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Since Schoeny's comment about the bullpen this team has gone 0-5. I don't know if it's directly related, but Ozzie's comments back may have taken focus off the team. If he is the reason, trade his ass. I've had enough of him, he got rocked again tonight. If he's not willing to go to the pen he can kiss my ass.



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If we put him in the pen, then who will take over his spot diaz he pitched oh so great again tonight. They really need to invest in another top of the line starter. Because schoeny, diaz, rauch are not gonna get it done.

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If we put him in the pen, then who will take over his spot diaz he pitched oh so great again tonight. They really need to invest in another top of the line starter. Because schoeny, diaz, rauch are not gonna get it done.

To be honest, as of right now I'll take Diaz over Schoeny.


He's a young guy that will only get better if we let him pitch at the major league level, than again I don't think we can afford to do that in the middle of a pennant race.


I say deal Schoeny and package him in a deal for another starter.



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If we put him in the pen, then who will take over his spot diaz he pitched oh so great again tonight. They really need to invest in another top of the line starter. Because schoeny, diaz, rauch are not gonna get it done.

i didnt realize that diaz pitched tonight and pitched so poorly..glad school ran long...i guess rauch gets the next start???...or shoey one more time???...did he pitch that bad???...the box showed 5IP - 5R- 5h - 2BB - 6K's..doesnt look all that bad coming back from the DL...

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Schoeny's comment about the bullpen this team has gone 0-5. I don't know if it's directly related, but Ozzie's comments back may have taken focus off the team. If he is the reason, trade his ass. I've had enough of him, he got rocked again tonight. If he's not willing to go to the pen he can kiss my ass.



Ever since Loaiza failed to step up as a premiere pitcher he clearly thinks he is on Friday.....This team is 0-5.


They were 5-0 coming into that game and he was staked to an early 2-0 lead......Damn you E-Lo.

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The team's played like s***. Blame it on losing big Mo. Blame it on Elo's lack of stepping up. Blame it on Scho, hell, I don't give a s***, blame it on friggin Freddy Garcia for all I care.


Good teams overcome adversity like that. Good teams don't give a s*** when a player mouths off, good teams don't give a s*** when a pitcher f***s up, good teams know that chemistry is a class they took in high school and college and is not a thing in a locker room.


This team is playing like s***. Something has to be done. This team does this year in and year out...they go through a stretch of 15-20 games where they absolutely kill everything and hit homer after homer after homer. Then the pitchers that face them adjust, and we have 10-15 games where we have dead bats. Has this team forgotten that in 2000 we did not score our runs because of homers, but rather because they went with the pitch instead of trying to muscle the ball out of the ballpark? If there is a pitch over the outer half of the plate, I'd expect it to end up in the opposite field gap in 2000...now a days I see that same pitch and it is a flyout that is pulled.


This team is f***ed up right now, and the offense is absolutely lifeless. The pitching has not stepped up. And the end of the bullpen will be a little off now because they are not being used on a regular basis. This s*** just snowballs and snowballs, and something needs to stop this s***.


The sooner we get a motivated Maggs back, the better.

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Blame it on Elo's lack of stepping up. .

I can bet you anything that the 2003 version of Loaiza -- the guy who had passion and extra bite and jump to his pitches and wasn't afraid of anything -- would have found a way to make that 2-0 lead stand in Wrigley, which would have allowed the Sox hitters to maybe add a run or two and thus put the game out of reach.


And once Sox take the first game of the Series, Cubs would have been too desperate, too anxious to win the remaining two to salvage the series that I think Sox would have taken at least 1 more - probably the Rusch start. That's a 2 game swing from 0-3 to 2-1 and a wholalot of emotional momentum heading into the home stand. Even if Sox lose both games to Anaheim, they're still 8 games over .500 instead of 4.


But you're right - the team IS playing some atrocious ball.

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good teams know that chemistry is a class they took in high school and college and is not a thing in a locker room.

I disagree with that simply because that is what makes good teams look out for each off of the field. (like buying a teammate dinner, or meeting a teammate's family) That's how good teams play better and they click faster. (catching flyouts from left/right center, knowing a guy backs you up on a groundball etc.) We haven't had that for a good while, and from what I've seen from the teams that have won it all, it is essential. There's more to a team than just buisness.

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I can bet you anything that 2003 of Loaiza --  the guy who had passion and extra bite and jump to his pitches and wasn't afraid of anything......He would have found a way to make that 2-0 lead stand in Wrigley, which would have allowed Sox hitters to maybe add a run or two off and put the game out of reach.


And once Sox take the first game of the Series, Cubs would have been too desperate, too anxious to win the remaining two that I think Sox would have taken at least 1 more - probably the Rusch start.      That's a 2 game swing from 0-3 to 2-1 and a wholalot of emotional momentum heading into the home stand.    Even if Sox lose both games to Anaheim, they're still 8 games over .500 instead of 4.


But you're right - the team IS playing some atrocious ball.

I do agree, it could have been big lift. We win that game, maybe Diaz doesn't have as much pressure on him, and he pitches well too. Then maybe we actually put up a crooked number against the Cubbies on Sunday. We could have easily swept them, along with taking 2 of 3...Friday was essentially the clincher.


I don't know what's wrong with ELo...the lost velocity couldn't be that much of a problem, could it? I mean, you'd think that a pitcher would eventually adjust to that...Mike Mussina has lost velocity, but has adjusted a little, why can't ELo? I'm just wondering if he hasn't lost some intensity out on the mound. Losing his personal catcher couldn't be that big of a deal to him, and if it is, he needs to get his panties out of a wad and realize he is pitching for a team in a goddamn pennant race.


We need ELo of 2003 to show up(or we need to get Randy Johnson). I can handle this s*** from ELo if he is pitching from the 4th or 5th slot in the rotation...not in the #3 slot though.

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Wanna know the worst part about all of this?







Minnesota is starting to get hot....just swept KC and held them to a grand total of 0 runs in all 3 games....its not lookin good fellas :bang

Just consider who they were playing.

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I mean, you'd think that a pitcher would eventually adjust to that...Mike Mussina has lost velocity, but has adjusted a little, why can't ELo?


A few years back I had a tape of Mussina at his most dominant 1997 playoff self.....Suffice to say, the old man who is wearing pinstripes now is just a shadow of his former self. I would say loss of velocity and break affected him alright.

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Just consider who they were playing.

And consider the two team's August schedules.


Ours consists of sub-.500 teams, with the exception of 6 games against the Red Sox, 1 make-up game against the Phillies, and the first game of a series against the A's. Consider then that the Twins consists of all +.500 teams(assuming you count the Indians as a +.500 team, and I do), with the exception of 3 games against Seattle.


Then consider that we end the year with 11 games against the Royals and Tigers, including 8 of those against the last place Royals. Then you look at the Twins last 11 games - 7 games against the Indians, 3 against the Yankees, and 1 against us.


Personally, I love our chances, even considering how s***ty we are playing right now.

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Personally, I love our chances, even considering how s***ty we are playing right now.


After 2001-2003, I can't bring myself to say I love our chances.....but as of 1 week ago, I sure did like them a lot. :lol:


But that's if we're talking winning ALC. When it comes to winning WS, then I have very little confidence in this team. I guess I've seen WAY too much choking and WAY too much selfishness from the Sox in the last 2-3 years for my own good.

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