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Brooks Boyer on ESPN NOW


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Listening to ESPN now Brooks Boyer who I think is doing a great job just mentioned they are looking strongly at eliminating half price Tuesdays next year. Mondays will stay. He sites that Season ticekt holders (like myself) have called in a complained about the half price night. He said, that the Season Ticket holders complained they paid full price and many times they sit next to somebody that pays half price. I personally think its more than that, as I think Seson ticket holders also do not like the atmosphere Tuesdays project. I have called my rep and she claims she has received calls simular to mine.


I realize many of you like this night but I can't stand it. I am thrilled the Sox are catering a little more to those who write big checks to them.


Sorry to those who disagree.

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Listening to ESPN now Brooks Boyer who I think is doing a great job just mentioned they are looking strongly at eliminating half price Tuesdays next year. Mondays will stay. He sites that Season ticekt holders (like myself) have called in a complained about the half price night. He said, that the Season Ticket holders complained they paid full price and many times they sit next to somebody that pays half price. I personally think its more than that, as I think Seson ticket holders also do not like the atmosphere Tuesdays project. I have called my rep and she claims she has received calls simular to mine.


I realize many of you like this night but I can't stand it. I am thrilled the Sox are catering a little more to those who write big checks to them.


Sorry to those who disagree.

No surprise there... They have tried everything else possible to make halfprice nights work, and nothing has helped. Maybe this means they will elimate the bannishment to the UD then.

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The thing with that is, catering to people that already have tickets doesn't help bring in walkups and increase attendance.


That being said, that's fine that one of the half price days will be gone. It's just not worth the problems and b****ing that the media does.


I heard the first part of the interview in the car, but i didn't hear the callers segment. Anything else that was good?

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I like the idea of 1/2 price nights, but it does seem to lure the asswipes out of the woodwork.

There are other ways to save a couple of bucks on tickets, as we've mentioned here before, so if you REALLY want to go to a game for cheap ( as opposed to wanting to go to USCF to start s*** with Sox fans ), there are avenues to explore.

Brooks can ( and I'm guessing he WILL ) do a better job of making those avenues better known to Sox fans, through the website, direct mail, etc.


I think Brooks is doing a damn good job so far - he already is making the memory of Rob GallASS fade from my head.

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This kind of sucks. They should just have more security or limit the amount of beer you can buy. Eliminating half price nights is not a good idea IMO.

Yes it is, if for nothing else than this.


Under Rob Gallas, his marketing idea reinforced the belief that White Sox Baseball is only worth half the price that's printed on the ticket....

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It's probably the best idea to squash half price tuesdays even though I do enjoy them. But there are a ton of idiots that come to the games on Tuesdays. I've walked up a couple times on Tuesdays because of the half price nights but getting rid of those nights will get rid of a lot of the idiots that come to the park.

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It's probably the best idea to squash half price tuesdays even though I do enjoy them.  But there are a ton of idiots that come to the games on Tuesdays.  I've walked up a couple times on Tuesdays because of the half price nights but getting rid of those nights will get rid of a lot of the idiots that come to the park.

but it will also get rid of those 10000 or so and thats money that can go into the payroll ;)

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I have no problem getting rid of a half price night, but I think if they do that, they should create another ticket package.


Like a 25 game package or something where the tickets are reduced prices.

They have a 27 game package that is reduced (depending on where you sit) from $3 to $8 per ticket.

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Please understand that the whitesox site the season ticket holders are the main reason for the elimination. I added that I had discussions with my ticket agent about the other stuff. The sox will simply say they need to consider the season ticket holder, which is the right thing to do.



Ok here is just a thought: The Sox rarely sell out the upper deck, although I believe they attendance is getting better. Why not just make all tickets above the Poles $6 all the time, except those dates deemed premium ( Cubs, Yanks, Redsox).


This gets people to the park any night and they stay above the poles so it would not effect the season ticket holders.


Ok on a positive note they said they are looking into having Friday and Saturday Firework nights, which seem to bring in more families and large crowds.

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Steff, do you know if me and the oldman can still buy like a partial season ticket plan to garentee us playoff tickets this season? Not the rest of the season, just some of it??

Tony.. not sure. Call and ask is the best advice I can offer.

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It's probably the best idea to squash half price tuesdays even though I do enjoy them.  But there are a ton of idiots that come to the games on Tuesdays.  I've walked up a couple times on Tuesdays because of the half price nights but getting rid of those nights will get rid of a lot of the idiots that come to the park.

completely agree

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Steff, do you know if me and the oldman can still buy like a partial season ticket plan to garentee us playoff tickets this season? Not the rest of the season, just some of it??



go in with two other people and split the season. Its agreat way. I buy the whole season but only go between 30-40 games. I line up others prior to writing the check. I have another that likes to buy 30 and I find others for the ten.


Its a great way to go. When playoff times comes you can go together or split those as well.

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Yes it is, if for nothing else than this.


Under Rob Gallas, his marketing idea reinforced the belief that White Sox Baseball is only worth half the price that's printed on the ticket....

I agree.


But, there are a lot of Sox fans that can only afford the half price nights. Not all Sox fans are making huge bucks and can afford to pay $25 per ticket on top of parking and food.


For my family, we go down whenever our schedule has an opening and we can make it down. It doesn't matter on the day or who they play. We go to see the Sox, we don't care about the prices or competition.

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go in with two other people and split the season. Its  agreat way. I buy the whole season but only go between 30-40 games. I line up others prior to writing the check. I have another that likes to buy 30 and I find others for the ten.


Its a great way to go. When playoff times comes you can go together or split those as well.

Jim and I do this also. We have friends that only want to go to 5 or 10 games. We do about 50 or so and have 3 others that go in with us, and the extras that we cant use or don't sell I give away to friends ... ;)

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They have a 9 game package also

I got the nine game package this year but unfortunately you don't guarantee yourself playoff tickets with this package. Steff, do you know how much the 27 game package costs for say the lower reserved? I'd love to get that package but money is a huge issue for me and I probably won't be able to pay for that package for a while but I'm interested in the cost.

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I got the nine game package this year but unfortunately you don't guarantee yourself playoff tickets with this package.  Steff, do you know how much the 27 game package costs for say the lower reserved?  I'd love to get that package but money is a huge issue for me and I probably won't be able to pay for that package for a while but I'm interested in the cost.

Depends on where you sit. IIRC (from friends who have seats down the 1st base line in 114 (I think) it's about $800 a seat.

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