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Time to give me my kudos folks, because almost 20 days back I said the Sox's best chance of going for it (if they are serious about it) is to get either Randy or Beltran


There is no doubt we need one of them, in my mind, to compete with the Yankees. Beltran gives us that LH hitter and someone who can hit the tough righties we will face in the playoffs. Randy gives us the pitcher no one from that Yankees line up wants to face.


Now the Tribune writer (Phil Rogers) says look for the Sox to at least try with these two.






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I fully expect KW to "kick the tires" as the column said. However, either one of them would be such a longshot and be a very expensive "rental", especially Beltran. You know he'd be gone come the offseason. He'd at least shop his services to see what the market will be.

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I fully expect KW to "kick the tires" as the column said.  However, either one of them would be such a longshot and be a very expensive "rental", especially Beltran.  You know he'd be gone come the offseason.  He'd at least shop his services to see what the market will be.

RJ's signed through next year; he's worth the risk. I'm really giddy at that kind of rotation, where Loaiza would be our 5th starter.







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RJ's signed through next year; he's worth the risk.  I'm really giddy at that kind of rotation, where Loaiza would be our 5th starter. 







Giddy, I like that word. :lol: I don't think there is much doubt that kenny will do his best to acquire these two. Even more so then the prospects the money situation would be the biggest obstacle in the case of a rj trade. We'll see what happens beltran would be nice but I'd love having rj. To good to be true though, I keep telling myself that so I don't get to excited.

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Agreed on Beltran, I'm not giving up Rowand, Honel and one of our stud outfield prospects for 3 months of Carlos Beltran hitting 2nd in the order. Our main targets we should go after is another solid righty in the bullpen, a catcher, and another ace starter.

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Agreed on Beltran, I'm not giving up Rowand, Honel and one of our stud outfield prospects for 3 months of Carlos Beltran hitting 2nd in the order. Our main targets we should go after is another solid righty in the bullpen, a catcher, and another ace starter.

Meadows, Zaun, a much better 2nd half Loaiza.

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what did hou gave up to get carlos???


then judge what we need to give up to get him, hou would look foolish if they accepted anything less.

I think they would live with looking foolish if they saved a lot of money as their season has gone down the crapper. They'll be able to say, hey we tried, it didn't work out, it's time to move on. DOn't forget they traded Billy Wagner because of money during the offseason, then when Petitte and Roger happened they changed courses. Which they must now regret.

I'd prefer Randy, but I suspect 3 months of Beltran may come cheaper than you think.

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I think they would live with looking foolish if they saved a lot of money as their season has gone down the crapper. They'll be able to say, hey we tried, it didn't work out, it's time to move on. DOn't forget they traded Billy Wagner because of money during the offseason, then when Petitte and Roger happened they changed courses. Which they must now regret.

I'd prefer Randy, but I suspect 3 months of Beltran may come cheaper than you think.

Hell, if you have to give up some top prospects in the deal as well make the Stros throw Lidge into the deal.

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In my opinion Beltran would be the stupidest move in the history of baseball...

We already have a CF with decent power, good hitter, and great defense WHO COMES A HELL OF ALOT CHEAPER THEN BELTRAN.

Not only that he's not overrated and about to recieve a contract that he's really not worth.

If they got Beltran I would consider it a White Flag trade for not only the year but maybe the next decade.

We don't need any ME players in the clubhouse and we don't need any superstars ruining the team chemistry.


Randy Johnson i'd be happy with as long as we didn't have to give up Diaz or any of our current major league roster.

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