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I wish all this stuff had been andled solely at whitesox.com and not here


it bothered me to see soxtalk get disparaged in all the fighting threads over there

The people who tried to drag soxtalk in the mud over there, aren't the type of people most would want anything to do with, whether it be personally or on a message board. There was only 2 or 3 people who had anything derrogatory to say about this site. Corg was behind a couple of those characters, there may have been one that he wasn't behind, that being Colsat46, but I find it hard to believe a guy like Colsat would be threatening physical violence, so Corg might have had his email address and password, and was doing the posting. The only other one was HSC who showed what she lacks as a person in one post. I applaud JimH and quickman for this public service.

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DA, colsat46 is a real guy unto his own, he is not Denny.


We have his full name. And yes, he did threaten physical violence, more than once. 60+ years old and just had a heart attack, weird.

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DA, colsat46 is a real guy unto his own, he is not Denny.


We have his full name.

Is it the same name he posted yesterday? I just find it hard to believe a guy would actually post his name, and post where he lives and then post threat upon threat. All it would take to post as him is his email address and password. He hadn't posted there in months, due to an alleged heart attack. Don't you think its a coincidence he started posting again just as a guy he has never met was exposed as a fake? Its almost as hard to believe as the thought that Corg could have possiby had the position he had. Corg definitely has a keen interest in the military. Fauxie tried to post an archive of Corg, who admitted using another name, praising himself with the other name. The thread has been deleted.

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DA, not sure what you saw, but yes, he posted it. Don't know why, must've felt compelled to do so or maybe we just got under his skin. Who knows.


We were not surprised at all when certain people jumped out of the woodwork.

It's happened that way before in similar circumstances, anyone who even looks at that board occassionally knows Denny was constantly arguing with sombody, and then his trusted cohorts jump in.


Maybe Denny has a special red phone and then all the cohorts snap to attention.

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DA, colsat46 is a real guy unto his own, he is not Denny.


We have his full name.  And yes, he did threaten physical violence, more than once.  60+ years old and just had a heart attack, weird.

I may decide to go out in a blaze of glory suspending people who bring whitesox.com forum fights over to here. This is why many of us left that forums and I sure don't want this s*** here.


And it is a tad obsessive and almost frightening and threatening to say "we have his full name" -


this tracking people down and violating their privacy and these conspiracy theories are over the top


Hell, Scott A Teter, Sat46, is, as I have posted, a Sox expert who has been credited in many places including 8 Men Out and White Sox: A Visual Histoiry (see attached photo) for his contributiuons. He is retired army, West Point grad. As quickman defended his friend JimH, so Sat defended his friend Dennis. Why is that wrong for him and right for you? Do you have red phones to contact each other? Get over it. Scott has his own sense of honor that is probably very military. And I actually resent the

We have his full name.  And yes, he did threaten physical violence, more than once.  60+ years old and just had a heart attack, weird.


Sat has threatened to meet people for fisticuffs for years. It is his bluster. I by no means have always gotten along with him and have gotten tired of his bluster. But he is also a real Sox fan and a good person loyal to his friends and maybe he finds the obsession with Dennis to be weird.


Ncorg posted here briefly. He was an asshole here to a good poster named Rafacosta. I in no way condone what Ncorg has sometimes done at whitesox.com and left because - not him - but all the peope who always felt they had to fight him and then he fought back and on and on and on.


Sat46 has posted here too with his Little Boat thing which a lot of people like. But Sat has not been here much.


The problems you had with Ncorg, I have my opinions on. They were problems that were whitesox.com problems, not soxtalk problems. The proper forum for them was there. Not here.


But in the end, could you all have not prevailed on the mlb administrators to do something and not been all public with this? I get the real feel of threatening board police. Will you go after me next? Someone else? Anyone you don't like, will you take down? Invade our privacies and post private information?


for the record, that there are no last named Greeks in Oak Brook or Tinley park means nothing. Two of my friends in high school wewre 100% Greek and named Pantazi and Ascot. Some names got changed at Ellis Island. The rest: maybe he was total fraud. Maybe he was a board bully at whitesox.com but it was not a soxtalk issue. Ever consider that the crusade to out Dennis made you bullies as well? If the Sox were so concerned, they could have acted quietly and a pathetic little man would not have to be stomped on with all the ugly waves in its wake. You opened up a box of horrors.


I wish it had been handled quietly beneath the surface or handled only at whitesox.com. This was not our fight. This is not what soxtalk is for, whitesox.com problems. I came here to get away from that.

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for the record..im not a fan of corg...i have a cordial relationship with him but i also had problems with the way he treated alot of people...we discussed this alot of the years and i told him that something like this might happen...i wasnt his enemy either but i wasnt a fan of his methods and he knew this...


im not sure what bothers me more...what jimh did or the fact that a majority of soxtalk posters dont see anything wrong with it and are actually congradulatory to jimh...im really disappointed in that..i always thought of soxtalk as a place where a vast majority here conducted themselves with a sense of fair play..


to the posters here who agree with this...would you with the methods if it was anyone else besides corg as the target of the witch hunt???...what if it was you??..what if jimh went to your ex wife or an ex girlfriend to get dirt on you..involved members of the media to look up personal info on you..told your kid , or threatened to tell your kid (i cant remember which and the thread was removed) that your were living an assumed life over the internet ( or whatever his reason was for going after you)???...would you still applaud his efforts???..would you still think jim was cool and his methods had a sense of fair play???


to jim h...i feel it was very wrong what you did...we have had our differences but i would never have thought you would do something like this to another human being..eventhough we disagreed on a lot of issues i had respect for you because you could discuss an issue w/o getting personal..then im off the internet for 6 months and when i get you attack me personally because of my take on kenny williams..im like , what got into this guy?..this isnt like him...


so what happened to you jim???.....cant you see that what you hated in corg is exactly what you have become by going after him this way??...he was called the board nazi by alot of his enemies...dont you think your actions are worthy of a similiar tag??


i feel sorry for you..i really do...ill be praying that you can someday see how wrong this really was...youre better than this jim

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calm down. the fight wasn't brought here, it's being discussed here. jim was explaining everything, not trying to start something.


although i will say one thing, a 60+ year old man who repeatedly challenges people to fist-fights on the internet, no matter what movies his s*** has appeared in, is a loser.

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Well I just wasted a lot of my time reading most of this thread. Why is it so important to prove the Ncorg is a fraud when we all knew he was before? :huh



Was "most" of the thread within the first 20 pages, before JimH meticulously explained his reasons for exposing Ncorg.


If you fail to comprehend (or understand) his motives, then why continue to post in this thread? Why must those who are interested in Ncorgls demise read through page after page of members pondering "why are we interested."

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calm down.  the fight wasn't brought here, it's being discussed here.  jim was explaining everything, not trying to start something.


although i will say one thing, a 60+ year old man who repeatedly challenges people to fist-fights on the internet, no matter what movies his s*** has appeared in, is a loser.

That's the way I see it as well. Who was fighting within this board..?

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for the record..im not a fan of corg...i have a cordial relationship with him but i also had problems with the way he treated alot of people...we discussed this alot of the years and i told him that something like this might happen...i wasnt his enemy either but i wasnt a fan of his methods and he knew this...


im not sure what bothers me more...what jimh did or the fact that a majority of soxtalk posters dont see anything wrong with it and are actually congradulatory to jimh...im really disappointed in that..i always thought of soxtalk as a place where a vast majority here conducted themselves with a sense of fair play..


to the posters here who agree with this...would you with the methods if it was anyone else besides corg as the target of the witch hunt???...what if it was you??..what if jimh went to your ex wife or an ex girlfriend to get dirt on you..involved members of the media to look up personal info on you..told your kid , or threatened to tell your kid (i cant remember which and the thread was removed) that your were living an assumed life over the internet ( or whatever his reason was for going after you)???...would you still applaud his efforts???..would you still think jim was cool and his methods had a sense of fair play???


to jim h...i feel it was very wrong what you did...we have had our differences but i would never have thought you would do something like this to another human being..eventhough we disagreed on a lot of issues i had respect for you because you could discuss an issue w/o getting personal..then im off the internet for 6 months and when i get you attack me personally because of my take on kenny williams..im like , what got into this guy?..this isnt like him...


so what happened to you jim???.....cant you see that what you hated in corg is exactly what you have become by going after him this way??...he was called the board nazi by alot of his enemies...dont you think your actions are worthy of a similiar tag??


i feel sorry for you..i really do...ill be praying that you can someday see how wrong this really was...youre  better than this jim

Interesting perspective baggs... do you feel this way about anyone who posts personal information about others on message boards...?

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Wow. What a mess. I only have two things to say about all of this. First and foremost, I am very sorry that Steff was an innocent victim in all this. She has always treated me in a stylish, classy and diginified manner and I think very highly of her. I don't know what was said, Steff, and I don't want to know. As far as I'm concerned, you are "good people".


Finally, I never cared for Ncorg after I spent some time around here and became more familiar with his personality. What he did to rafacosta was classless and uncalled for. I eventually got to the point that I just skipped any Ncorg post without reading it. The constant "Tub-o-goo" posts pushed me to that point. I was much happier with Soxtalk once I stopped reading his posts, and even moreso when he stopped posting here.

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Whether you agree with this or not, or what happened, if you want this to "go away", then stop posting. Read it, decide for yourself, PM people if you have that big of a disagreement, but please, I think it's time to just simply let this go by the wayside. We can rehash this forever, and the more it's at the top of the page, the more people get sucked in.


I think a lot of people have a lot of regrets, or, valiant reasons to do what they did. But there's a lot of emotion, and it would be nice to move on so that the tension can go away.


I've said my piece, let's hope it ends here.

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I may decide to go out in a blaze of glory suspending people who bring whitesox.com forum fights over to here.  This is why many of us left that forums and I sure don't want this s*** here.


And it is a tad obsessive and almost frightening and threatening to say "we have his full name" -


this tracking people down and violating their privacy and these conspiracy theories are over the top


Hell, Scott A Teter, Sat46, is, as I have posted, a Sox expert who has been credited in many places including 8 Men Out and White Sox: A Visual Histoiry (see attached photo) for his contributiuons.  He is retired army, West Point grad.  As quickman defended his friend JimH, so Sat defended his friend Dennis.  Why is that wrong for him and right for you?  Do you have red phones to contact each other?  Get over it. Scott has his own sense of honor that is probably very military.  And I actually resent the  comments.


Sat has threatened to meet people for fisticuffs for years.  It is his bluster.  I by no means have always gotten along with him and have gotten tired of his bluster.  But he is also a real Sox fan and a good person loyal to his friends and maybe he finds the obsession with Dennis to be weird.


Ncorg posted here briefly.  He was an asshole here to a good poster named Rafacosta.  I in no way condone what Ncorg has sometimes done at whitesox.com and left because - not him - but all the peope who always felt they had to fight him and then he fought back and on and on and on.


Sat46 has posted here too with his Little Boat thing which a lot of people like. But Sat has not been here much. 


The problems you had with Ncorg, I have my opinions on.  They were problems that were whitesox.com problems, not soxtalk problems.  The proper forum for them was there.  Not here.


But in the end, could you all have not prevailed on the mlb administrators to do something and not been all public with this?  I get the real feel of threatening board police.  Will you go after me next?  Someone else?  Anyone you don't like, will you take down?  Invade our privacies and post private information? 


for the record, that there are no last named Greeks in Oak Brook or Tinley park means nothing.  Two of my friends in high school wewre 100% Greek and named Pantazi and Ascot.  Some names got changed at Ellis Island.  The rest: maybe he was total fraud.  Maybe he was a board bully at whitesox.com but it was not a soxtalk issue.  Ever consider that the crusade to out Dennis made you bullies as well?  If the Sox were so concerned, they could have acted quietly and a pathetic little man would not have to be stomped on with all the ugly waves in its wake.  You opened up a box of horrors. 


I wish it had been handled quietly beneath the surface or handled only at whitesox.com.  This was not our fight.  This is not what soxtalk is for, whitesox.com problems.  I came here to get away from that.

Well Vince, you have your opinion and that's just fine.


I was asked a question and answered it. As for your buddy Scott and all his admirable qualities, that's just fine too. See Dick Allen's post on the subject.


I didn't start this thread here, maybe you should talk to the person who did, or those who asked the questions.


If you want to talk about conspiracy theories, go take a look at Denny's record, that'll keep people busy for weeks. The red phone comment was humor, maybe your indignance is a little over the top too. You above all should know there are two sides to everything.


You had Denny over here, doing the same stuff. Did you do anything about it?


And Vince, there's a lot more to it than there not being a Greek last name on the list, we know a Greek guy doesn't necessarily have a Greek last name.


This was a personal thing in the context of this guy deluding White Sox fans, and season ticket holders, of which you are one, correct? As for certain things being "problems" on certain boards, is this not why we have this particular forum? To discuss whatever is on our posters' minds? You'll note I stayed out of it here until things cooled down a little bit. You couldn't have just PM'd me with your concerns? What is all this "blaze of glory" stuff? You're as responsible as anyone for not letting this blow over.

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for the record..im not a fan of corg...i have a cordial relationship with him but i also had problems with the way he treated alot of people...we discussed this alot of the years and i told him that something like this might happen...i wasnt his enemy either but i wasnt a fan of his methods and he knew this...


im not sure what bothers me more...what jimh did or the fact that a majority of soxtalk posters dont see anything wrong with it and are actually congradulatory to jimh...im really disappointed in that..i always thought of soxtalk as a place where a vast majority here conducted themselves with a sense of fair play..


to the posters here who agree with this...would you with the methods if it was anyone else besides corg as the target of the witch hunt???...what if it was you??..what if jimh went to your ex wife or an ex girlfriend to get dirt on you..involved members of the media to look up personal info on you..told your kid , or threatened to tell your kid (i cant remember which and the thread was removed) that your were living an assumed life over the internet ( or whatever his reason was for going after you)???...would you still applaud his efforts???..would you still think jim was cool and his methods had a sense of fair play???


to jim h...i feel it was very wrong what you did...we have had our differences but i would never have thought you would do something like this to another human being..eventhough we disagreed on a lot of issues i had respect for you because you could discuss an issue w/o getting personal..then im off the internet for 6 months and when i get you attack me personally because of my take on kenny williams..im like , what got into this guy?..this isnt like him...


so what happened to you jim???.....cant you see that what you hated in corg is exactly what you have become by going after him this way??...he was called the board nazi by alot of his enemies...dont you think your actions are worthy of a similiar tag??


i feel sorry for you..i really do...ill be praying that you can someday see how wrong this really was...youre  better than this jim

Where is your venom for Michelle, baggio?


You seem to have an issue with your opinions being challenged vs. a personal attack. There's a difference.


You may have these issues confused with your thought process that someone was listening in on your phone calls.


Relax Baggio. Or at the very least, be fair about your criticisms and call out HSC too.

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Wow.  What a mess.  I only have two things to say about all of this.  First and foremost, I am very sorry that Steff was an innocent victim in all this.  She has always treated me in a stylish, classy and diginified manner and I think very highly of her.  I don't know what was said, Steff, and I don't want to know.  As far as I'm concerned, you are "good people".


Finally, I never cared for Ncorg after I spent some time around here and became more familiar with his personality.  What he did to rafacosta was classless and uncalled for.  I eventually got to the point that I just skipped any Ncorg post without reading it.  The constant "Tub-o-goo" posts pushed me to that point.  I was much happier with Soxtalk once I stopped reading his posts, and even moreso when he stopped posting here.

Great post, I agree.

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I wish all this stuff had been andled solely at whitesox.com and not here


it bothered me to see soxtalk get disparaged in all the fighting threads over there

I disagree.

I felt it was quite telling to have Soxtalk referred to as "romper room" while the MATURE ADULTS over there were sniping at each other and dragging each other through the sewer.

....btw, that is NOT referring to the people who also post here, mainly a reference to the "resident expert insider" over there who left here...


Sometimes the "little kids" act more grown-up than the grown-ups....ironic, eh?

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I disagree.

I felt it was quite telling to have Soxtalk referred to as "romper room" while the MATURE ADULTS over there were sniping at each other and dragging each other through the sewer.

....btw, that is NOT referring to the people who also post here, mainly a reference to  the "resident expert insider" over there who left here...


Sometimes the "little kids" act more grown-up than the grown-ups....ironic, eh?

What I found more interesting was the numerous claims that some of those involved in that thread claim to post here... I can't imagine that people can be that two faced...:unsure: wait :o ... yes I can. rolleyeyes.gif

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Where is your venom for Michelle, baggio?


You seem to have an issue with your opinions being challenged vs. a personal attack.  There's a difference.


You may have these issues confused with your thought process that someone was listening in on your phone calls.


Relax Baggio.  Or at the very least, be fair about your criticisms and call out HSC too.

youre talking about being fair???....holy crap...are you serious???


why you dont come all they way clean , jim???...i know for a fact a lot of stuff here is being misrepresented by you and others...but unlike you i wont be doing any investigations..


all through this whole disgusting affair you were dropping hints left and right of who you were..not even a week after this started you came out and took credit...youre just like a criminal who got away with a crime...most of them are caught because their egos are so big they cant resist telling others of their great accomplishments..eventually one of those they tell turn into an informant...you also couldnt resist dropping names in sox management...you really did a bad job of covering your tracks..and because of that there are probably some people pretty pissed at you...


while i dont agree with what michelle said at least she had the guts to post it under her own name...take full responsibility for it...you on the other hand didnt have the guts to go public with your identity until you knew the outcome of your actions... only then, when your ego wouldnt let you stay silent any longer....can you see the difference, mr cloak and dagger???


oh yeah ..before i forget...the funniest thing is you told another poster that if he had a problem to take this up with the poster who started this thread here...chivalry really isnt dead , is it jim :??? :lol:


cwsox..thanks for your understanding through all of this..still like to catch with you sometime this year


peace ya'll

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