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Ncorgbl The Shareholder

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From the "other" Discussion Board:


From: ncorgbl Mar-24 1:47 pm

To: jkskulls311 (121 of 130)


26100.121 in reply to 26100.120


You really are daft, aren't you, mtskull?

I retired at the age of 49 a little over 2 years ago, after starting, owning and selling my business. I've been a Sox shareholder since the late 70s and have had more 'life' in my first 25 years than you will ever dream of. In between exposing idiots like you I have other business and interests that I use a computer for and pop in and out of here as I wish, when I wish. I even post at times from the ballpark, if the mood strikes me. I've had full season tickets for over 30 years and had a skybox through my company that they still have and I have access to it whenever I choose, though I usually sit with my contemporaries during games.

Your obsession with me is what is truly revealing. Quite understandable with your obvious shortcomings, but interesting nonetheless. I trust Appling's assesment over anything you'd post, you lie and obsess far too much, and you're a cUB troll besides. You have no credibility. None. Enjoy your 47 friends, your imaginary victories, your worthless team, and chasing me all over. I'm worth your effort. You're just not worth mine.



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This thread is gone. This was discussed for long enough the past week while I was gone. As far as I'm concerned, this is not MLB.com or Chicagowhitesox.com board and the stuff involving it should just stay there in regards to this whole situation from now on.


Anyone has a problem with it, just shoot me a PM. By the way, welcome aboard...feel free to discuss White Sox baseball and other things on Soxtalk :)

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