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no she is not.. I promise. When its revealed by baseball at HIS time, you will know. It is certianly a shame what HSC did to Steff. Steff was not involved. Too bad. I said I was letting this drop, and I will. Its really unfortunate it was suppose to be about Corg, nobody else.

Why is it Base Ball is sparingly revealing information about Ncorg? Just curious because HSC (and the Ncorg supporters) will only continue to dismiss Base Ball's claims until undeniable proof is posted.

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No, but that guy obviously has excellent taste. :lol: I did sign up to post there, but I have to wait 24 hours.

I agree. I'm not sure what the boys are thinking with the new EP of cover tunes, but I haven't heard much of it yet so I'll reserve judgement.

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Why is it Base Ball is sparingly revealing information about Ncorg?  Just curious because HSC (and the Ncorg supporters) will only continue to dismiss Base Ball's claims until undeniable proof is posted.

Flash, what proof would you like. He posted a name you can call at the Whitesox, did you pick up the phone and call? NO you didn't. What can possibly be written that everyone would agree too. he is stating the info he has. There is more, but really what do you want to see? We have whitesox peeople saying he is not an investor. That doesn't do it for you?


What tell me what you want baseball to produce..

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Flash, what proof would you like. He posted a name you can call at the Whitesox, did you pick up the phone and call? NO you didn't. What can possibly be written that everyone would agree too. he is stating the info he has. There is more, but really what do you want to see? We have whitesox peeople saying he is not an investor. That doesn't do it for you?


What tell me what you want baseball to produce..

If I listed names of investors, you wouldn't beleive me. Some person would say no thats not the list. What do you need? We have a whitesox marketing person via voice mail. Would that do? If I put it into a wave file, you would say that was my sister saying something. So what what do you want to see.


The point of all this was to expose him, its up to all of you to agree or dissagree. That is all. that's it. Some people know more than others. Some people have met Kenny Williams some have not. How do you prove it.


Please understand the point,Baseball provided info. take it or leave it. there will be 50 % on one side and 50% on the other side.


We know more now than yesterday. that is good.


HSC went way too far on the Steff comments. She is rather innocent in all this. That is a shame.

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Flash, what proof would you like. He posted a name you can call at the Whitesox, did you pick up the phone and call? NO you didn't. What can possibly be written that everyone would agree too. he is stating the info he has. There is more, but really what do you want to see? We have whitesox peeople saying he is not an investor. That doesn't do it for you?


What tell me what you want baseball to produce..

Jackass, listen carefully.


Throughout the thread Baseball has posted his information, and has said more would arrive over time. Simply, I inquired to you if any more facts were forthcoming.


Re-read my post again, where exactly did I say I doubted what was posted.

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Jackass, listen carefully.


Throughout the thread Baseball has posted his information, and has said more would arrive over time.  Simply, I inquired to you if any more facts were forthecoming.


Re-read my post again, where exactly did I say I doubted what was posted.

Did i swear at you. Did I call you jackass, did I discredit you? I think not. You can draw your own conclusions, go ask baseball, call him out in a thread. Ask him what you want. Putting me down will not get you anymore answers. Quite frankly I don't care whether you believe him or not.

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Did i swear at you. Did I call you jackass, did I discredit you? I think not. You can draw your own conclusions, go ask baseball, call him out in a thread. Ask him what you want. Putting me down will not get you anymore answers. Quite frankly I don't care whether you believe him or not.



Listen Quickman, I have yet to discredit anything posted by Base Ball. Where do you derive an impression I don't believe him. Christ, man. Reread this post and answer, within its content, of where I don't "believe him."


Why is it Base Ball is sparingly revealing information about Ncorg? Just curious because HSC (and the Ncorg supporters) will only continue to dismiss Base Ball's claims until undeniable proof is posted.


Point of the orginal post was directed at members such as HSC; whom continue to support Ncorg.

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Listen Quickman, I have yet to discredit anything posted by Base Ball. Where do you derive an impression I don't believe him.  Christ, man.  Reread this post and answer, within its content, of where I don't "believe him."




Point of the orginal post was directed at members such as HSC; whom continue to support Ncorg.

I won't post to you anymore. I have been called a jackass and a Rock. man I must really be stupid. You should ignore all my posts on this and the other board. hell I am so dumb I shouldn;t even have been part of this. I have no information.


I will go back under my rock now.

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I'm through with this.


I'll sort of leave this out there as a general question to mods/admins... why does this need to be discussed HERE? It has nothing to do with HERE. This is nothing but a trash thread and it's about an issue that has little bearing on the happenings of this forum.


Someone else can come unlock it if they wish, but I think I've seen enough.

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Yes, I will re-open.


There's no real nastiness. Just discussing something big that's going on involving present and former members of this place.


Besides, Saturday afternoons are booooooooring.

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I find it honorable of you to ignore my post.


You called me out. I'm merely attempting to understand WHY, seeing as there was no points within my original posts which suggests I don't agree with Base Ball.


Again, I'll repost what you conviently evaded.


Why is it Base Ball is sparingly revealing information about Ncorg? Just curious because HSC (and the Ncorg supporters) will only continue to dismiss Base Ball's claims until undeniable proof is posted.
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Yes, I will re-open.


There's no real nastiness.  Just discussing something big that's going on involving present and former members of this place.


Besides, Saturday afternoons are booooooooring.

Cool. I just think that this is something turning into something that doesn't need to be hashed out here, but ok... it's sort of turning the neighboorhood into trash...



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Cool.  I just think that this is something turning into something that doesn't need to be hashed out here, but ok... it's sort of turning the neighboorhood into trash...



I agree with Spiff keeping this relatively civil color commentary thread open - for now... So play nice. The current bickering in this thread notwithstanding it has NOT devolved into total ripfest as the MLB thread has.


That thread I would have killed a long while back. I'm not sure why Alerity hasn't yet, but I'm sure it will happen.

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It was all just more of the same.  Buncha people cheering on Quickman/Base Ball... "way... to go... guy's an ass.... been asking for it...".  Buncha people suggesting that spending a YEAR on this 'cloak and dagger' mission (where's a "jerk off" smiley when you need one?) says at least as much about Base Ball/Quickman as it does ncrgbl, to the point of supposedly getting some press guy to dig around the Sox org for a list of shareholders and upsetting them in the process, outing personal info about ncrgbl's family etc.  Buncha back and forth sniping - but sniping without the love love we have over here...  Final 'field report' indicating ncrgbl was a no show and Base Ball/Quickman missed a couple innings of the game to make that point, HSC suggesting they meet HER at the game tonight and she'll find his name on the investor list if it's there....


I guess it's alright for a summer replacement, but it wouldn't cut it for the fall lineup...



With all this talk of list exchanges.....Cue "Mission Impossible" music.


With HSC playing the part of Vanessa Redgrave, of course :ph34r:

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I find it honorable of you to ignore my post. 


You called me out.  I'm merely attempting to understand WHY, seeing as there was no points within my original posts which suggests I don't agree with Base Ball.


Again, I'll repost what you conviently evaded.

We are clear right? You saw my PM?

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With all this talk of list exchanges.....Cue "Mission Impossible" music.


With HSC playing the part of Vanessa Redgrave,  of course :ph34r:

You're Mike Pushkin, aren't you? :D


It's hilarious to see the disingenuous cowards who defend Corg-meister suddenly find their inner moral compass and a sense of measure, singing the "can't we all just get along?" refrain of deflection.............Uh-huh, as if the pitiful objections of the Corg's henchmen, most of whom are either idiots or no-life trolls themselves, are gonna stop this beautiful unmasking of His Toolness.


I swear, that sounds just like you. And that caulfield guy said that the actual Bushkin was a Russian poet.


Huh. Maybe I'll conduct an investigation......or not.

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All I will add about that thread is that HSC was WAY out of line to attack Steff on the basis of her BELIEF that Steff was "baseball". Funny how she demands proof about nsuffrbl, but will spew venom with no proof whatsoever about the identity of "baseball". Seems like she had an agenda against Steff to begin with and was looking for an opening to pop off, or rather CREATED the opening herself.


True or not ( and I don't CARE if any of HSC's claims are true ), she was petty and ignorant to post such things.

...but petty and ignorant is Michelle's stock in trade, I guess...

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baseball has stated the he or she is not Steff.

No.. it's not me. And even though I have NOTHING to do with this s***... that stupid skank posted PERSONAL information about ME.. Isn't that nice. rolleyeyes.gif Like who doesn't know about Albert and where I work, dummy.


Well.. Michelle... and yes I know you'll read this because you lurk here and we see you lurking even though you are signed on anon, stupid... you've opened a terrible can of worms.


You did post 1 right thing over there... we are not friends. I would never be friends with such a lying disgusting thing such as yourself. You run around whoring your friendship with Mark's parents and it's sick. You've said horrible things about just about everyone that posts on this site - not to mention starting the entire Vince is a gay, pedophile, coke addict thing with BMR and Clu - (and then have the nerve to be nice to his face on opening day and then talk s*** about him the minute he walks away... yea, your "friends" talk) that I don't blame you for running away from here.


You're a sad thing Michelle. And it's a shame for those whos lives you have control over. Hopefully they are learning how to be decent human beings from their other family members as they sure as hell aint getting those lessons from you.


By the way.. that was me calling you a little bit ago. Wanted to straighten this out like an adult.. but I forgot you don't work that way. You knew where to find me if you wanted to know who baseball was... but you chose the 2 year old route. Surprise, surprise.


So you can end this now, or I can start posting PM's, IM's, and emails and everyone can learn who the real Michelle is....

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