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ecclesiology in the ontological epistologcal way


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well, that is what I will be doing all weekend.


in the hushed assemblage in the retreat house I shall break the monatstcal vows of silence to say, "how about them sox, score, inning?" A breach of the Rule of St Benedict to be sure, but that touch of dyonesia and touch of appollo that lurks in my soul finding expression.


I will spend some mediational time to pray for the peaxe of this community, for the love of sox to unite us all, for the joy of friendship to bind, and for individual blessings on each and every soxtalk member since I am talking the membership list with me - you will all be memembered in prayer, by me to the God who I know will bless each with some special thinhg that says we have a great community here. May we be tranquil in community, confident in victory, and trust to look to the good an to pray and work for the things that make for peace and community.


If a travel accident occurs on the way to the Atlantan catacombs or on return, let it remembered that flawed as I might be, it was my spiritual disciplne in my last days to pray for the good in each one of you because even the one we see we stand farthest from id one with whom we share miuch in common and may maybe repel like like ends of a magnet, it is our similarities that separate and if we pray though that, it mught be that which unites.


I fly seldom. If the place crashes let it be said that I loved my grandson and my loved my grandson and I loved the Sox and I moved Michigan and I loved God and I loved the Church and I loved my Samoyeds and these are in no order of ranking because there were all loved with the ultimae love that was appropriate for each; let it be said, I adored my niece and nephew, that I was the king of aerobics, that I loved rap and opera and rock and alternative and any form of music where I heard the new, the good, and the creative. that I was an American, I was a Democrat, that beyond all things there were five things most saliant about me: my love for the kids, my love my the Sox, my love for Michgan, my love the Gospel, my thirst to learn.. and that Soxtalk was an honor for me to have been a member of and have served as a mod and an admin and then forget me, your best days are ahead, I am nothing, but you all together are everything.


Live and love as if every day were the last if your life because for some, it is, and if it is mine, no tears, I have seen it all, I have done enough, I am ready to move on to what is next, and as I transcend from one existence to the next, sing a little hey hey hey goodbye for me and remember me waving my sock everytime you hear Home Run of the Century.


And should the pane not crash ad I return safely, the family and friends that I return home to in love include all of you.

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Just get on the damn plane already! You're safer up there than down here. :D


That's not an easy thing to get across to the aerophobic (there's probably a more correct word than that) I understand, and fear is fear and reason cannot easily overcome that I know.


Then again, heck, you are in far greater danger from the near-certain induced coma from the weekend's retreat topic (*yawn*) than any mere earthly gravitational forces. Ecclesiwhatziss... and Epistomawhoozzat...?


I'll save you the trouble and cut to the chase as far as religion and spirituality and all that noise. The Holy Trinity = onion + celery + bell pepper, sauteed until soft and cooked into a nice roux. Anybody who tells you different hasn't had good gumbo yet.


And anyway, you're predestined to make it there and back in one piece because you STILL have that one glaring, inexplicable musical blind spot to tend to. Jazz. Glorious, American, melting-pot, learn-the-rules-then-break-them, suck de heads fo'sure JAZZ. St. Peter and St. James have found religion, now it's your turn.


Safe travels. :headbang

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I had a german philosophy professor that used two of those words (esptiological and ontological) over and over again last semester. The class was mostly about design arguments and the possible existence of God or any other "higher being".


Sad to say I wouldn't be able to tell you what either word meant now, nor would I be able to a couple months ago while taking the class. However I still pulled a B+ and have many a memory of those words being spoken in a thick German accent.


Sorry to go extremely off-topic, but when I saw those words I couldn't help but hear them in that German accent and it made me chuckle. :lol:

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  Spiff said:
You have samoyeds? That's badass, I have had a couple in my short life. :headbang


Sorry if I ruined the mood :lol:

i get over my fear of flying by talking Samoyeds - have had Sammies for 34 years now, got two at home at the moment - and both are still blowing coat which started in May. :angry: we have no smileys for white blizzards. :lol: They are such great dogs - I'd love to hear about your Sams!


Confirming flight info is so much fun. :angry:


and ruin the mood any time talking big white dogs! :cheers

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