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Corg loved a song


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Like David Hinkley and Squeeky From, my theory is corg did all this just to impress a girl. I have even penned an ode to the couple as sung by Mr. Ncorgble. I hope y'all like it. With appologies to Kenny Rogers.


While she's not posting, I stay up late at night and toke my bong

And most times all my lies can be so wrong

And it's good that I'm really just a gnome, all alone

While she starts posting, I try to impress her with my fight

And quickly she says that I'm really right.

And I post to her and say, I'm in a plight, it's not a pretty sight.



And she believed in me, I'll never know just what she sees in me

I told her everyday I was THE Man, I had changed the Sox

With my little spies, But they were all lies.

But she had faith in me, and so I go on trying faithfully

And who knows maybe on some special night, if my lies were right

I will find a way, find a way...


While she sits waiting, I stumble to the computer for a byte

Then I see my old mom in the night

Just waiting for me like a secret friend, and there's no end

While the whole worlds laughing, I fumble with an answer to my plight

And I'm torn between the things that I should do

And the boards wake up to say we're through, God my truths were few.



And she believed in me, I'll never know just what she sees in me

I told her everyday I was THE Man, I had changed the Sox

With my little spies, But it all was lies.

But she has faith in me, and so I go on trying faithfully

And who knows maybe on some special night, if my lies were right

I will find a way, find a way...

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Corg loved a song, this is still an all-time favorite and perhaps, his shining movement.


KW's Eau Du Colon


When are you gonna come down

Where will your contract land

I should have stayed on the farm

I should have listened to the old man


You know you can't bait me forever

I couldn't sign up with you

I'm not a checkbook for your friends to open

This boy's too young to be singing the blues


So goodbye Bartolo Colon

Where the dogs of big league baseball howl

You won't let me in your penthouse

I'm going back to my plough


Back to the howling old room in the woods

Hunting the next major league lode

Oh I've finally decided my future lies

Beyond the Charlotte road


What do you think you'll eat then

I bet you'll stay a tub o' goo

It'll take you a couple of dozen burritos

To never see your feet again


Maybe you'll get a new G.M.

There's plenty like me to be found

Mongrels who ain't got a penny

Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground


So goodbye Bartolo Colon

Where the dogs of big league baseball howl

You won't let me in your penthouse

I'm going back to my plough


Back to the howling old room in the woods

Hunting the next major league lode

Oh I've finally decided my future lies

Beyond the Charlotte road

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Tex, now that I think about it you're the LAST person that needs time away from civilization up in the mountains.  It may push you ovver the edge...  :D

I really miss my silent weekend retreats up in Barrington. The Jesuits run a very nice retreat house. Sadly, I haven't found a good substitute here.

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I really miss my silent weekend retreats up in Barrington. The Jesuits run a very nice retreat house. Sadly, I haven't found a good substitute here.

Hmm, the Jesuit "retreat house" back when they were molding me into the model citizen I am now was a little corner bar in Greek Town where the owner let them stay and drink after closing. :D

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