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hey quickman


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how in the hell did your buddy Base Ball know the exact time i was on the phone with HSC???....what are you guys doing??...im bringing this to the attention of the whitesox and mlb...probably wont do any good but the fact that you guys know who i call and when really bothers me...what kind of people are you that you invade people's privacy to the extent of tapping phone lines or whatever youre doing to know who we call???

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I for one will say that this probably should have been handled via PM. I don't even know the full story, but Tthis has the potential to get ugly and it would suck if people took this too far like I am hearing about.

people are taking it too far...this is really getting crazy and im getting caught up in it..im removing myself further discusssion on this...im not really a jerry springer fan anyways ;)

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how in the hell did your buddy Base Ball know the exact time i was on the phone with HSC???....what are you guys doing??...im bringing this to the attention of the whitesox and mlb...probably wont do any good but the fact that you guys know who i call and when really bothers me...what kind of people are you that you invade people's privacy to the extent of tapping phone lines or whatever youre doing to know who we call???

I have no idea what you are talking about. I still don't. First there is no way he would know anything like that. Second your making it up. Third ask him not me. What thread are you seeing this?

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I have no idea what you are talking about. I still don't. First there is no way he would know anything like that. Second your making it up. Third ask him not me. What thread are you seeing this?

my mistake..im sorry dude...read my next post in this thread...kinda feel like a :dips*** right now :lol:

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people are taking it too far...this is really getting crazy and im getting caught up in it..im removing myself further discusssion on this...im not really a jerry springer fan anyways  ;)

YOU'RE caught in the middle.. YOU are...??? :headshake

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YOU'RE caught in the middle.. YOU are...???  :headshake

like i said..i wish everyone would just let this die...ive stopped posting about it on the other site and this one...i dont agree with anything of this...this whole thing is way over the top...i just wanna talk about the sox..and a few politcal topics too :D

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like i said..i wish everyone would just let this die...ive stopped posting about it on the other site and this one...i dont agree with anything of this...this whole thing is way over the top...i just wanna talk about the sox..and a few politcal topics too :D

"over the top" is an understatement baggs... a gross understatement.

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sorry but i believe after starting this particular thread that i , and only i ,  could win that election :lol:

bags, you posted and then admitted your error and apologised -


bags is a good friend and one night when my father was very ill and I had spent all day in the hospital in Chicago dealing with my father's possible death (he didn't die, he pulled through) HSC and bags and RPS and Mario and a few others traveled a significant way (because I get lost in the suburbs) to spend some time with me letting me unwind. Everyone has their good points and things that are less than that. My parting of friendship with HSC was very public. That won't be reversed. That doesn't wipe away the fact that she was there for me at a time when I needed friends. Bags has always been a good friend, just as RPS and Mario have been - and others are too. I didn't know Steff then and I am sure she would have been there for me if we had known each other at that time. Steff became special to me over a baseball game that I never got to and she knows that story - without her that night I would have gone crazy and she was kind in a situation where others would not have been because she understood the realities of life as some don't. I don't want to see good people taking sides against others not directly involved because they stand by their friends. Bags is friends with HSC and I respect that. I don't expect my friends to pick and choose their friends based on my things.


The people who are actually in this, let them be. Let's not be taking sides against others who stand with their friends. Let's not make the fighting extend beyond the parties. Bags, I respect your sticking by HSC and calling her to be supportive because she has been good to you and cares about you. I am standing by Steff here all the way - and bags, I know that you respect me for that. I have problems with HSC over some things, friendship ending things, but I also will acknowledge the good things that she is and has done. I am babbling now but this is a plea against blanket condemnations of others and a plea that we don't turn this into a brawl that effects things here - the problems are at whitesox.com, not at soxtalk, and I wish there were no problems anywhere.

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glad your dad pulled through there cwsox...i knew of chepps dads situation, that sadly ended, but i never knew of yours, its great news he pulled through...great great news...rather belated, but better belated then never i say. and only i. :snr

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like i said..i wish everyone would just let this die...ive stopped posting about it on the other site and this one...i dont agree with anything of this...this whole thing is way over the top...i just wanna talk about the sox..and a few politcal topics too :D

so did I, do you see a post by me on that site since this morning? NO

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I dont know the whole story, so this is just an outside opinion. I see stuff like this in high school, and its a little weird to see adults doing this stuff. If somebody has a problem with me I just basicly ignore them, I don't go looking for information on them or anything crazy like that. Some people I guess will never be adults, which is why you can't judge people based on their age or anything else stupid for that matter.



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I dont know the whole story, so this is just an outside opinion. I see stuff like this in high school, and its a little weird to see adults doing this stuff. If somebody has a problem with me I just basicly ignore them, I don't go looking for information on them or anything crazy like that. Some people I guess will never be adults, which is why you can't judge people based on their age or anything else stupid for that matter.



ignore the posts don't look at them they are not meant for you

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bags, you posted and then admitted your error and apologised -


bags is a good friend and one night when my father was very ill and I had spent all day in the hospital in Chicago dealing with my father's possible death (he didn't die, he pulled through) HSC and bags and RPS and Mario and a few others traveled a significant way (because I get lost in the suburbs) to spend some time with me letting me unwind.  Everyone has their good points and things that are less than that.  My parting of friendship with HSC was very public.  That won't be reversed.  That doesn't wipe away the fact that she was there for me at a time when I needed friends.  Bags has always been a good friend, just as RPS and Mario have been - and others are too.  I didn't know Steff then and I am sure she would have been there for me if we had known each other at that time.  Steff became special to me over a baseball game that I never got to and she knows that story - without her that night I would have gone crazy and she was kind in a situation where others would not have been because she understood the realities of life as some don't.  I don't want to see good people taking sides against others not directly involved because they stand by their friends.  Bags is friends with HSC and I respect that. I don't expect my friends to pick and choose their friends based on my things. 


The people who are actually in this, let them be.  Let's not be taking sides against others who stand with their friends.  Let's not make the fighting extend beyond the parties.  Bags, I respect your sticking by HSC and calling her to be supportive because she has been good to you and cares about you.  I am standing by Steff here all the way - and bags, I know that you respect me for that. I  have problems with HSC over some things, friendship ending things, but I also will acknowledge the good things that she is and has done.  I am babbling now but this is a plea against blanket condemnations of others and a plea that we don't turn this into a brawl that effects things here -  the problems are at whitesox.com, not at soxtalk, and I wish there were no problems anywhere.

thanks cwsox,



im so glad you posted what you did...you really hit on a lot of what im feeling about this situation...im really glad you said what you did about all of us not taking sides against each other in here because of whats going on over there...very well said..ive type things and erased them about 100 times tonight because i wasnt sure if what i typed was going to be taken the wrong by posters i consider friends on both sides of this situation ..and i also spent way too much time here tonight :o


im friends with both you and HSC...i wasnt around when you guys had your falling out but im really sad to see that your friendship has ended..i hope someday when time has healed some of the wounds maybe you two could make up and be friends again...im not pushing it because i know thats between you guys...i had a great time hanging out with both you guys at soxfest..we also did some tailgating together in the past...i will definately miss that in the future...id really like to get together at a game sometime soon so we can catch up..please let me know what games you are planing for in july and ill try and catch one with you...


in the past couple of years ive gone through some rough times..both emotionally and financially... both HSC and you have been there for me and i would hate to say something to hurt either one of you..just want you to know that because of your guys falling out my opinion of both of you has not changed...if either of you ever need my help you got it..


again , thanks for posting what you did...you have been very fair and honest with everyone involved..friend or foe..and i repsect the hell out of that

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You have been typing for along time baggio. My issue is not with you or anyone else on this board. Its with corg. That is all. This thread should not even be on this board.

yes i was typing for a long time...i find this difficult since i feel i have friends on both sides of this issue...i feel like whatever i type will be taken the wrong by somebody whose opinion of me i care about..


ill pass on the info to HSC next time i talk to her...

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yes i was typing for a long time...i find this difficult since i feel i have friends on both sides of this issue...i feel like whatever i type will be taken the wrong by somebody whose opinion of me i care about..


ill pass on the info to HSC next time i talk to her...

ok baggio, I understand, keep you out of it. Sorry this got out of hand, Here is the thing to all. We found info (from the whitesox) that Corg was not a shareholder. We decided to post it. Take whatever side you want. I really don't give a damn. I supported baseball because I heard and saw the docs. that is all. I don't care for corg, that is true, I never posted private info about him... that is true, BUT what I said and baseball said is also true.


No bone with you or others. None at all. Everyone has there opinion.


PS about the reporter, the guy is a friend of mine, Ia sked him to check out who the whitesox investors were. We have that. The personal info of corg did not come from him, nor are we stalking anyone including your cell phone. (couldn't resist) sorry just humor.


We do have names, but even if we posted them would you or anyone else beleave the names? I guess not. In addition why post peoples names on the internet. Not good.

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