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Georgie Took His Speech


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Mar 8 2003

By Paul Gilfeather


GEORGE Bush pulled out of a speech to the European Parliament when MEPs wouldn't guarantee a standing ovation.


Senior White House officials said the President would only go to Strasbourg to talk about Iraq if he had a stage-managed welcome.


A source close to negotiations said last night: "President Bush agreed to a speech but insisted he get a standing ovation like at the State of the Union address.


"His people also insisted there were no protests, or heckling.


"I believe it would be a crucial speech for Mr Bush to make in light of the opposition here to war. But unless he only gets adulation and praise, then it will never happen."


Mr Bush's every appearance in the US is stage-managed, with audiences full of supporters.


It was hoped he would speak after he welcomed Warsaw pact nations to Nato in Prague last November. But his refusal to speak to EU leaders face-to-face is seen as a key factor in the split between the US-UK coalition and Europe.


The source added: "Relations between the EU and the US are worsening fast - this won't help."





HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :lol: I guess if George can't have a bunch of dittoheads kissing his ass, he won't do a speech! I guess he doesn't want to see that a lot of the countries around the world don't want war. What a f***tard! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I have a theory apu. You know at Bush's latest address of the nation or whatever it was. He looked really pale and strained. I think this was staged to make it seem like Bush was making extremely difficult decisions about the war. Like he hadn't made up his mind about war 6 months ago lol. What do you think, it's sort of a stretch. :D

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I have a theory apu.  You know at Bush's latest address of the nation or whatever it was.  He looked really pale and strained.  I think this was staged to make it seem like Bush was making extremely difficult decisions about the war.  Like he hadn't made up his mind about war 6 months ago lol.  What do you think, it's sort of a stretch. :D

Whether or not Bush has committed himself to war, I'm sure sending American troops into harms way is a really easy decision for George Bush and he is sleeping very well at night. None of this is taxing on him.



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It's not that it's not an extremely difficult choice. But I doubt the choice of going to war or not has not already been made. And if anything I doubt the choice was made by Bush himself, but by his puppetmasters. And making him look strained and tired sells the idea that it has been a very difficult decision.


But that's just my opinion and I could be wrong. :huh:


I always try to read between the lines. :ph34r:

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Whether or not Bush has committed himself to war, I'm sure sending American troops into harms way is a really easy decision for George Bush and he is sleeping very well at night. None of this is taxing on him.

Yeah, but think of all that oil.

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Whether or not Bush has committed himself to war, I'm sure sending American troops into harms way is a really easy decision for George Bush and he is sleeping very well at night. None of this is taxing on him.



When Bush used 'Bush Affirmative Action' to get his C average ass into Yale and Harvard, he didn't have a hard time thinking about how he screwed the more qualified students from their rightful positions at those educational institutions. When Bush went AWOL during Vietnam, he wasn't worried about the other members of the military.


Bush is pretty much a self serving son of a CIA director. Even the Republicans in the regime said that they didn't bring the Iraq war theme in August of last year because "from a marketing perspective, you don't bring out new products in August."


All of these things make me believe that President Select George W. Chickenhawk is out to help himself get re-elected because war presidents nearly always get elected. Too bad for him he overestimated the American people's ability to swallow BS because we aren't taking to his lying s***.

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Whether or not Bush has committed himself to war, I'm sure sending American troops into harms way is a really easy decision for George Bush and he is sleeping very well at night. None of this is taxing on him.

Yeah, but think of all that oil.

the US and the UK have signed promises with the UN not to touch iraqi oil

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Whether or not Bush has committed himself to war, I'm sure sending American troops into harms way is a really easy decision for George Bush and he is sleeping very well at night. None of this is taxing on him.

Yeah, but think of all that oil.

the US and the UK have signed promises with the UN not to touch iraqi oil

I've been called naive a lot for my anti-war feelings.


But to think American businessmen won't go after what could be the largest untapped oil reserve in world is almost ridiculously naive. Wait.... Take the almost out.

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What the hell does Kim Jong Il have to do to get the attention of the U.S.? This guy is test firing missiles and has nuclear capabilities that could theoretically hit the United States. Yet, we are going to war with a nation that hasn't attacked us and has no capability to attack us. That makes so much sense. :lol:

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Whether or not Bush has committed himself to war, I'm sure sending American troops into harms way is a really easy decision for George Bush and he is sleeping very well at night. None of this is taxing on him.

Yeah, but think of all that oil.

the US and the UK have signed promises with the UN not to touch iraqi oil

I've been called naive a lot for my anti-war feelings.


But to think American businessmen won't go after what could be the largest untapped oil reserve in world is almost ridiculously naive. Wait.... Take the almost out.

why are you calling me naive??...all i said was the US and the UK signed an agreement with the UN that says they will not touch iraqi oil....how doe that make me niave???..i gave no opinion on it either way

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Whether or not Bush has committed himself to war, I'm sure sending American troops into harms way is a really easy decision for George Bush and he is sleeping very well at night. None of this is taxing on him.

Yeah, but think of all that oil.

the US and the UK have signed promises with the UN not to touch iraqi oil

I've been called naive a lot for my anti-war feelings.


But to think American businessmen won't go after what could be the largest untapped oil reserve in world is almost ridiculously naive. Wait.... Take the almost out.

why are you calling me naive??...all i said was the US and the UK signed an agreement with the UN that says they will not touch iraqi oil....how doe that make me niave???..i gave no opinion on it either way

I never called you naive. I'm calling anyone who actually believes the US and UK won't touch Iraqi oil naive.

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What the hell does Kim Jong Il have to do to get the attention of the U.S.?  This guy is test firing missiles and has nuclear capabilities that could theoretically hit the United States.  Yet, we are going to war with a nation that hasn't attacked us and has no capability to attack us.  That makes so much sense.  :lol:

I don't know if this has been posted yet, but its great.




I love The Onion.

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kim jong il has totally screwed over his country..economically they are ruined and the only thing they have to export is...nukes...they will try and sell um before they use um...thats what this is all about...il wants to get the US to the negoiating table so he can try and get us to give them aid and open up trade in exchange for them to quite with the nuke crap

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kim jong il has totally screwed over his country..economically they are ruined and the only thing they have to export is...nukes...they will try and sell um before they use um...thats what this is all about...il wants to get the US to the negoiating table so he can try and get us to give them aid and open up trade in exchange for them to quite with the nuke crap



This is all about NK's power crisis, Kim Jong get's US/Russia/Japan to agree to establish a nucler power plant (that would be financed by the US and allies) NK solves there power crisis, Jong agrees to hand over all his nuclear material. Jong saves his country billions of dollars and get's the UN off his back.


But if Bush keeps ignoring him, he won't get s*** and may do something stupid. So it's either give him what he wants or put the little s*** in his place.

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kim jong il has totally screwed over his country..economically they are ruined and the only thing they have to export is...nukes...they will try and sell um before they use um...thats what this is all about...il wants to get the US to the negoiating table so he can try and get us to give them aid and open up trade in exchange for them to quite with the nuke crap



This is all about NK's power crisis, Kim Jong get's US/Russia/Japan to agree to establish a nucler power plant (that would be financed by the US and allies) NK solves there power crisis, Jong agrees to hand over all his nuclear material. Jong saves his country billions of dollars and get's the UN off his back.


But if Bush keeps ignoring him, he won't get s*** and may do something stupid. So it's either give him what he wants or put the little s*** in his place.

really i havent a clue what the right course of action is with this guy...do we sit down and appease him or not..it depends on if we think he wil lreally use nukes...he has been saying for 20 years now he will nuke new york , washington, chicago and LA (were always number 3 !!!)..but will he really do it??


lets hope the intel and recent phych profiles we have on this guy are accurate so the administration can make an informed decision

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Im really starting to dislike Bush. I dont really appreciate the college scam but this whole AWOL (whats that stand for anyway?) really pisses me off. Anyone who does such a thing is a real piece o' crap. Im gonna join the military, Im not sure what wing Im gonna join (either Marines, Army or Navy Pilot) but Im gonna do it. And if I get called on to the line of duty Im going to go.


And what kinda retard really cares if he gets a standing ovation or not? Thats just retarded! He musta looked like a real moron to all those people just walking out like that.


And now that each night Bush gets to go to sleep in his nice cozy bed surrounded by several secret service agents and think about whether he should go to war thousands of miles from home and meanwhile thousands of honorable soldiers get to go to sleep in little cots in the middle of a fricken desert and think about whether theyll be alive a month from now, whether theyll ever see their little kid and wife again. Thats just pathetically sad.


You know what I think we need more of? Presidents with combat experience. Then when a war comes close, hell remember the hell he went through and hell bo an aweful lot more thinkin about whether or not America should go to war...

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Im really starting to dislike Bush. I dont really appreciate the college scam but this whole AWOL (whats that stand for anyway?) really pisses me off. Anyone who does such a thing is a real piece o' crap. Im gonna join the military, Im not sure what wing Im gonna join (either Marines, Army or Navy Pilot) but Im gonna do it. And if I get called on to the line of duty Im going to go.


And what kinda retard really cares if he gets a standing ovation or not? Thats just retarded! He musta looked like a real moron to all those people just walking out like that.


And now that each night Bush gets to go to sleep in his nice cozy bed surrounded by several secret service agents and think about whether he should go to war thousands of miles from home and meanwhile thousands of honorable soldiers get to go to sleep in little cots in the middle of a fricken desert and think about whether theyll be alive a month from now, whether theyll ever see their little kid and wife again. Thats just pathetically sad.


You know what I think we need more of? Presidents with combat experience. Then when a war comes close, hell remember the hell he went through and hell bo an aweful lot more thinkin about whether or not America should go to war...

AWOL = Absent Without Leave


Dubya needs a bunch of dittoheads because he can't hold his own in debates and when people are critical of him. That's why the administration plants pro-Bush fans in the crowds.


Impeach Bush now! Worst President Select ever.

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Bad and a coward? Possibly yes. The worst? No. Clintons lying and adultery was by far more embarrassing to this country. I lived in Spain and people basically told me that any nation who would democratically elect such a clown just sucks. I didnt really care because any nation where 9th graders smoke right beside teachers doesnt look too good either but still I just Clinton. He was a fool who disgraced America and by pulling out of Somalia after 18 Americans died showed terrorists that we'll just leave should they happen to kill a few of our soldiers. Im not saying we should have gone in again and had more people die but maybe a chopper strike, to show that if you kill our soldiers their deaths will be avenged. Other than that I agree with most of what youve said in this thread...

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Bad and a coward? Possibly yes. The worst? No. Clintons lying and adultery was by far more embarrassing to this country. I lived in Spain and people basically told me that any nation who would democratically elect such a clown just sucks. I didnt really care because any nation where 9th graders smoke right beside teachers doesnt look too good either but still I just Clinton. He was a fool who disgraced America and by pulling out of Somalia after 18 Americans died showed terrorists that we'll just leave should they happen to kill a few of our soldiers. Im not saying we should have gone in again and had more people die but maybe a chopper strike, to show that if you kill our soldiers their deaths will be avenged. Other than that I agree with most of what youve said in this thread...

I said President Select not Elect...Bush didn't win the election like Clinton did.


And I hate Clinton for passing NAFTA. I hate Clinton for getting us involved with GATT. Clinton did so much worse than get a blow job.

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apu..who is that a picture of in sig box??...he looks like that john walker lind guy that fought with the taliban

It's Mumia Abu-Jamal. The guy wrongly accused of the murder of a police officer in 1982. The trial had a lot of problems. His lawyer didn't cross examine witnesses, they wouldn't let Mumia become his own defense attorney, and they used his membership in MOVE and the Black Panthers as reasons to give him the death penalty.


So currently, he is residing in Pennsylvania death row writing books like "Live From Death Row" and he even had a radio segment (I have the CD 'All Things Censored'). There is a really big movement showing how s***ty his trial was and how, if not acquitted from the crime he didn't commit...at least get a new, much more fair trial.

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apu..who is that a picture of in sig box??...he looks like that john walker lind guy that fought with the taliban

It's Mumia Abu-Jamal. The guy wrongly accused of the murder of a police officer in 1982. The trial had a lot of problems. His lawyer didn't cross examine witnesses, they wouldn't let Mumia become his own defense attorney, and they used his membership in MOVE and the Black Panthers as reasons to give him the death penalty.


So currently, he is residing in Pennsylvania death row writing books like "Live From Death Row" and he even had a radio segment (I have the CD 'All Things Censored'). There is a really big movement showing how s***ty his trial was and how, if not acquitted from the crime he didn't commit...at least get a new, much more fair trial.

Fiction can be amusing :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Bill Curtis did a good piece on "the guy wrongly accused" on A&E's "American Justice." If it's on again Baggs, I suggest you try to catch it if you want a good laugh at Mumia's expense. This guy is as guilty as OJ only he couldn't afford "The Dream Team." Doesn't matter though..... "Dream Team" or no "Dream Team"..... it won't change the fact that he is guilty.


One of Mumia's biggest Hollywood supporters is washed-up Hollywood actor Ed Asner. When discussing this case, an interviewer asked Mr Asner, who claimed to be a staunch death penalty opponent , if your son or daughter was the victim of the crime for which Mumia was convicted (and his conviction has been held up repeatedly despite all the "problems" with his trial and admissions by Mumia of his innocence), would you want Mumia put to death? Guess what the staunch death penalty opponent said? Let's just be nice and call Mr Asner the ultimate hypocrite.


And Apu, while your buying books and CD's written by a CONVICTED COP KILLER, won't you make a contribution to the family of slain Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner's family..... a family that lost a husband and a father to a savage like Mumia while protecting the life and property of the citizens of Philadelphia? Too bad they couldn't send you a CD or book written by Daniel Faulkner in return huh? At least the hypocrite Mr Asner made a contribution recognizing the fact that Daniel Faulkner died protecting life. Too bad you and him find it necessary to defend a punk who takes life.

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