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How many is too many?

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Is there such a thing?  Is there a point where you kinda feel like it's not your team anymore and you just bought yourself a world series.  Does that even matter to you or do ya just say f*** it...whatever it takes?  Just curious on people's opinion?

Apparently it does not bother such teams like the yankees, red sox, angel. So it would not bother me whatsoever if we went into the off-season and got several players.

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I hate to say it, but thats the way with baseball now....if you want to be a season to season contender you have to fill your needs no matter how much money you have to spend.....its sorta the leagues fault for having a salary cap where you just have to pay off other teams if you go over

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I prefer to build a core team through the draft and farm systems and then add supporting players through free agency. Let's face it, building a team strictly through your own system is a thing of the past in all sports.


I don't like rentals and I don't like 1 year signings. If a team is going to pick up a star or roleplayer through free agency I prefer them being with the team for more than one season (unless they really suck).

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I don't like rentals and I don't like 1 year signings. If a team is going to pick up a star or roleplayer through free agency I prefer them being with the team for more than one season (unless they really suck).

If it was a star player don't you think they would be signed for longer than one year.

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If it was a star player don't you think they would be signed for longer than one year.

*ahem*Bartolo Colon*ahem*


Not that I'm sad to see him go. He's sucking wind even worse in Anaheim this year than he did last year in Chicago. At least he was dominant occasionally last year. This year he just plain stinks.

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*ahem*Bartolo Colon*ahem*


Not that I'm sad to see him go. He's sucking wind even worse in Anaheim this year than he did last year in Chicago. At least he was dominant occasionally last year. This year he just plain stinks.

We did not sign colon as a free agent we traded for him...

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Yea I know, he was a rental. My prior post mentioned I didn't like rentals or 1 year signings. Colon didn't like our offer, suckered the Angels into paying his fee, and they're now suffering the consequences. I hope Halladay and the Jays whip his ass tonight, and not just because I've got Roy on one of my fantasy teams :)

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I got nothing against spending money to get a few stud free agents, but it makes life a whole lot easier if a good chunk of your talent is home grown. If you find a stud, you got him at a cheap price for a while which gives you a better chance to go sign some big name guys. It's also nice to have some continuity to your team, not just getting 10 new players every year. If you're not the Yankees, it's hard to keep recycling talent.

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