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Grades at the Break


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I thought this would be a nice idea to get an overall opinion of the team halfway through the season:



Starting Pitching: B-. Considering that our park is such a hitters park, I figure that the ERA's are going to be pretty high. But in the first half, we got some nice surprises, including a good start from Scotty S, Buerhle being his usual solid self (except for a few games), Garland has stepped it up pretty big, and my confidence is really growing with him, Garcia is a nice anchor for the staff, and Loaiza has been, well bad. We even got a few nice starts from Diaz and Rauch. Overall, a B-, hopefully that will improve over the second half.


Bullpen: B. Wow - what a 180 change. From sitting on the edge of our seats, having heart attacks and grabbing for the Tums first-half, to a sit-back, relax, and watch Shingo shut it down second-half. Shingo has been - I can't even describe it, awesome. Marte has been solid, and Politte, other then a bad stretch. Adkins has been a pleasant surprise, Cotts has usually been hit-or-miss, providing both good and bad outings, and Mike Jackson - well, at least he was good early in the season. I really think Kenny needs to go out and get one more guy, righty or lefty, to provide setup for Shingo. Overall a B, I really can't complain.


Offense: B+. It will take too long to describe each player individually, but overall our offense has been solid. You really can't ask for much more. I'd like to see more consistent five-seven run games as opposed to ten one night and two the other, but again, I really can't complain. This offense mashes the ball, and usually when we need a sac bunt, we can get it done. Here's to a little more 'Ozzieball' in the second half. :cheers


Defense: A. What a pleasant surprise our offense has been. I remember Opening Day at the Cell when Uribe dropped that flyball in shallow right; and I remember Jose's early slump of not being able to field easy balls, but other than that (and a few Ross Gload dropped flies), they've been solid. Everyone always knocks our defense, but I consider our defense very solid. Very good infield (defensively), our outfield is very solid too. A catcher with a better throwing arm behind the plate would be nice (cough Kendall cough ;) ), but a nice job by our D.


Coaching: A. Hear me out before some of you cough up your beer on the screen and laugh at me. IMO, any mistakes Ozzie makes, like putting in a reliever in the wrong situation, an odd lineup, he makes up for in his desire and fire in this team. He wants to win - and he knows we want to win too. I can think of multiple games that last years team would not have won (the Tampa Bay game and the Anahiem game a few days ago). This year, we were supposed to be bottom dwellers in the AL Central. The Royals were supposed to be better than us, the Twins were supposed to be better than us, hell, some had the Indians better than us. And I know a lot of you, if I said that we'd be in first at the AS Break, would go nuts. That's why I give this team an A. Now - Ozzie - keep this team on a roll, and go get that AL Central Title. :headbang


Everything in our front office has also improved IMO, from the marketing, to the management (Kenny), hell, even ownership is slowly starting to budge. All I'll say is this - a playoff appearance this year does a lot down the line.


Overall, I'm happy where we are going into the break. We're one or two pieces away, but we're close. And the upcoming 20 days are going to be very exciting and interesting - we know Kenny is going to get us another player, we just don't know who.


Well - I'm interested on everyone elses thoughts as well. Sorry for the length of the post - feel free to make my post look small by making your post twice the size as mine. :D

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I disagree about Loazia being BAD...

He isn't anywhere near as good as in 2003 but their have been been plenty of #2,#3 pitchers in the league who would love to trade places with him over the year he's having this year.

It's come down to him having one bad inning and getting into trouble. At least most of the time he keeps us in the game and at least gives us a shot to win.


My grades:

SP- B+, All been solid except for a few bad starts here and there.

RP- B, Solid except for Jackson and Cotts (Post Twins Incident)

Offense- B-, Solid but still not firing on all cylinders, I expect better in the second half.

Defense- A, Aside from a new errors alot better then anyone would of expected.

Manager- C+, I know i'll get flack for this here but I'm still waiting for Ozzie to prove that he is going to be a manager to learn from his mistakes and not continue to make the same dumb moves over and over.

The perfect example was Ross Gload in RF, it didn't work the first time thats understandable. It didn't work the second time, start to see a pattern developing. There was no excuse for him to have THREE starts out there.

I just hope that Ozzie figures out what he's done wrong and not continue to do it (Causing fans like myself to pull our hair out).

All in all i'm impressed and I like our chances of not only taking the division but taking it all.


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Thomas> A-: He's been great. Great OBP, HR, average better than last year

Valentin> B: More than adequate, has had many big hits, earning what most of us considered to be too much

Lee> B: Coming on strong, but could do better

Konerko> A: He's an all-star whether he's there or not, and compared to last year, hes been awesome

Maggs> B+: Was off to a great start, would be higher but he's missed so much time

Harris> C: Not many people expected much from him, he's mired in a slump but was very good earlier

Uribe> B: Despite his huge slump, without him and his first couple months who knows where we'd be

Crede> C-: Despote his struggles, he's played good 'D' and has begun to pick it up as of late

Alomar> C: He's old, we dont count on him for much, he's done about as expected

Rowand> B+: He's quietly been one of our best hitters the past month or so. He's showing he can be capable of playing effectively every day

Timo> B-: Has made some mistakes, but has delivered some big hits and has been good as a 4th OF

Gload> C: Better than Daubach. Horrendous in RF but has been a decent LH bat off the bench


Buehrle> A-: ERA a bit high, but its better than last year and he is 9-2

Loaiza> C-: Has been good at times, horrendous at times. Definitely not an ace or worth what he wants. Disappointing

Garland> B-: He's had stellar outings where he looks awesome, just to come back and throw BP fastballs the next day. Too inconsistent, but he's getting better

Schoney> C: Started well, lately has been poor. Attitude doesnt appear to be great either

Diaz/Rauch> D: Both have had a promising performance, but not good enough

Munoz/Wright> F: Awful in the 5th spot

Cotts> C-: Another guy with a good start who has cooled down a ton

Adkins> C: Like Cotts, started well but Adkins has given up some big runs and inherited runs.

Politte>C- :Hasnt been nearly as good as we hoped, but has been better as of late

Jackson> D+: He's been worse than everyone but Koch

Marte> B+: Has been good, but hasnt performed like last year as often.

Shingo> A+: A 750K closer. Who knew? Even if he bombs in the future (which i dont see happening), as of now Shingo has had one bad appearance since Yankee Stadium. Shingo, simply said, has been the man!


Ozzie> B: Definitely better than JM in terms of attitude, but has made some questionable managerial decsions, in particular, his decisions of when and when not to pull pitchers


Garcia> Incomplete, but has been decent so far, B-

Davis> Incomplete, has he had a hit yet?

Burke> Inc; What do you expect from him? Hasnt been that good, but has held his own, sort of, D+

Dransfeldt> Inc; Had a huge hit one game, gave the game away the next. He isnt expected to contribute much, and we know that. C-

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Good post to see everybody's opinions.


Frank--B plus.

Paulie-A minus.


Jose V.-B plus.

Crede - C-minus.



Maggs- A.

Willie - C.

Timo - B.

Gload - B minus.

Mark B - A.

Loaiza - B.

Schoeny - C.

Garland - A minus

Freddie - A minus (nice start in a Sox jersey)

Koch - F.

Shingo - A

Pollitte - C minus.

Jackson - D.

Olivo - B.

Sandy - B minus.

Burke - inc.

Ozzie - A.

Kenny W - B

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Offense: A-

Defense: B-

Manager: B


The relief other than Shingo and Marte has been inconsistant.


The starters are only at a B because of Loaiza's slow descent but the acquiring of Fraddy kept them out of the C range.


I almost want to give the offense a B because of their inconsistencies (hot one moment, cold the next) but they are so high up in the hitting catagories that they deserve at least a low A.


Defense has been good, not great. (Gload in RF, overall defensive mediocrity)


Ozzie gets a B because they are in first place, but he is too loyal to the players to a fault at times and he is still making rookie mistakes.


Overall, they get a solid B from me.


If the team can achieve a better record than the AL wild card team by the end of the season, they deserve at least an A-.

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SP: B- ( A little inconsistent, but's been solid.)

RP: B (Marte and shingo are dealing, everyone else but jackson has been decently solid)

Off: A- (Not much to complain about here, a little inconsistent, but I'll take our O any day)

D: B (Much much better than past years, but still not the best.)

Coach: B+ (Yes, ozzie has made some mistakes, but he is doing exactly what we wanted/needed him to do....fire this team up)


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Cmon Brando and others, give us your specific grades.

I like this thread with just one of our Sox in the all star


That is the biggest crime since Enron.

How could one Sox be in the star game????


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Cmon Brando and others, give us your specific grades.

I like this thread with just one of our Sox in the all star


That is the biggest crime since Enron.

How could one Sox be in the star game????


Because no one else besides konerko is really deserving. There are also at least ten other starting pitchers who deserved it more than buehrle, so no one should say he got snubbed.

I know he has been solid outside of a few starts but the point is that those starts did happen and there is nothing to do about it.

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Because no one else besides konerko is really deserving. There are also at least ten other starting pitchers who deserved it more than buehrle, so no one should say he got snubbed.

I know he has been solid outside of a few starts but the point is that those starts did happen and there is nothing to do about it.

Name them.

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T. Hudson

C. Schilling

J. Westbrook

C. Sabathia

P. Martinez

M. Mulder

R. Drese

C. Lee

J. Vazquez

B. Radke

J. Santana


I gave you eleven.

Well I can agree with most of those; I thought you were saying that there were 10 pitchers outside of the all star game that were more deserving.

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Well I can agree with most of those; I thought you were saying that there were 10 pitchers outside of the all star game that were more deserving.

Oh no, sorry for the confusion. But with the numbers they are putting up there is no way he could have made it.

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