recognize israel...that hasnt been the case before....the only real hardliner left that refuses to recognize israel is saddam..get him out and then diplomacy has a chance to work in that region...for the first time in thousands of years...

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why dont yopu ever ask questions like wasnt doesnt saddam disarm???..why has he killed hundreds of thousands of his own people???...why has he attacked other soveriegn nations???....


why isnt saddam the nazi???

If a nation completely disarms all their weapons, what is to stop other nations (i.e. Iran...we do remember the Iran-Iraq war, correct?) from invading and taking over?


Complete disarmament is a pipe dream for any nation. Any country is going to keep weapons on hand for defense. If Iraq wasn't so close to our terrorist pal, Israel (don't get me wrong, I condemn Palestinian terrorism as well...I think Sharon and Arafat are both hardline non-negotiating f***s that need to get out of power for any sort of progress to be made) then Iraq wouldn't be so much of a problem (cuz let's face it...Iraqi missiles can't hit us, but they can hit Israel which is the main reason we want them to disarm)


We are worried about a man who possibly has capabilities to attack us. Yet, we are not worrying about a man who has nuclear capabilities who can theoretically hit the United States with a missile. We are not worrying about the man who has orchestrated the horrific 9/11 attacks. We are not worrying about trying to alleviate an incredibly s***ty economy. We're worried about a 3rd world moderately secular country with a leader who we provided with a vast array of weapons in the 1980s. I'd rather worry about groups that have attacked us then worrying about using military force against countries who have never attacked us.


I mean, Ashcroft is raping our civil liberties, we can at least make the cost worthwhile, right US government?

getting rid of saddam could very well lead to peace in the middle east....president bush recognizes that both israel and palastine are legit...other arab countries now recognize israel...that hasnt been the case before....the only real hardliner left that refuses to recognize israel is saddam..get him out and then diplomacy has a chance to work in that region...for the first time in thousands of years...

What about the groups like HAMAS, Hizbollah, Islamic Jihad, et al. in the region that have plagued that region? They don't recognize Israel. They are the ones terrorizing the Jews there.

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why dont yopu ever ask questions like wasnt doesnt saddam disarm???..why has he killed hundreds of thousands of his own people???...why has he attacked other soveriegn nations???....


why isnt saddam the nazi???

If a nation completely disarms all their weapons, what is to stop other nations (i.e. Iran...we do remember the Iran-Iraq war, correct?) from invading and taking over?


Complete disarmament is a pipe dream for any nation. Any country is going to keep weapons on hand for defense. If Iraq wasn't so close to our terrorist pal, Israel (don't get me wrong, I condemn Palestinian terrorism as well...I think Sharon and Arafat are both hardline non-negotiating f***s that need to get out of power for any sort of progress to be made) then Iraq wouldn't be so much of a problem (cuz let's face it...Iraqi missiles can't hit us, but they can hit Israel which is the main reason we want them to disarm)


We are worried about a man who possibly has capabilities to attack us. Yet, we are not worrying about a man who has nuclear capabilities who can theoretically hit the United States with a missile. We are not worrying about the man who has orchestrated the horrific 9/11 attacks. We are not worrying about trying to alleviate an incredibly s***ty economy. We're worried about a 3rd world moderately secular country with a leader who we provided with a vast array of weapons in the 1980s. I'd rather worry about groups that have attacked us then worrying about using military force against countries who have never attacked us.


I mean, Ashcroft is raping our civil liberties, we can at least make the cost worthwhile, right US government?

getting rid of saddam could very well lead to peace in the middle east....president bush recognizes that both israel and palastine are legit...other arab countries now recognize israel...that hasnt been the case before....the only real hardliner left that refuses to recognize israel is saddam..get him out and then diplomacy has a chance to work in that region...for the first time in thousands of years...

What about the groups like HAMAS, Hizbollah, Islamic Jihad, et al. in the region that have plagued that region? They don't recognize Israel. They are the ones terrorizing the Jews there.

none of those groups are legitimate governemnts...of course there will always be extremist groups...we have them in this country...you got the KKK on one side..and then you on the other :lol: ...but if every country in the region recognizes israel and israel recognizes a palastinian state..there can be peace in that region....those splinter groups will have a much harder time operating if they have no country in the region that will let them live and train there...im not saying its gonna be easy or it will happen...but i think if saddam is removed for the first time there is a chance to make real progress...

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none of those groups are legitimate governemnts...of course there will always be extremist groups...we have them in this country...you got the KKK on one side..and then you on the other :lol: ...but if every country in the region recognizes israel and israel recognizes a palastinian state..there can be peace in that region....those splinter groups will have a much harder time operating if they have no country in the region that will let them live and train there...im not saying its gonna be easy or it will happen...but i think if saddam is removed for the first time there is a chance to make real progress...

Toppling of Saddam will bring peace to region. What about the Saudi government who oppresses women and non-Muslims (a childhood friend of mine and his fiance are in Saudi Arabia w/ Navy Intelligence) They came back on leave and said that like they have to stay on base nearly 24-7 because the US is so disliked over there.


The Saudis oppress people that don't agree with their royal family. Kuwait does the same. Does that mean that we need to topple all these governments because they oppress people also?


Sharon won't negotiate with Arafat and if you believe that, that's a pipe dream. The same for Arafat negotiating with Sharon. They've been fighting for 3000 years. Why would they stop if Saddam is toppled?

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none of those groups are legitimate governemnts...of course there will always be extremist groups...we have them in this country...you got the KKK on one side..and then you on the other :lol: ...but if every country in the region recognizes israel and israel recognizes a palastinian state..there can be peace in that region....those splinter groups will have a much harder time operating if they have no country in the region that will let them live and train there...im not saying its gonna be easy or it will happen...but i think if saddam is removed for the first time there is a chance to make real progress...

Toppling of Saddam will bring peace to region. What about the Saudi government who oppresses women and non-Muslims (a childhood friend of mine and his fiance are in Saudi Arabia w/ Navy Intelligence) They came back on leave and said that like they have to stay on base nearly 24-7 because the US is so disliked over there.


The Saudis oppress people that don't agree with their royal family. Kuwait does the same. Does that mean that we need to topple all these governments because they oppress people also?


Sharon won't negotiate with Arafat and if you believe that, that's a pipe dream. The same for Arafat negotiating with Sharon. They've been fighting for 3000 years. Why would they stop if Saddam is toppled?

sharon and arafat wont always be in charge either..but if the situation changes there to where all the arab countries in the region are willing to recognize israel it would be politcal suicide for sharon not to go to the negoatiating table...


myself i would like to see tony blair head the coalition to try and bring peace in that region..i think he is very well suited at stuff like that...like i said it wont be easy but alteast there is a chance...before there never was

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why dont yopu ever ask questions like wasnt doesnt saddam disarm???..why has he killed hundreds of thousands of his own people???...why has he attacked other soveriegn nations???....


why isnt saddam the nazi???

If a nation completely disarms all their weapons, what is to stop other nations (i.e. Iran...we do remember the Iran-Iraq war, correct?) from invading and taking over?


Complete disarmament is a pipe dream for any nation. Any country is going to keep weapons on hand for defense. If Iraq wasn't so close to our terrorist pal, Israel (don't get me wrong, I condemn Palestinian terrorism as well...I think Sharon and Arafat are both hardline non-negotiating f***s that need to get out of power for any sort of progress to be made) then Iraq wouldn't be so much of a problem (cuz let's face it...Iraqi missiles can't hit us, but they can hit Israel which is the main reason we want them to disarm)


We are worried about a man who possibly has capabilities to attack us. Yet, we are not worrying about a man who has nuclear capabilities who can theoretically hit the United States with a missile. We are not worrying about the man who has orchestrated the horrific 9/11 attacks. We are not worrying about trying to alleviate an incredibly s***ty economy. We're worried about a 3rd world moderately secular country with a leader who we provided with a vast array of weapons in the 1980s. I'd rather worry about groups that have attacked us then worrying about using military force against countries who have never attacked us.


I mean, Ashcroft is raping our civil liberties, we can at least make the cost worthwhile, right US government?

I don't know how you did that but I never said what you're quoting me as saying there.

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