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Georgie Took His Speech


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You know what I think we need more of? Presidents with combat experience. Then when a war comes close, hell remember the hell he went through and hell bo an aweful lot more thinkin about whether or not America should go to war...


The last president we had that was a combat veteran was the first George Bush. People used to think he was a wimp, but the dude was a Navy pilot in WWII. The guy was certainly not a wimp.

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Fiction can be amusing  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Bill Curtis did a good piece on "the guy wrongly accused" on A&E's "American Justice." If it's on again Baggs, I suggest you try to catch it if you want a good laugh at Mumia's expense. This guy is as guilty as OJ only he couldn't afford "The Dream Team." Doesn't matter though..... "Dream Team" or no "Dream Team"..... it won't change the fact that he is guilty.


One of Mumia's biggest Hollywood supporters is washed-up Hollywood actor Ed Asner. When discussing this case, an interviewer asked Mr Asner, who claimed to be a staunch death penalty opponent , if your son or daughter was the victim of the crime for which Mumia was convicted (and his conviction has been held up repeatedly despite all the "problems" with his trial and admissions by Mumia of his innocence), would you want Mumia put to death? Guess what the staunch death penalty opponent said? Let's just be nice and call Mr Asner the ultimate hypocrite.


And Apu, while your buying books and CD's written by a CONVICTED COP KILLER, won't you make a contribution to the family of slain Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner's family..... a family that lost a husband and a father to a savage like Mumia while protecting the life and property of the citizens of Philadelphia? Too bad they couldn't send you a CD or book written by Daniel Faulkner in return huh? At least the hypocrite Mr Asner made a contribution recognizing the fact that Daniel Faulkner died protecting life. Too bad you and him find it necessary to defend a punk who takes life.

I personally think he is innocent, but I at least think a person should get a fair trial.


The policeman was killed with a 44 caliber gun. Abu-Jamal's gun which he was licensed to carry as a night-time taxi driver, was a 38 caliber. The police never tested Abu-Jamal's gun to see if it had been recently fired. They never tested his hands to see if he had fired a gun. They have never shown Abu-Jamal 's gun to be the fatal weapon. No police officers present at Abu-Jamal's arrest claimed to have heard Jamal's "confession" until two months after it allegedly occurred. This was right after Abu-Jamal had filed police brutality charges. Abu-Jamal's doctor said that Abu-Jamal, who was unconscious, said nothing. He reported that a nurse found police with loaded guns pointed at Mumia. William Singletary, a Vietnam veteran and local businessman, saw the whole incident and has testified that Abu-Jamal was not the shooter. However, the police forced him to change his story and intimidated him into leaving Philadelphia.

Other key witnesses, such as Veronica Jones -- who now testifies in support of Abu-Jamal, were harassed into giving false testimony. Two prosecution witnesses were given special favors, including exemption from criminal prosecution, for their testimony. The prosecutor removed 11 qualified African Americans from the jury. He also argued for the death penalty because of Mumia's membership in the Black Panther Party, a practice later condemned as unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court. How can you look at that and say he got a fair trial?


Did you also know that a member of the mob already in prison for another crime has admitted to the killing of Faulkner and said that it was a mob hit? He gave details that only the killer would know. So, there goes that whole Mumia being guilty thing.



And as for defending punks that take life, aren't you supporting the Bush regime in killing Iraqi civilians in a possible war in Iraq? Thought so.

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And tell me CK, how can so many organizations and so many groups believe he didn't get a fair trial and that he is innocent if he is so guilty? You just don't want to admit that this country's justice system is impaired and racist and should most definitely not be giving out the death penalty. (Even if it was my relative, I'd want the guy to rot in prison for the rest of his life)


Why couldn't the prosecution tie him to the murder weapon? Why was it that the public defender he got was so incredibly s***ty? You don't think that this sort of thing is incredibly shady? The man got shafted and is going to die by the hand of the State (pretty paradoxical I think of the State to say "You can't kill....but we can")

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