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A few things I need to vent about

Queen Prawn

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Vent 1:


Driving to work this morning this broad in front of me decides to flick her cigarette out the window which (of course) hits my car and almost ends up inside my car. GROSS! Smokers, I don't care that you smoke, but I don't want to wear your butts or have burn holes in it because of an inconsiderate driver. :fyou


Vent 2:


While trying to get on the Tri-State at Cicero this morning, an idiot in a blue mustang with red crap plastered on it (as well as a scrubs plate frame) decides he shouldn't have to wait in line with the rest of us and decides to cut me off. :stick


Vent 3:


Sean Hill. You bastard you were just about my favorite player on the Canes. Oh well, I wish you luck whenever you aren't playing the Canes or the Sens.


Vent 4:


People who use the incorrect form of the following in a sentence:


they're, their or there

wear, were or where

to, too or two


Thanks for allowing me a much needed vent. :lolhitting

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Vent 4:


People who use the incorrect form of the following in a sentence:


they're, their or there

wear, were or where

to, too or two

They're once was this time wear I needed to vent my frustations, two.



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Vent 1:


Driving to work this morning this broad in front of me decides to flick her cigarette out the window which (of course) hits my car and almost ends up inside my car.  GROSS!  Smokers, I don't care that you smoke, but I don't want to wear your butts or have burn holes in it because of an inconsiderate driver.  :fyou


Vent 2: 


While trying to get on the Tri-State at Cicero this morning, an idiot in a blue mustang with red crap plastered on it (as well as a scrubs plate frame) decides he shouldn't have to wait in line with the rest of us and decides to cut me off.    :stick


Vent 3:


Sean Hill.  You bastard you were just about my favorite player on the Canes.  Oh well, I wish you luck whenever you aren't playing the Canes or the Sens.


Vent 4:


People who use the incorrect form of the following in a sentence:


they're, their or there

wear, were or where

to, too or two


Thanks for allowing me a much needed vent. :lolhitting

Vent 1 reply: I smoke and flick mine out the window, but I'm ALWAYS conscience about the cars around me. I try to do it at a light or when no one is behind me.


Vent 2 reply: Yesterday I had a guy go into oncoming traffic on a 4 lane highway to pass a bunch of us. We were going 50 in a 40 and passing people. Then at the next light, as I was waiting to turn left, the cars to my righ were turning left onto my road and a dog was trotting across the street (in the crosswalk, it was the funniest thing) and the lady in fron saw it and waited for it. The asshole :fyou behind her shot around her and just missed the dog.


Vent 3 reply: :huh


Vent 4 reply: Oh God, I couldn't agree more!


My own vent: People that press the elevator button when it's already lit up. IT DOESN'T HELP, MORON!

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Vent 1 reply: I smoke and flick mine out the window

I just don't get this mentality at all. Why the f*** don't you just put it in the damn ashtray? Litter your own car, not outside! Give me a break. If you don't have an ashtray then get one.

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Why is it that when you are driving, and people want to turn into your lane, they have no problem throwing caution to the wind and jumping out there in front of you (nearly rolling their car in the process), but when people are in front of you, turning off of your lane, they have to slooooooooooooooooooooooow down to 4mph and creeeeeeeeeeeeeak around the corner.

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I just don't get this mentality at all.  Why the f*** don't you just put it in the damn ashtray?  Litter your own car, not outside!  Give me a break.  If you don't have an ashtray then get one.

I have no defense for that. :ph34r:

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Thing that drives me crazy with traffic is esp. in the winter time. People drive 10 MPH when it either rains or snows. You'd swear people have never seen rain or snow but it happens every damn year. I understand driving a little more cautious but driving 10 MPH is f***ing absurd.

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Why is it that when you are driving, and people want to turn into your lane, they have no problem throwing caution to the wind and jumping out there in front of you (nearly rolling their car in the process), but when people are in front of you, turning off of your lane, they have to slooooooooooooooooooooooow down to 4mph and creeeeeeeeeeeeeak around the corner.

That's a great point. I hate the braking to a halt thing when the person in front of you must make the right hand turn from almost a complete stop, it's ridiculous.


You know what else pisses me off? When you are waiting for the green arrow, and are a bit back in line. It comes on, and the douchebag first guy, and possibly cars after him, are slow as hell off the line, and you get caught waiting for the next damn arrow. Your job as first car, if not others, is to get the hell off that line so everyone can make it through the cycle.

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How about the most misspelled word on the internet??? I swear, up until human beings were given this gift of the internet, it never crossed my mind that people could be dumb enough to constantly goof up "no one" and turn it into one friggin' word!!! I swear, I believe it is a conspiracy by Peter Noone!!!

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Vent 2: 


While trying to get on the Tri-State at Cicero this morning, an idiot in a blue mustang with red crap plastered on it (as well as a scrubs plate frame) decides he shouldn't have to wait in line with the rest of us and decides to cut me off.    :stick

You may not be happy about what happened, but does that happen very often? From what I've heard and seen about Chicago drivers, they're very good. If you lived in Memphis, TN, like I do, then you'd probably deal with this type of thing every day. The drivers here are by far the worst I've ever seen. A perfect example of this will be told in the next couple of sentences. I got in an accident about a month ago. I was driving down a major road in Memphis that has 3 lanes on both sides of the middle dividing line, but there's no median or middle lane that seperates them. So, I was in the far left lane heading East, and wanted to turn left in Starbucks. So, I eventually get to a stop and am waiting to turn left, meanwhile holding up traffic in the left lane b/c it's rushhour and almost impossible to turn. Finally, there's an opening so I started to turn when I clipped some asshole that tried to pass me on the left (in a lane that belongs to oncoming traffic). So then, I pull in the Starbucks, and look at the front end of my car. It's fine except for a couple of dents. The guy I hit drives back, and his friend in the passenger seat gets out of the car and starts b****ing at me about how I hit his car, and how it's gonna cost so much money to fix his car, and all that s***. However, I was lucky b/c I had about 10 witnesses from either inside Starbucks that saw the crash or that were behind me in the left lane, so a couple stayed to talk to the cops for me when they came, so none of it was my fault. What really got me is how the guy that was b****ing at me about how I messed up his car and stuff started to say that the witnesses were coming to my side b/c he was black and I was white. Man, I hate it when people try to make race an issue like that. Also, the cops were saying how much they wish they could have been there when the guy got out of the car and started using profanities with little kids around (when the guy was asked by one mom w/ what was probably her 7 or 8 year old to please stop cussing, he said, "shut the f*** up b****, I'll say what I wanna say!") b/c they woulda charged them for disorderly conduct too. To top it off, the guys eventually left before the cops got there, so they when or if they were caught, they were gonna get a ticket and taken to Juvi b/c they "hit and ran". Anway, I just realized how long this is, and if it's hard to understand what exactly happened with my accident, then sorry, but I tried my best to explain it.

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You know what else pisses me off? When you are waiting for the green arrow, and are a bit back in line. It comes on, and the douchebag first guy, and possibly cars after him, are slow as hell off the line, and you get caught waiting for the next damn arrow. Your job as first car, if not others, is to get the hell off that line so everyone can make it through the cycle.

Man, I f***ing hate that too. I was late to work yesturday by 3 minutes b/c I had to wait at a light to turn left for 6 minutes b/c two of they people at the front when they arrow turned green were slow as hell to get going.

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The thing that drives me the craziest though is the other day I am driving on 355N heading to work and all of a sudden it is a parking lot. Ok I figure theres an accident and itll get moving soon. By the time I get up to where the accident is I see its on the other freaking side on 355 S. WTF is the northbound lanes slowing down??? Everyone wants to get a look. Morons like that will get other people killed.

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The thing that drives me the craziest though is the other day I am driving on 355N heading to work and all of a sudden it is a parking lot. Ok I figure theres an accident and itll get moving soon. By the time I get up to where the accident is I see its on the other freaking side on 355 S. WTF is the northbound lanes slowing down??? Everyone wants to get a look. Morons like that will get other people killed.

Gaping delays are a complete joke, everyone has to look, just has to. It could be a flat tire, but hell i don't care, i have to slow down and look.


Problem is, once it starts, the thing takes forever to stop, it's just a viscious cycle.

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That is the dumbest s*** ever..... Gapers delays are the worst. What the hell are they looking at? Hoping for a mangled body show or something?? I mean if its a fender bender whats to look at? The NRA people are right in situations like that, if I had a gun...ohh man.

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Gaping delays are a complete joke, everyone has to look, just has to. It could be a flat tire, but hell i don't care, i have to slow down and look.


Problem is, once it starts, the thing takes forever to stop, it's just a viscious cycle.

On the way home from a game once I saw a motorcycle get pulled over.. I tried as long as I could to see what was going on... :lol:

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On the way home from a game once I saw a motorcycle get pulled over.. I tried as long as I could to see what was going on... :lol:

Um, that was an exception Steff. The cop pulled him over and immediately PULLED A GUN ON THE GUY HE PULLED OVER and pointed it at his face, right on the shoulder of the road. LMAO though.

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