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Hawks ranting....


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if anyone watched the game today you herd HAWKS rant about the all-star selection process with some blurbs of ozzie muttering something...hawk was freakin pissed.....some of the funniest s*** i have ever herd....."Capital B Capital S" hahaha if anyone recorded the game can I get a written quote of that whole thing I need it for an article thanks

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I absolutely agree that they should take manager out of this. The manager should not be able to pick any player. Like Ozzie said, if he had the chance he would take all of his guys including his back ups. I say take that pressure off the manager of having to worry about picking his own guys. Hell they could let the players vote for the reserves.

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Not really on topic, This might have been said somewhere else already but did anyone else hear when Hawk said s*** on the air at the begining of the game. They came back after the intrduction and Hawk was sayin he couldnt hear anything then he said "Well i cant hear s***" I was LMAO.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't A-Rod, Jeter, Giambi, Matsui and Rivera voted in?


If so, then it's not Torre's fault entirely.    I mean, Yankees are on pace to win 105, shouldn't they have AT LEAST 4 reps anyway?

Well.. A-Rod, Rivera (esp. him) are the only ones that should even be going to the ASG this year. Giambi, Jeter.. :puke And the Indians are on pase to finish with at least 80 wins should they have 5 reps from the Sox AND Twins? BTW, Matsui was voted in by the fans/world (from the people in Japan mostly) the others are from Torre. rolleyeyes.gif

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It was even Torre's fault by even considering Matsuito be on the 32 man. It's a f***ing joke. I hope Ozzie goes to the WS and puts the entire whitesox team for all-stars next season. That'll be f***ing sweet.

Exactly lets get to the World Series so Ozzie can say F.U. to the yankees and not pick any of them.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't A-Rod, Jeter, Giambi, Matsui and Rivera voted in?


If so, then it's not Torre's fault entirely.    I mean, Yankees are on pace to win 105, shouldn't they have AT LEAST 4 reps anyway?

I agree that the Yankees should have 3-4, I just got a problem with the fan vote. Giambi and Jeter(although he has gotten better) should not be starting. Yankees should have A-Rod, Vasquez, Sheffield, and Rivera for sure, Matsui is okay, but I would have much rather seen Konerko or Thomas. Only other guy I might have selected is Gordon, but setup men often get screwed. That's still a lot, but short of 8. They gotta stop Torre. Managers shouldn't have the call, of course they are going to take their own players if it is close(yes, I know McKeon isn't taking a ton of Marlins). Remember when he took Mike Stanton? Another problem I have is that guys that should be locks are automatically left off because they get hurt. Is there really any doubt that Chavez and Maggs are among the best players in the AL? Any manager would love those guys. Guys that were hurt can be elected, so why shouldn't the manager take the injured studs. I know that they would take some crap, but since "this time it counts" they should take the best guys.

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No, the point is that Hawk doesn't realize that at least 4 or 5 Yankees were not chosen by Torre, but by fans and players.


I agree - the players and writers have to do all the voting.  Or some independent commision. Or me.

By Torre putting Matsui up against two teammates a Twin and an Indian, he essentially names Matsui to the AS Team

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By Torre putting Matsui up against two teammates a Twin and an Indian, he essentially names Matsui to the AS Team

Torre alone did not pick the 5 players for the final spot. Those players were picked by Major League Baseball. Even when picking the replacement players, the manager no longer has total say in the matter.


The fact the Yankees have 8 all-stars has less to do with Torre and more to do with Steinbrenner. When you have a payroll of $200 million dollars, you basically have a team full of all-stars, which is what the Yankees have.


One could argue Gordon, but his numbers are great. They are definitely deserving. Keep in mind, the manager doesn't see every player in the league all the time. The only time Torre saw Shingo was early in the year, when he wasn't the closer and when he was struggling somewhat. That is what he has to go on other than just numbers on paper. I guarantee you his personal impressions of a guy will outweigh "numbers" most of the time. It is human nature.


Picking Vazquez to be a starter to replace another injured starter is fine. Vazquez is an all-star calibur player.


The only players Torre had anything to do with choosing are Gordon and Vazquez. All of the other Yankees were chosen by the fans or the players.


When the Sox have a payroll of $200 million they can have 8 all-stars too.

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