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Kerry picks Edwards


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I disagree!


Colin Powell is an asshole! Bush would be better off without him!

ive met colin powell before and he is anything but an ass hole...the guy is an awesome leader...a bush / powell ticket would be unbeatable...it would also set powell up for '08 to run against hillary...any white guy thrown in against hillary is '08 would be a loser..

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I didn't, you just did.


Each stands alone, in this case.  Why does "liberalism" have to equate intelligence?

It does not. Not in the slightest. It can, however, be equated to elitism and snobbery, CWSOX is the best proof of that. There are far too many liberals out there who think people who dare to disagree with them are stupid, neanderthals.



And they call us closed minded. :lol:

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I disagree!


Colin Powell is an asshole! Bush would be better off without him!

I have no idea if he's an "asshole", but my biggest concern is that I don't want the person who taught values to the man who's hampering the 1st amendment with any more control of this country than he already has.

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I have no idea if he's an "asshole", but my biggest concern is that I don't want the person who taught values to the man who's hampering the 1st amendment with any more control of this country than he already has.

To me it is obvious that Bush/Rove?Cheney don't listen to Powell. Besides there is no way the Republican party will pick a minority on their ticket. They know there is still to much racism and sexism in this country to win with Powell on the ticket.


Is it right, no. And it is BS that it is that way, but there are too many people who think like that.

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Couple points to clear up.


Edwards seat is not up for re-election. So the seat, like Kerry's this year - is safe for the Dems unless Kerry/Edwards is re-elected.


Kerry is also a Junior Senator.


Edwards won't get painted with the Quayle brush because Edwards is too smooth a public speaker. Its all about appearance, not about reality when it comes to media portrayal. For a lot of people the words Kerry and flip-flop are synonomous despite the fact that Bush flip flops just as much. Everybody quotes Gore as saying he invented the internet, although he never said that.


I think there was a time when the media was biased, but I think that time is over. If anything, the media is starting to tilt more towards the right thanks to Fox News. Because they have been so successful in grabbing and keeping the red state 24/7 cable news watchers, many other news nets are doing all they can to out Fox Fox. Which is a shame, because it just makes for terrible news. To be honest, the best news coverage I ever had was when I had News World International and CNN International, which was more hard news focused - and less editorialization.


Oh and for those of you who support "tort reform," why? Don't give me stupid hyperbole examples of the ridiculous occasional court case (the McDonalds coffee case, etc) because excess will happen with any reform. Do you think that people should have a legitimate shot at compensation for legitimate damages from companies? Or do you think that one side or the other should have an upper hand when going into a court situation?

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