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Could welfare reform be taming inflation?


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Interesting read. So, a good majority of those "low wage jobs" that left people complain about have actually been replacements to welfare handouts? But Clinton did that. BTW, that was one of Clinton's best moves as a president IMO. That was a great piece of work by Clinton. It also led to more employment, which made the 90's %'s look that much better...not that that is a bad thing, but it does raise the specter of a different way of looking at the numbers, doesn't it?

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Interesting read.  So, a good majority of those "low wage jobs" that left people complain about have actually been replacements to welfare handouts?  But Clinton did that.  BTW, that was one of Clinton's best moves as a president IMO.  That was a great piece of work by Clinton.  It also led to more employment, which made the 90's %'s look that much better...not that that is a bad thing, but it does raise the specter of a different way of looking at the numbers, doesn't it?

I have to admit laughing at old Harsbarger and his claims that inflation would trigger under 6% or so. I wonder what he would be saying now if he wasn't retired? Then again I can almost hear him saying


"Then again in the long run, we are all dead."


Good times :)

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Interesting read.  So, a good majority of those "low wage jobs" that left people complain about have actually been replacements to welfare handouts?  But Clinton did that.  BTW, that was one of Clinton's best moves as a president IMO.  That was a great piece of work by Clinton.  It also led to more employment, which made the 90's %'s look that much better...not that that is a bad thing, but it does raise the specter of a different way of looking at the numbers, doesn't it?

One of Clinton's best moves? Most of Clinton's best moves were issues he adopted from the Republican agenda. Welfare reform was part of the Contract with America, along with a balanced budget. The Republicans winning the House in '94 was one of the best things to happen to Clinton.

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But he was smart enough to know to go along with it.  He did the right thing.  He had enough votes had he vetoed it it would have gotten shut down. 


For once, I'm giving the dude some credit.  Leave me alone!

Oh shoot, I just remembered, we aren't supposed to be saying anything nice about the "other" party... :unsure:


Welfare reform was a huge doing, no matter who did it. The engine of this economy historically has been greed. When people lose that sense of want, and settle for getting a piece of crap pittance from the government every month, the whole economy suffers. There is nothing wrong with making able bodied people earn their wages, instead of getting them for nothing. Obviously you need some sort of a safety net for the unemployable and such, but when we start talking about a welfare state is when it got rediculous.

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