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Kerry picks Edwards


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should have picked hillary..it was a gaurenteed winning ticket...now if bush can get cheney to step down gracefully and put colin powell on the ticket..its a slam dunk for the GOP..

I disagree!


Colin Powell is an asshole! Bush would be better off without him!

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I was there for when they showed up, GWHB and Quayle, in front of the courthouse because my dad worked at the building across the street at the time. What a circus. The media tore him a new one that day...


That was really my first experience in remembering the bias of the media. I would have been 15. It all came together that day...


Here was a guy with humble background just getting his ass kicked over, even at 15, what I thought was stupidity.


But, I guess I could have looked at it differently... but that wouldn't be any fun, would it? :huh:

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You couldn't hold Dan Quayle's jock on a bad day, to quote, "dumbass".


The man is VERY intelligent, but he was not a good speech person - hence where everyone smacks him down.


He had a ton of good ideas, and was one of the best intended folks I can remember in Washington, before all the crap with the media caught up to him.


Tort reform


Family issues, which Clinton championed, were largely brought to the forefront by Quayle. He was a "true" conservative, not what we have in the White House today, that's for darn sure.


I could go on, but I better get something accomplished since I have piddled half the day away... :lol:

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You couldn't hold Dan Quayle's jock on a bad day, to quote, "dumbass". 


The man is VERY intelligent, but he was not a good speech person - hence where everyone smacks him down.


He had a ton of good ideas, and was one of the best intended folks I can remember in Washington, before all the crap with the media caught up to him.


Tort reform


Family issues, which Clinton championed, were largely brought to the forefront by Quayle.  He was a "true" conservative, not what we have in the White House today, that's for darn sure.


I could go on, but I better get something accomplished since I have piddled half the day away...  :lol:

Don't equate conservativism with intelligence!

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