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Willie Harris Out-ameter

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4 for 47, tho he reached on the strikeout. If there is anybody hot in the minors, it could be time for Willie to "work on his stroke" down there.

BTW, he reached base twice in a 4 to 2 game, and did not attempt a steal. He's just too confused at the moment.

Maybe if Ozzie would play him consistently - especially at one position for pete's sake - Harris would have had a chance to develop. Instead, even he doesn't know whether he's an infielder or an outfielder or whether he's playing or not.


I'm getting tired of Ozzie's ridiculous number of lineups. This isn't little league. Not everybody has to play an equal number of innings. Pick a lineup for the second half and stick with it!

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Guest JimH

While I tend to agree with the multiple lineups comment, one thing to consider is with Ordonez out, he's had to shuffle the OF's, thereby preventing him from fielding a consistent lineup. If there's one good bit of news, it's the fact that most of the reserves have had lots of at bats, keeping them in a groove for when Maggs gets back.


As for Willie Harris, "confused" is a good way to put it. He's not playing with confidence, and he needs to dig down and get it. This is the major leagues. Shuttling between CF and 2B, while a distraction, shouldn't account for his major tailspin at the plate.


If he continues to scuffle, I would not be surprised to see a veteran 2B come in.

There are at least one or two who would be an upgrade for 2004, and should come cheaply. Robbie Alomar is one, quickman mentioned Boone from Seattle as well.


You can be KW is considering all the options.

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While I tend to agree with the multiple lineups comment, one thing to consider is with Ordonez out, he's had to shuffle the OF's, thereby preventing him from fielding a consistent lineup.  If there's one good bit of news, it's the fact that most of the reserves have had lots of at bats, keeping them in a groove for when Maggs gets back.


As for Willie Harris, "confused" is a good way to put it.  He's not playing with confidence, and he needs to dig down and get it.  This is the major leagues.  Shuttling between CF and 2B, while a distraction, shouldn't account for his major tailspin at the plate.


If he continues to scuffle, I would not be surprised to see a veteran 2B come in.

There are at least one or two who would be an upgrade for 2004, and should come cheaply.  Robbie Alomar is one, quickman mentioned Boone from Seattle as well.


You can be KW is considering all the options.

Harris was shuttling between CF and 2B before Maggs was hurt in an attempt to get Uribe into the lineup more. I think that moving from infield to outfield every other game and then sitting on the bench for 3 or 4 games does affect a young player. A veteran who is a utility player may be able to handle it, but not a young player who is still developing.


What should have happened - and I called for at the time - was Crede should have sat or gone down to the minors and Uribe left at 3rd, Harris at second and Perez or Rowand in center.

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I agree Air Dale Willie needs to just be told again the second base job is his and to stop worring about it.

And that assure him that we won't just try to throw him back into CF.

Willie will be fine if he plays consistantly instead of this sit on the bench for three days after he gets hot.

AROW is the same story, he's hot yet he can't get a start to save his life because we have to be White Flag Gload out there.

I'm just getting really sick of losing games because Gload has to play RF.

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Guest JimH
Harris was shuttling between CF and 2B before Maggs was hurt in an attempt to get Uribe into the lineup more.  I think that moving from infield to outfield every other game and then sitting on the bench for 3 or 4 games does affect a young player.  A veteran who is a utility player may be able to handle it, but not a young player who is still developing.


What should have happened - and I called for at the time - was Crede should have sat or gone down to the minors and Uribe left at 3rd, Harris at second and Perez or Rowand in center.

You could very well be right.


Thing is, they expected to contend this year, we all knew it, Harris knew it and I'm sure Ozzie and KW told him so. Actually, they gave him a big vote of confidence in two ways ... first, by not bringing in a veteran 2B as competition and second, by putting him in CF when Rowand was scuffling.


Your take on this could very well be 100% right. I was looking at it from the perspective of the player needing to pick himself up from the bootstraps and throw out any excuses ... valid or not.

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2B or CF is still WAY better than the bench.

He hasn't done enough to expect golden treatment yet.

Willie needs to separate the hitting from the field, and be grateful when his name is on the lineup card.

Young, old or in between, when you play you need to focus on the job at hand.

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harris only has 9 extra base hits..which would be okay if he was stealing bases..looking at his splits his steals have consistently gone down


april - 71 at bats - 5 steals

may - 73 at bats - 3 steals - 1 cs

june - july - 77 at bats - 1 steal - 1 cs


i guess that shows how his confidence had dwindled as the season has gone on...is it fixable??

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Well when Willie was a full time starter he was over .300


When he was benched, why I dont know, and now playing every few days he has lost it..


He needs to be left at 2nd base, and he will produce

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4 for 47, tho he reached on the strikeout. If there is anybody hot in the minors, it could be time for Willie to "work on his stroke" down there.

BTW, he reached base twice in a 4 to 2 game, and did not attempt a steal. He's just too confused at the moment.

Willie has nothing more to prove in the minors. If he can't produce here an extended period od time, say three years that will mean he is nothin gmore than a 4a ball player. But i believe he will get really hot within the matter of a few games.

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Harris is a major league 2b man. He proved it. He even was hitting .300 when he was playing completely out of position in CF. He'll be back. His LH bat is needed. He's one of the few who can hit RHP.


Roberto Alomar? No thanks

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PLAY WILLIE! Or play with your willie, whatever gets your rocks off, just put Willie in SOMEWHERE and let him play. Benching him for 3 days, then one game of 0-3, then benching again for 3 more games will NOT get results. Tell Willie he has the next few weeks to get his stroke back, then he won't be afraid every time he goes 0-4. And force the issue with stealing by making him go. Maybe tell him he has to run on the first 2 or 3 pitches or make him do pushups like Willie Mays Hayes!

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