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Roid discussion...

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On Mike & Mike this morning they were talking about the roids and andro stuff and interviewing players.. is it the right time, etc, etc...



So I call... and I get on with the screener and I say...


"I don't care what they ask them or when... obviously this country is so obsessed with cheating and the circumstances surrounding it.. but if you all are going to get woodies over talking to Mark about andro, which was legal, or Bonds about roids & Balco, a case in which he has not been charged in... then at the very least send someone out there to ask Sosa about his corked bat... ya know the one that cracked open during a game on the field on national television... "



The screener broke into hysterics and told me to hold on. Well.. the segment ended and Greeney came on and said "we are all cracking up over your call and we're sorry but we have to move on.... great point, and we agree."



I wish I had gotten on.

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I agree. Enough with the the speculative investigating of Bonds, and the badgering of Big Mac using a legal substance. If they want to point an accusitory finger at anyone during the midsummer classic, point it the proven cheater there...Sammy Sosa.


But then again ESPN believed him and tried to push it under the rug. So why bring it up again.


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