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Get off your ass and vote....


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Ok well matsui is leading the last chance vote which ends tomorrow (wed) thomas is 2nd and Paully is 3rd.....The yankees make up like half the all star team...lets not let them have another one...we all know paully or big frank both deserve this...if 200 of us vote the 25 allowed times thats 5000 votes so that is pretty good....so acctually you can stay on your ass and vote just goto VOTE CLICK ME


lets do this

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it says on whitesox.com that frank is a close 2nd with paully right behind him so who knows don't take the attitude that your vote doesnt count....might as well try unless the 5-10 minutes it takes you is way too much time for your busy schduele of reading posts

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The New Yorkers outnumber us :crying

But we got the Phillie fans on our side as long as we vote Abreu which helps keep Rameriez out. Also, the Boston fans will be voting for Frank. We can do this! Don't have an attitude that we can't make a difference. Get to MLB.com and vote!

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Does it stop allowing you to vote, or do they only count 25 votes, or what?

I must have voted for Frank 50 times, and it keeps allowing me to vote again.

I get new validation codes and everything.

I'll keep throwing in my votes until it tells me to stop, I guess.

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Does it stop allowing you to vote, or do they only count 25 votes, or what?

I must have voted for Frank 50 times, and it keeps allowing me to vote again.

I get new validation codes and everything.

I'll keep throwing in my votes until it tells me to stop, I guess.

You should try changing your fake email address about every 25 to make sure the votes are registering.

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so vote 25 times for frank....then put in a different email address and vote 25 times for paully

why, just pick one and vote for him. if you split up your votes none of em will win. Vote Frank, even though it means s***. The MLB thing says Ramirez and Abreau are in a tight race and that matsui is leading frank. It doesnt say its close so i think he is leading by a ton.

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I've spent a few hours voting for Frank; however, I really don't care as much this year. I want our players to get their deserved credit. However, I put more time into it last year, and I'm just not feeling it as much after last year. I think it's ridiculous how Frank, the White Sox' greatest franchise player, couldn't play in the ASG in the White Sox' stadium. Now that's a traveshamockery.

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