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Don't throw it back


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I've never even touched a ball, HR or foul. When I go to a game I find the closest father/son combo and tell the kid if I catch a ball it's his. There's nothing more pure to me about baseball than a father and son going to a game.

You'd do them a bigger favor by telling them you're an anti-ball magnet and they had better sit somewhere else if they want a ball to even come close to them. :lol:


There was a couple-year stretch when I was a kid that for some reason we regularly got foul balls at the park (never got a HR but I've always been a foul-line sitter so no suprise there). Now that I actually have a couple of kids to give the dang things to though, I get nothin.' :angry:

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The problem is....


Throwing the ball back gets you VERY few cheers at Comiskey, trust me. Oops there floats THAT arguementative balloon of yours.   


And when I hopefully catch a HR hit by a Sox player, I won't be throwing it back. Oops again - why would I pass up on such opportunity to "bask in the glory" if that really were the reason for throwing it back?  If it really WAS all about the attention, wouldn't I catch the ball, than preen and pose a bit, then FAKE throwing it back - before triumphantly displaying the ball to the crowds in one smooth act of mocking the abhorent Cubbie Tradition.....Wouldn't that maximize the cheer factor AND allow me to actually keep the ball which I could later display to my shallow, jerkwad friends? :)


But you WERE right without even knowing it:  it IS about me. It felt good throwing it and I recall being mini-proud of myself, albeit for different reasons than you ham-handedly stated.  But then 5 minutes later, I forgot about the whole thing -- none of that life-long shrine-building, ball-hugging, reminiscing YOU and your ilk engage in when you float on helium the entire week after catching a foul-ball...during batting practice.       


Oh and if you hadn't heard upthread....when you throw it back, the kid gets it back - from a player/coach no less.    :cheers  :lol:

Throwing it back gets you very few cheers, i should trust you on this? Maybe i'll trust my own observation on that one


Of course you won't throw it back if it's hit by a Sox player. No one wants you to. In case you didn't know, the tradition is to throw opposition home runs back. No one would cheer throwing a Sox HR back. Gee, great point, Brando


Man, if you felt good about throwing a home run back, you need help. And now you are just making pure bulls*** up in hopes of looking good. Get a life.

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I love it when you get authoritative...It must be the bridgeport in ya. ;)

That was not the intent.. It's just crazy when insults start getting tossed when people don't agree.. and over something so damn stupid as whether or not it's acceptable to throw a ball back... oye ve.

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Here's a stretch...if you dont want the opposing teams home run ball...then dont try and catch it. Seems pretty simple to me. I mean you clearly don't want it if you're going to throw it back...so why go after it?


The fact that they do it up North is even more of a reason to keep it out of the cell.

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That was not the intent.. It's just crazy when insults start getting tossed when people don't agree.. and over something so damn stupid as whether or not it's acceptable to throw a ball back... oye ve.

Steff you are looking at things pretty rational. You do know that's a sign of old age? ;)

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You said STFU.

What's the difference?



I was referring to taking at shots at eachother because of not agreeing with others opinions.



At no time did I tell anyone not to have an opinion.

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There are SOME who would ask this question of you, given your glowing reviews of all things Cubbie in the Sports Bar. ;)  :D


Don't ask, don't tell.


I was just responding to the insinuation that anyone who wouldn't throw it back is somehow a member of some indoctrinated clan,


Not everyone. Just the hard-core "dont't throw it back" trash that doesn't fool me with their "endangering the players" malarkey. They should mind their f***ing business is all.


while anyone who WOULD is a free-thinking nonconformist.


Not anyone. Just me. :cheers

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I was referring to taking at shots at eachother because of not agreeing with others opinions.



At no time did I tell anyone not to have an opinion.

I think telling everyone to STFU might have led people to believe that we couldnt have an opinion, and we should, well, STFU...


I dunno, I didnt feel like insults were getting thrown around.. We were just discussing throwing it back or not, and some people agreed with it and against it..



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I think telling everyone to STFU might have led people to believe that we couldnt have an opinion, and we should, well, STFU...


I dunno, I didnt feel like insults were getting thrown around.. We were just discussing throwing it back or not, and some people agreed with it and against it..



Well then.. those "people" assumed wrong.



If I can clarify any further.. just let me know. ;)

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Well then.. those "people" assumed wrong.



If I can clarify any further.. just let me know.  ;)

I understood what you said, I wasnt the one who said anything to you...


and chisoxfan14.. people do wanna catch a HR ball, but im pretty sure that they would much rather have a ball hit by thier team than a ball hit by the opposing team, which is why they would throw it back..


Unless of coarse you are the idiot who threw KGJ #501 back.... what a fool

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I was referring to taking at shots at eachother because of not agreeing with others opinions.



At no time did I tell anyone not to have an opinion.

So now you're FORCING people here to have opinions...? The nerve of some people... :)

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How about this. If you have no intentions of keeping the ball and don't want it to begin with then GET THE f*** OUT OF THE WAY!! Let the ball drop somewhere in the bleachers and let someone who actually wants it get it. Why do you even want to touch a home run ball that was hit by an opposing player if that said home run ball pisses you off so much that you feel the need to fling it back onto the field? How about if you just avoid that situation altogether and GET THE f*** OUT OF THE WAY!

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I know when to keep quiet...


Cheer up Steff it's FRIDAY.

Bla. I'm still tired from my 8 hour excursion to Milwaukee, and it's going to rain again tonight. It rains every single game I go to!! :angry:

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