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Ginter has fallen behind alot of other arms, trade him for another good LH reliever.

who do you suggest?



by the way, your avatar, my latest tattoo, is itching like crazy - got to get past that stage - came out looking really good!


As long as I am keyboarding I am resisting the urge to scratch, and scratching at this point would be harmful to the tattoo so I need to do something with my hands :)

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You got a hell of a good tatoo by the way. I say a guy like Groom or Rincon would be an upgrade.

you sublimminally worked on me on that - the color will need to be redone as blue doesn't take so easy the first time and it is a little light right now, touch up is in 4-5 weeks -


have to picture the scene - all these rough types wanting snarling tigers and angry aliens and sexual content tattoos and there I sit with my white sox logos, so sweet and innocent - but got a lot of compliments on them (The first wasd the traditional Sox we use on the unforms and go with for standard logo). The contest for the next tattoo begins now, but I think that I have already decided on the Sox logo with the o in the top of the s and the x in the bottom on the s as on the throwback unis. Two more after that am I am done, something I always wanteds to do, and just decided why the hell not.


Rincon is an interesting concept. Groom I'd need a little more convincing with.

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You are always a good friend.


Did a funeral today; it is good the vestments cover the tattoos since it would probably freak out the mourners if they knew thier pastor just got a new tattoo on Thursday - was supposed to get it Friday but visitaion at the funeral home was Friday and had to move it up a day -


damn it I like them so much!

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You are always a good friend.


Did a funeral today; it is good the vestments cover the tattoos since it would probably freak out the mourners if they knew thier pastor just got a new tattoo on Thursday - was supposed to get it Friday but visitaion at the funeral home  was Friday and had to move it up a day -


damn it I like them so much!

I had to go to a co-workers funeral for his grandma today. That's why I couldn't join RPS and Guido :(


Ah well, there will be other SnR broadcasts for me to sit on in.

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Ginter has fallen behind alot of other arms, trade him for another good LH reliever.

Why would we trade him to get a LH reliever when that is the biggest strength this team has right now?


The Sox have more depth in bullpen lefthanders than anyone in baseball.

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If you look at Ginter stats from last year, He pitched LIGHTS OUT for the first half of the year. In the 20 odd innings he was given a chance. Second half of the year he didnt do too well at all. Personally i think if hes given a chance to earn a spot and JM doesnt just let him sit on the bench when we have a 6 run lead, hes gonna be good. For the last few years i have read many a time where Ginter had one of the better arms out of that great 2000 draft the sox had.


He just seemed over his head when he was with the sox, almost like hes scared of major league hitters. He might not have what it takes to get over that... but i have a feeling that he does. And that he will beat White out this ST and make the roster. At first we can use him for mop up, and early relief... if he does well give him some higher pressure situations and see how he does. We saw something in the kid to draft him fairly high...

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Porzio, is a AAAA player. so when depth is mentioned you will always hear his name. Problem with Porzio is that hes not cut to be a reliever... he give up to many walks. He would be a half decent 5th starter but the org wont give him that chance, his best shot is going to be else where.


Wunch gets a lot of flak. And i must admit i too thought he was a one year wonder.


However so far this spring hes proving me wrong and i am more then happy to admit that. :lol:


Lot of people often forget that wunch was once a 1st round draft pick, hes got the talent. He changed his delivery to the side arm delivery the year before he came to the sox. He got hurt last year. and seems to have finally recoverd and picked up where he left off the year before.


Wunch is better then atleast 70% of the other lefty specialists out there, Plus we have marte. And if wunch fails guys like munoz and stewart are just waiting for a go.

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I would definately trade Glover before Ginter. In 2000 Ginter had an ERA under 3 in over 20 starts at AA. Since we called him up in 2000 he hasn't any starts, and he hasn't performed well. I say if Rauch is showing any signs that he could use a little more time in AAA JM should give the 5 spot to Ginter. Foget Loiaza and Heredia, there is no promise in those guys, all you can get from them is a .500 winning % and a 5.00 ERA

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