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Hey Kid Gleason, 


You know me from the "other" site (nrthsdsoxf) - I'm like you, the cub trolls brought me here...but this ncorg stuff is pretty interesting.  Do you still have my email address?  Drop me a line.

Hey!!! How ya doing???


No, I don't have your email. I'll drop you a line though through the PM service!

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I think I figured out who Base Ball is. If I am right, it is one of the only posters here that I dreaded crossing the wrong path with



Don't worry about it, he is more afraid of you than you are of him.


Bit of a temper problem, but tempers are meant to be tamed and egos - deflated.



He IS taking Denny out, tough. Kudos.

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Mystery solved. (As its been since Pg. 9)

H-H-Hey! You weren't supposed to let the cat out of the bag...


A time and place for everything, and soon "all will be revealed."


Now for the as yet unanswered question:


Brando, are you Mike Pushkin, as has been suggested? I thought there were posting similarities, but the the post about BMR getting plied with alcohol and doing some manner of sideways slammin' really did sound like you?


And I didn't see when thread three in the evolving saga went away over there, but I'm betting it had something to do with ROMANiac chiming in. right?

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H-H-Hey!  You weren't supposed to let the cat out of the bag... 


A time and place for everything, and soon "all will be revealed."


Now for the as yet unanswered question:


Brando, are you Mike Pushkin, as has been suggested?  I thought there were posting similarities, but the the post about BMR getting plied with alcohol and doing some manner of sideways slammin' really did sound like you?


And I didn't see when thread three in the evolving saga went away over there, but I'm betting it had something to do with ROMANiac chiming in. right?

OMG.. I was just going to give MAJOR props to this very post...



From: Mike Pushkin 12:10 am

To: romaniac unread

(15 of 20) 30359.15 in reply to 30359.4




If you're lucky, she'll booze you up and let you #### her sideways. Worked for bmr.





If it is you Brando.... you never pay for a drink at Comiskey when I am there. :notworthy

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And I didn't see when thread three in the evolving saga went away over there, but I'm betting it had something to do with ROMANiac chiming in. right?

And how's the for irony.. him defending her. :headshake Poor kid. Still messed up.

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OK folks, yes, I am Base Ball. This is going to be a long one, so please grab a Coke or something and read along while I explain.


Off and on for the past two years, I went over to that board for information. Particularly at the trade deadline and also in the winter, i.e. when there were a lot of discussions about personnel moves.


Way back when, I caught Ncor's posting style, and to be frank, found him interesting since I thought to myself, "here is a guy who's a stockholder and we're getting some inside info here, this is great." That feeling lasted about two weeks.


I have a friend, a guy I've known since the early 70's and was my college roommate, who has bought some of my tickets for years. He signed up to post on the board, I don't know, two years ago maybe, because we talked about what the Sox might do, who they might trade, etc. He signed up for that board and posted for about two weeks, and we hooked up for some beers one night and he went on and on about what an asshole this "ncor" was. My friend stopped posting, he said it was a waste of time and stupid (he is smarter than me).


I will admit this bothered me, and yes, maybe it shouldn't have. Like many of you, I don't like my friends getting trashed, although he is a big boy and handles himself just fine. So I followed the board over there off and on for a time, and as many of you seem to agree with ... Ncor is indeed an abrasive, demeaning poster.


I will also admit that I have those same qualities from time to time, I do not like to take a lot of guff (who does?) and my tolerance can be very low for it at times.


I know some other season ticket holders, none on this board, and began to casually inquire about Ncor, saying "hey, this guy is a stockholder, he lives in Oak Brook, etc. etc." and did they know this guy? None of them did.


Then, SoxFest came up, this was Jan. 2003 and it was the day the Sox signed Lofton. I was at SoxFest that day, and struck up a conversation with the web guy, the guy who was updating the White Sox website. I was with the same friend who I mention above.


The web guy kinda looks at us as we're talking about Ncor, and waves us off and says "do you guys really believe this guy? Do you really believe a major league team would allow a guy like that to post inside information, seeing as certain demographic information has been obtained, ISP, he posts so much we know certain things about him, etc. Do you guys really think he's for real?"


Well, we were a little stunned, asked a few more questions because now, I was interested. The web guy basically told us, don't worry about that Ncor guy, the White Sox laugh at him. He is, very simply, someone the White Sox dismiss as a goof.


I probably should've let it go at that point. Then, as many of you recall, the big drama about Ken Williams surfaced ("he will submit his resignation, Reinsdorf always protects his employees, he will be shifted to another position, his contract is complicated and it will take time, blah blah blah blah blah"). This, of course, was all coming from Ncorgbl. Joined in by hotsoxchick (Michelle).


Like many of you, I waited and watched. I know that Williams shoots from the hip, and let's face it, the Sox have underachieved and many times the GM takes the fall. So it didn't shock me that speculation like this was coming out.


Right about that time, I met quickman via our mutual friend, who is indeed an investigative reporter, think high profile Chicago media. I will not name his name but if I meet any of you I will gladly tell you. The three of us were out one night and quickman and I kind of bonded because we are both passionate about the Sox. We are also both strong willed and dare I say it, we both get a bit cranky when someone tries to pull bulls*** over on us. And yes, the word cantankerous fits me at times ... I will not characterize quickman but he knows what I think of him :lol:


OK ... we started talking. quickman felt all along Ncor was full of hot air. One thing we agreed on was this:


The White Sox have a policy of responding personally to the inquiry of any season ticket holder. They also take very seriously their responsibility to be fan friendly. They take complaints seriously and White Sox personnel are EXPECTED to be ambassadors of the White Sox organization. That does NOT mean they'll cater to every whim we have as fans, but it does mean they're expected to be courteous, responsible, and do their best to make sure we as fans enjoy the experience, and most importantly remain fans and continue to support the team. I have had a couple of long talks with my season ticket rep about this, and she is a wonderful example for the White Sox organization. They expect this from anyone associated with the Sox organization.


Sorry if I'm digressing, but all of this is important by means of background, I promise. Stick with me.


Many of you know I go to spring training every year. In Tucson, you get a rare opportunity to interact with senior Sox management in a more informal setting. I have met Ken Williams, Howard Pizer who is of the top guys and a friend of Reinsdorf, Reinsdorf himself, and many others. None would know me if they ran into me on the street, I don't mean to suggest I'm friends with them. Their philosophy is the same ... Sox employees ... and those associated with the Sox, are to be very cognizant of how they "face out" to the public. Again, they are expected to be ambassadors vs. antagonistic. They know that, in general, they can do more with the club if there are more fans. It's very simply good business.


Quickman and I started talking about this more and more as we became friends. We never sat down and said, "hey, let's start checking into Ncor, let's see if he's real." He would talk to season ticket holders and he has at least one high ranking member of the White Sox organization who he knows from his neighborhood ... a high ranking guy, not an officer. He also knows a prominent Chicago media sports guy. We are both very friendly with the investigative reporter. Quickman knows a White Sox investor, personally.


Other season ticket holders became quite interested in our questions of whether Ncor was the real deal or not. By this time, I had strong suspicions he wasn't, but no proof.


We also know a couple of long standing season ticket holders who have access to the right personnel within the White Sox organization. It is more than the one person who posts on this board whom you all think, or know, I'm referring to. And when quickman and I started going to more games together, etc. we found one of the common topics was, "can you believe what that asshole Ncor was saying to people?". In fact, we never called him Ncor, it was always Asshole Ncor :lol: .


We'd put very very little time into this, other than asking questions of people we knew at social situations. People like I've mentioned above - people who might have the right information.


Some of the "personal" info that was posted about Ncor was obtained from reading the board over there, some from other methods. It is not hard to find out who is and who isn't connected, if you talk to the right people.


The stockholder list is not easy to obtain. We were helped by a couple of people with this. A specific letter was sent to the Coordinator of Investor Relations, Finney Noffsinger. She is about 60 I'd say, and is Reinsdorf's right arm. She knows all the stockholders, every last one of them. She indicated to one of us that there is no one ... repeat, NO ONE, of the stockholders who match Denny's profile. That means age, location, name, manner of employment/retirement, etc. Also, Denny stated he bought in under Bill Veeck, that would've been 25 years ago at least. Denny claims he sold his co. and retired 4 years ago at age 49, that's how he was able to retire wealthy. That would make him 53. 53 minus 25 is 28. Now, while it's possible someone age 28 in the mid-late 1970's would have had enough $$ to buy in as a White Sox stockholder ... it raised another red flag for me.


I spoke to three senior White Sox people in Tucson this spring, quickman does not even know this I don't think, and I casually mentioned, "hey, I'm acquainted with one of your stockholders ... Denny ... you know, the guy from Oak Brook, early 50's, sold his lubricant company, been a stockholder for a long time, you know ... Denny?"


All I got were blank stares, except from the senior-most guy, a finance guy who said "You must be thinking of someone else. There is no such guy." That pretty much convinced me this guy was a liar, but I did nothing further about it until the letter about two weeks ago.


I sent it out on a Wednesday. Whammo ... Friday morning, I get a call from Amy Kress, Director of Marketing Communications. I have that voice mail saved. What she told me has been documented several times, but I will give it to you in a nutshell for sake of convenience. She said the Sox are very aware of this guy, since they monitor the boards (which is normal for sports teams - public perception). They have had countless complaints about this guy. The information he posts is way off base, totally wrong, and they agree that they expect anyone associated with the team to be an ambassador for the White Sox. She also told me that while they get a good laugh from reading his "information", they don't pursue getting him banned because it's free speech ... and she alluded to the fact that anybody can post on a message board.


Meanwhile, one of those working with us saw the stockholder list. We know how many there are, and one of them is not Denny. Meaning, there is no name like that on the list, and none from Oak Brook and/or Tinley Park, where he has a son going to Andrew.


Why we (I) got personal: we basically told him to fess up, or we'd release more information. I used the generic name "Base Ball" over there out of my own impatience ... I put in all the info they require and did not put in the nickname, and well, I goofed on that. It was not by design. Many of you saw what we posted ... we WANT to meet with Ncor to have him prove us wrong, or I should say ... prove us right.


Oh, that's one other thing ... any time Ncor was challenged, at whatever level, to meet in person (usually to fight which is stupid), he always had an excuse, usually verbally demeaned the person and got back on his throne.


We take it personally that someone poses as a stockholder, passes off information when he's not a stockholder, and misleads fans. Sure, we could've left it alone and said "what's the difference, it's only a message board". I can see why some of you would think we went overboard, I respect your opinion. Quickman reinforced to me that hey, our money is essentially going into this guy's pocket, let's find out for sure if it is or isn't.


I felt that was reason enough. Put it this way ... if you go to the dry cleaners because you like the way they do your shirts, but every time you interact with one of the owners he is a total prick to you, how would you feel? Or you went to a good restaurant, your waitress was nice, food great, atmosphere great ... but the owner growled at you and treated you like s***? That is the attitude we took.


I said, hey, you don't want to fess up, we'll bring more info out. Sure enough, all his cohorts jumped in to defend him. NOT ONE of them has ever met him and can PERSONALLY vouch for him. And hsc was the first one to start blathering away, defending him. That's fine, but be prepared to have your credibility questioned. Do I wish it hadn't gotten ugly? Yes, of course. Did we waste our time? That's for us to decide, we feel we didn't.


There will be more information coming out, we are not necessarily actively seeking it, but you can bet all involved have our ears open and we will continue to ask questions. Meanwhile, MLB is busy deleting threads, Denny is changing his user profile on Ebay (he spends a lot of time buying and selling on Ebay) and I'm quite certain he is regrouping. Most telling to us is how, after we posted a lot of info we'd gotten from the sox and other sources, he took a different approach ... he asked all his cohorts to "not repond to us, it's the only way they'll go away." He thought we were one of his nemesis over there, some guy named FoxieMVP59, something like that. We don't know Foxie, have never met him. We have lots of people involved behind the scenes, or should I say interested and willing to get involved.


So folks, that is the story. We did not mean to make this a big soap opera. I will gladly meet and shake anyone's hand, so will quickman. We are personally known to a few on this board, not many. We are both successful businessmen and we are not afraid to stand up and be counted.


In closing, there will be more to come out, in time.



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Wow. Jim I have to hand it to you and Quickman. You guys felt something needed to be done, and you took care of it. 99% of people would have just said "Aww, screw it," but you guys got to the bottom of things, and I think thats great.


Nice work.

Tony nailed it on the head. Most people would have said the hell with it but you and quickman actually did something about this fraud.


:notworthy JimH and quickman.

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I know I've told you both this, but I don't blame you or quick for what happened, and even moreso I thank you due to the fact that the proper people and Eric Helmer from MLB has gotten involved.


This has exceeded anything I thought it would.


Good work guys.



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I wish all this stuff had been andled solely at whitesox.com and not here


it bothered me to see soxtalk get disparaged in all the fighting threads over there

Well Vince.. there's a lot of stuff I'm sure we all wish wasn't posted, talked about, and faught about over here.

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