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It appears to be getting hot in the kitchen...


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I don't mean to be the bearer of bad tidings.


Why are we continuously talking about this? I know were looking for who baseball is, and quoting ourselves, but I don't understand why this is brought up all the time. Why aren't we talking white sox baseball?

For once, I have to agree, but Beastly, this one appears to be one that needs to play itself out, because there's some people that have caused a lot of individuals pain, some intentionally, and some not intentionally. So, as Jason put it, this is a place to sort all this out without it getting too personal, and so be it.


(And I can admit, I was wrong for wanting to stop the conversation, especially in light of what all happened immediately thereafter!!)


Hopefully down the road, and soon, it'll all be behind everyone and drinks are on the Cell, er something... :ph34r: :D

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I think I know who it is...I feel kind of proud.


However there is a deeper issue here.


What are we doing to ourselves and our fellow human beings?


For all the Ncorg hating (I hated his ass when he posted here), this guy obviously is having some mental problems. I will pray that this does not bring him down too much. If he was a right minded person, he would have said "Got Me" and moved on with it long ago.


Anyway lets not lose site that there is a person behind every username.


I did not read HSC's comments about Steff. But bringing out personal infromation about anyone is disgusting.


Steff, we had a disagreement once but I think you are a responsible, smart, and inciteful poster. What HSC did to you is horrible, but I think posting pm's or emails would be just as bad as what she did to you, and therefore it is not the correct course of action. However, I will not stick my nose where it doesn't belong. And I will not say anything more on that topic.

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HSC was removed from the Soxtalk users list? Just the other day she was there.  :huh

That was before HSC surfaced wild accusations (of Steff) within the White Sox MLB message board. Desperate girl decided to throw her "friend" in front of the proverbial train when questions became heated.


Anonymous user no more. :headbang

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That was before HSC surfaced wild accusations (of Steff) within the White Sox MLB message board.  Desperate girl decided to throw her "friend" in front of the proverbial train when questions became heated.


Anonymous user no more.  :headbang

And it bumps me up into the top 10. :o

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Steff, we had a disagreement once but I think you are a responsible, smart, and inciteful poster.  What HSC did to you is horrible, but I think posting pm's or emails would be just as bad as what she did to you, and therefore it is not the correct course of action.  However, I will not stick my nose where it doesn't belong. And I will not say anything more on that topic.

1549.. you're right. It's wrong and sick. However.. in light of what was threatened I have no issue with exposing Michelle's lies. Over a year ago this happened on a smaller scale and several members here brought it to my attention. They were very forthcoming about things she said and rather than make them "hate" me, we all figured it out and became friends. Over the past Year Michelle has continued to run her mouth and spew lies... I say what comes around goes around. I for one think people would find it informative to hear what she really thinks of some, including of all people a "superfan" and his wife. And those things will not be posted publically.. they will be PM'd and emailed to those involved as not to cause them any pubilc issues. She's been asked to move on.. if she does so she has nothing to worry about.


By the way.. thanks for the nice comments from everyone. It's greatly appreciated.

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I'm through with this. 


I'll sort of leave this out there as a general question to mods/admins... why does this need to be discussed HERE?  It has nothing to do with HERE.  This is nothing but a trash thread and it's about an issue that has little bearing on the happenings of this forum.


Someone else can come unlock it if they wish, but I think I've seen enough.

I know I'm a few days late, but I don't come on during the weekends (And a lot of times I'm glad I don't), but I couldn't agree more, Kap. Where this thread seems to be headed ios the EXACT kind of reason I left the MLB boards in the first place. Sad, just really sad. :headshake

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Well if you don't like it

Go ahead, find yourself a saint

Go ahead now,

Try to find a boy

Who's gonna be what I ain't


Now what you need is

A plastic doll with a fresh coat of paint

Who's gonna sit through the madness

And always acts so quaint

Said yeah yeah yeah


With your new friend

You're really making a scene

And I see you bouncing around

From machine to machine


And you know

They're never real, they're

Never what they seem

And you can try to generate some warmth

And you see just what I mean

I said yeah yeah yeah


And If I'm acting like a king

Well that's cause

I'm a human being

And if I want too many things

Don't you know that I'm a human being

And if I've got to dream

Baby baby baby yeah

I'm a human being

And when it gets a bit obscene (wooah)

I'm a human being


And I've just got to go around

With my head hung down

Just like a human, babe,

An unknown human being

And I can hold my head so high

Cause I'm a human, a riff raff human being


Why won't you give me a little sip

Why don't you try me on a drag of that cigarette

Why don't you try to give me something that

I will never ever forget


But now don't you blow it all

On a million dollar bet

Because you're liable to lose it

On the best lovin' you've had yet

I'm beggin yeah yeah oh yeah


And If I'm acting like a king

Well that's cause I'm a human being

I want too many things

Don't you know that I'm a human being

And if I've got to dream I said well,

I'm a human being

And when it gets a bit obscene (wooah)

I'm a human being


And I've got to go around

With my head hung down

Just like a human, babe

An unknown human being

And I can hold my head so high

Cause I'm a human, a riff raff human being


In fact I'm talking about the human race

You're trying to cover up the big disgrace

I said yeah yeah yeah,

Oh C'mon C'mon C'mon

Yeah, yeah, oh yeah


Well I may think that this whole scene is

Just a Too appalling for me

Or I may be the type who's just a mad about

Every little thing that I see

Well I can color that with mystery

Or make it just what I want it to be

While I'm blowing my change on the fan magazines

With all the Hollywood refugees, screaming

Yeah yeah, oh yeah


And If I'm acting like a king

I said well, I'm a human being

And if I want too many things

Don't you know that I'm a human being

And if I've got to dream

Baby baby, I'm a human being

And when it gets a bit obscene (wooah)

I'm a human being


And I've got to go around With my head hung down

Just like a human being

We're all just human being

And I can hold my head so high

Cause I'm a human, a first class human being

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I've been a season-ticket holder for 12 years.


Nothing, not even the signing of Albert Belle, has or will turn me away from my White Sox, unless they stop tying to win.  Ambivalence is the only unforgivable sin in my book.


So I agree with my distinguished colleague Flasoxxjim that no postings af any kind on a message board should drive away the true fan, regardless of whether they're posted by Ozzie Guillen, Stephanie the beer vendor or Poppy Hildago. 


My course of action, however, has always been to not become involved in these "Dark Shadows" re-runs.  I have my special circle of comrades on the board; the people involved in this have theirs; never the twain shall meet, and I've honestly had no problems with any of the people involved, none at all.  My group keeps it harmless, shooing away pesky trolls, debating about who is the hottest teen star, going back and forth about the best Chicago pizza and hot dogs, that kind of thing. 


The bottom line is, this will only bother you as much as you let it.  If the board was a bar, they'd be at their table railing back and forth at each other, we'd be out in the beer garden pitching horseshoes and debating Hillary Duff vs. Amanda Bynes.  We all agree on Queen Rania of Jordan.  If the fight spills out and spills my beer, then there's an issue.  So far that hasn't happened to me, but I'm kind of shocked to see all the people who have been dragged into it.


My original question still stands, and the reason I asked it is because my impression is that the Sox front office has to have a genuine concern about the poster in question.  If I thought the Sox front office was aware of me and my silly little messages, I'd die of shock.  So when I hear that they are monitoring the actions of another board member very closely, it causes me to wonder why they don't post their own message setting the record straight.  That's still the part that puzzles me.  If it's "beneath" them, I understand it, but if they're truly that concerned about the image of the franchise being tainted through misrepresentation, they should set the record straight.


By the way, the Sox are in first place at the All-Star break.


Double by the way, that entire conversation on the Sox board is gone now.


Triple by the way, this is Queen Rania of Jordan:

Your asking a rhetorical question. Go ask the Whitesox, I do not speak for them. I am supporting my Friend baseball and I have my reason. You do not find that to be a good reason, I respect that. Its still my reason. You can take it or leave it. You decided to leave it. again I am ok with that.


Go sox have a great week

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Wow, this is all some of the wildest stuff I have ever seen on any internet site!


I am an escapee from the Sox board, but it wasn't due to NCor. I never had a run in with him, but saw many that did. I came here due to being sick to death of the Cub-trolls. THAT drove up a wall. I voiced it, somebody gave me this link, and I never posted there again.


I think I figured out who Base Ball is. If I am right, it is one of the only posters here that I dreaded crossing the wrong path with, as he always posts VERY good stuff, and pulls no punches. Tough poster, fitting of the name.


Hope I didn't ruin anything there.


Crazy stuff man, crazy stuff indeed.


Hopefully this will all play out soon and everybody can get back to their "normal" lives.

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