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All I will add about that thread is that HSC was WAY out of line to attack Steff on the basis of her BELIEF that Steff was "baseball". Funny how she demands proof about nsuffrbl, but will spew venom with no proof whatsoever about the identity of "baseball". Seems like she had an agenda against Steff to begin with and was looking for an opening to pop off, or rather CREATED the opening herself.


True or not ( and I don't CARE if any of HSC's claims are true ), she was petty and ignorant to post such things.

...but petty and ignorant is Michelle's stock in trade, I guess...

Yep, not cool at all.


If she'd been born a male (ok, more like hemaphrodite), she'd be Clujer. :headshake

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All I will add about that thread is that HSC was WAY out of line to attack Steff on the basis of her BELIEF that Steff was "baseball". Funny how she demands proof about nsuffrbl, but will spew venom with no proof whatsoever about the identity of "baseball". Seems like she had an agenda against Steff to begin with and was looking for an opening to pop off, or rather CREATED the opening herself.


True or not ( and I don't CARE if any of HSC's claims are true ), she was petty and ignorant to post such things.

...but petty and ignorant is Michelle's stock in trade, I guess...

Thanks Critic.. appreciate the post.

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You did post 1 right thing over there... we are not friends. I would never be friends with such a lying disgusting thing such as yourself. You run around whoring your friendship with Mark's parents and it's sick. You've said horrible things about just about everyone that posts on this site - not to mention starting the entire Vince is a gay, pedophile, coke addict thing with BMR and Clu - (and then have the nerve to be nice to his face on opening day and then talk s*** about him the minute he walks away... yea, you're "friends" talk) that I don't blame you for running away from here.

AMEN. Steff I don't need to go to church tomarrow because you preached that so well!

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Jeebus H. Christpunchers.


Sweet merciful goddamn, I always thought Corg was a dick and I waded my way through some of all that posting.


I've only met a handful of Soxtalk posters in person [AsshatSoxFan, CrimsonWeltall, DonkeyKongerko, RPS, JoeBatters and Heather] and can say that for the most part, they've been positive.


I wish I could get out to the Cell for more games and more tailgating to meet more people (the photos look like it's lots of fun and the story Ian told me last summer made it sound very amusing)


Anyway, I digress. Steff's always been pretty solid with her White Sox info and I've never gotten in a fight with her nor do I really know a damn thing about her other than she's a Sox fan. Congrats for Quickman calling out Corg and I'm still shocked that HSC was such a b**** to Steff when Steff didn't do a damn thing wrong in the thread.


All this exposing is getting crazy...I feel a little weird now just being a relatively normal college student that nobody has any real dirt on. :lol:

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(and then have the nerve to be nice to his face on opening day and then talk s*** about him the minute he walks away... yea, you're "friends" talk) that I don't blame you for running away from here.

she did, huh? I am not surprised.


And you nailed everything else exactly right in that same post.


Which is why I was hanging with who I hung with rather than with who I encountered when I was looking for RPS.

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Things said in the chatroom:


he claims to have been researching info for a whole YEAR just to bash some idiot that probablt doesn't even EXIST

i dont know many 40 year olds who would even give a flying f*** about some asshole over the internet

its...a little more complicated than that, Mr. Zero

but to go to great lengths just to bash someone who most likely doesn't even exist, is f***ing retarded

yeah i know, him and "Base Ball" got their feelings hurt by ncorgbl, i read a post saying that "Base Ball" had personal issues with him .. IF NO ONE has ever met him, how do you have PERSONAL issues against him?

no one has met him because he doesn't exist

he's a figment of some nerds imagination

to take such a vile assault, on a person who most likely doesn't exist, and doesn't give a f*** what they say, to waste their time digging up information that does nothing but CONFIRM that ncorgbl does not exist, is a f***ing joke.

all they have going for them is a nerd laughing his ass off at the lengths they went to do that




Summary: Ncorgbl is most likely a figment of someones imagination. All quickman and "Base Ball" have going for them is a nerd laughing his ass off at the fact that they went to such great lengths to prove his alias doesn't exist.

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Things said in the chatroom:


<MrZero> he claims to have been researching info for a whole YEAR just to bash some idiot that probablt doesn't even EXIST

<MrZero> i dont know many 40 year olds who would even give a flying f*** about some asshole over the internet

<beastly> its...a little more complicated than that, Mr. Zero

<MrZero> but to go to great lengths just to bash someone who most likely doesn't even exist, is f***ing retarded

<MrZero> yeah i know, him and "Base Ball" got their feelings hurt by ncorgbl, i read a post saying that "Base Ball" had personal issues with him .. IF NO ONE has ever met him, how do you have PERSONAL issues against him?

<MrZero> no one has met him because he doesn't exist

<MrZero> he's a figment of some nerds imagination

<MrZero> to take such a vile assault, on a person who most likely doesn't exist, and doesn't give a f*** what they say, to waste their time digging up information that does nothing but CONFIRM that ncorgbl does not exist, is a f***ing joke.

<MrZero> all they have going for them is a nerd laughing his ass off at the lengths they went to do that




Summary: Ncorgbl is most likely a figment of someones imagination. All quickman and "Base Ball" have going for them is a nerd laughing his ass off at the fact that they went to such great lengths to prove his alias doesn't exist.

Interesting thoughts here.


Are you sure about this? Or just your speculation?

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I am really disgusted that anyone would believe a word that comes out of the mouth of "HSC", she has obviously been exposed time and time again for what she is.


And I am sorry Steff that a bad word was ever uttered about you in any public forum. You're one of the nicest and classiest people that I know on and off the boards and I am glad to have gotten to know you.

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I think Raffy was banned for an extended period of time for something he said here. I have a feeling HSC left after some allegations on this board.

thanks, i guess you really miss out on a lot of stuff when you stop coming here sometime around september and come back right before the season starts like I did. I'm definitely gonna be checking in during the offseason this year, so I won't be so clueless if something like this happens again.

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I am really disgusted that anyone would believe a word that comes out of the mouth of "HSC", she has obviously been exposed time and time again for what she is.


And I am sorry Steff that a bad word was ever uttered about you in any public forum.  You're one of the nicest and classiest people that I know on and off the boards and I am glad to have gotten to know you.

I am trying to figure out how the hell Steff's name got dragged into this. And I sure don't blame Steff for being pissed as hell.

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Well.. Michelle... and yes I know you'll read this because you lurk here and we see you lurking even though you are signed on anon, stupid... you've opened a terrible can of worms.



6 User(s) are reading this topic (2 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)



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there are two admins that ae usually anonymous for their own reasons and I am one of them for reasons relating to events of last October with HSC/BMR/clujer/psycho


there are several posters who also are usually anonymous and they have their own reasons


HSC does sometimes come over here anonymously - the admins can all clearly see who all is here, anonymous or not to everyone else -


I have not seen HSC here tonight, that does not mean she was not here at all, just that when I checked, she wasn't - I would suppose she was because of the Steff thing but to my knowledge she was not here tonight

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What else could he be?


There's only information proving that he doesn't exist. Nothing else.

zero , you have soemthign to ask me, then ask me. In fact lets meet. I will tell you a few things. One I never said I researched thigns for a year. Two, you should avoid thinking you know ho baseball is. Three, listen to beastly he knows more than you. Actually its a little more complicated than what you think. Four, don't listen if you don't want. And please, do me a favor since you don't know me, how the hell can you judge me on a thread. I am no mystery ask questions and I will be happy to provide answers.


baseball is in front of your face, but you don't seem to get it. PS Steff knows baseball, I know baseball, Vince actually knows baseball, beaslty knows baseball. But you don't

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