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A few things I need to vent about

Queen Prawn

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Um, that was an exception Steff. The cop pulled him over and immediately PULLED A GUN ON THE GUY HE PULLED OVER and pointed it at his face, right on the shoulder of the road. LMAO though.

What happened?! That happened in front of me on the Ike at about 11AM a few years back. I had to slam on brakes to avoid hitting the cop. The lady gave up and had her hands behind her head as soon as she got out of the car.

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What happened?!  That happened in front of me on the Ike at about 11AM a few years back.  I had to slam on brakes to avoid hitting the cop. The lady gave up and had her hands behind her head as soon as she got out of the car.

Pretty heavy traffic, motorcycle decides he's too good for traffic and flies down the shoulder...i think to myself "man, i wish a cop were around to catch this guy"...no more than 10 seconds later a cop flies onto the shoulder with his lights on, as Steff rolls forward i look to see what's happening. The motorcycle stopped, the cop pulled a gun immediately and pointed it at his head. Guy threw his hands up while still on the bike, and then it was too far out of view. Craziest thing i've ever seen while driving i think. Who knows if there was some story behind why the gun came out.

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Um, that was an exception Steff. The cop pulled him over and immediately PULLED A GUN ON THE GUY HE PULLED OVER and pointed it at his face, right on the shoulder of the road. LMAO though.

And I think I kept the flow of traffic going nicely, too. ;)

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You know what I REALLY hate though??? Those people who flip down the sun visors to gain access to the mirrors on the backs just to PUT THEIR MAKEUP ON IN THE CAR!!!!! Take a few minutes BEFORE leaving the house to put the makeup on OR put it on when your car's in a COMPLETE stop IN THE PARKING LOT OR IN THE DRIVEWAY OF THE PLACE YOU'RE GOING!!!!! Do NOT put makeup on in the middle of traffic and then somehow act like a total dummie when you rear-end the car in front of you!!!


I've never been rear-ended by someone of this type, but my good friend from college has had this happen to her three times in the past four years!

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1. Get off the goddammm cell phone if it's going to suck your brains out of your ears while you're on it!!


2. Why did you make such an effort to blast around me and cut me off if all you're gonna do is slow down once you do it?


3. When the left turn arrow goes off...it means you can't turn left anymore. The fact that you were in the act of acceleration does not legally entitle you to turn left ten seconds after the arrow is no longer there. One of these days, I shall hit you, as will be my legal right, as I have the right-of-way and you blew a red light.


4. If you create a lane out of a non-existent lane to try to blast in front of everybody, and think we're all going to let you in front of us, don't give us s*** when we don't; give yourself s***.


5. You're the one who decided to cruise along in a lane where people will probably be turning left. Stop thinking it's your God given right to charge into the lane next to you when cars are flying by. You got yourself into that lane...wait till EVERYONE has gone by next to you, then get yourself out of it.


Thank you.

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I work at a farmstand in Joliet over the summer to make some quick cash. It's outside all day doing manual labor stuff. Needless to say after 9 hours outside, I want to go home, get cleaned up and eat. (and sit in the A/C and cool down)


I f***ing loathe customers coming 2 minutes until closing when everything is getting packed up and taking their damn sweet time like they have all the time in the f***ing world. I dunno if this is the same for everybody in retail but when you tell them that you're about to close and they still act oblivious to it, I just want to break their legs with a goddamned baseball bat.

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Vent 1-People who think they know more baseball than the umpires.


Vent 2-Girls who take EVERYTHING seriously.


Vent 3-White guys who act black.


Vent 4-The White Sox aren't hitting.


Vent 5-People who think they are god and you are inferior.

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Oh, only every day or two I end up cut off by some asshole who thinks they don't have to wait or check their mirrors before lane changing.

I have been driving the tri-state from 394 to 290 every day for the last 14 years, and I have seen it all and experienced it all. The idiot lane changers, the shoulder riders, the jerkoffs who stay in the lane that is ending, right up to the end, and expect YOU to let them in, the trucks that act like cars are gnats, the 45-MPH people in the left lane, the semi's that ride in the left lane, and yes, the damn gapers! I can see the accident just fine at 65, why can't you? My personal worst: how come an accident 5 or 6 miles into Indiana backs traffic 6 or 7 miles INTO Illinois? I am always hearing about an accident by Broadway, and here I am stopped in traffic wa past 159th. Doesn't Indiana have jobs for it's own citizens? Aaaaarrrrgggghhh! I swear, from 163rd to 394, every other car has that damn Hoosier license plate.

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I hate cocky people.


Why the hell can't the Sox win in Oakland, let alone on the west coast. :huh


How can a "slight fracture" in one bone in your foot keep you out of action for 8 weeks?


Why won't my parents buy me a car?


That is the end of my venting...for now.

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Vent 1:


Driving to work this morning this broad in front of me decides to flick her cigarette out the window which (of course) hits my car and almost ends up inside my car.  GROSS!  Smokers, I don't care that you smoke, but I don't want to wear your butts or have burn holes in it because of an inconsiderate driver.  :fyou


Vent 2: 


While trying to get on the Tri-State at Cicero this morning, an idiot in a blue mustang with red crap plastered on it (as well as a scrubs plate frame) decides he shouldn't have to wait in line with the rest of us and decides to cut me off.    :stick


Vent 3:


Sean Hill.  You bastard you were just about my favorite player on the Canes.  Oh well, I wish you luck whenever you aren't playing the Canes or the Sens.


Vent 4:


People who use the incorrect form of the following in a sentence:


they're, their or there

wear, were or where

to, too or two


Thanks for allowing me a much needed vent. :lolhitting

Vent 1: I flick my cigarettes out, but I always wait till I'm in front of the b**** the beeped and had the audacity to pop me the bird because she thought she was too good to let me merge into her lane with a full half car length of space between her and the car in front. rolleyeyes.gif


Vent 2: See Vent 1


Vent 3: Who? :unsure:


Vent 4: They're! Eye've said my peace!



On a seriuous note. "Then" and "Than" are not interchangable.

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Thing that drives me crazy with traffic is esp. in the winter time. People drive 10 MPH when it either rains or snows. You'd swear people have never seen rain or snow but it happens every damn year. I understand driving a little more cautious but driving 10 MPH is f***ing absurd.

Word of advice: Never go to DC during the winter. When it snows there, you would swear the sky was falling. A 15 minute ride from the airport to my dorm once took about 45 minutes. It was a Wednesday. The snow fell on Sunday. :headshake

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One more vent:


People who change the locks on a vacation house and don't give tell someone before they go up there.


Brian and I were at his dad's vacation house (who talked to us as late as Thursday night) at about 2AM yesterday trying to get in...gave a call to his sister to find out the locks were changed because his ex-sister-in-law had a key. YOU KNEW WE WERE HEADED UP THERE, WHY THE f*** DIDN'T ANY ONE MENTION THE LOCKS WERE CHANGED?!?!?!?!?!?!?! This includes Brian's brother (it was his ex-wife that had the key) who talked to me when I was getting out of my car at about 8 o'clock last night. I should be in either William's Bay or Lake Geneva making plans for dinner (deciding which restaurant we want to go to) and/or walking up the main street deciding which fudge store to go into, but no I am at home on my damned computer. Not that Soxtalk isn't a nice place to hang out, mind you, but I needed a few days away.


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Vent 1:


Driving to work this morning this broad in front of me decides to flick her cigarette out the window which (of course) hits my car and almost ends up inside my car.  GROSS!  Smokers, I don't care that you smoke, but I don't want to wear your butts or have burn holes in it because of an inconsiderate driver.  :fyou

I got hit with one while driving my motorcycle :fyou


I still find it cute that prawn has to vent.

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Vent 1-People who think they know more baseball than the umpires.


Vent 2-Girls who take EVERYTHING seriously.


Vent 3-White guys who act black.


Vent 4-The White Sox aren't hitting.


Vent 5-People who think they are god and you are inferior.

anyone want to comment on my ventings?

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anyone want to comment on my ventings?

Awww, do you feel left out because no one has commented yet?? Will you feel loved and special if someone does? Cause I'll do it for ya. ;)


Vent 1: I know the umpires know more than I do, but that doesn't stop me from pretending.


Vent 2: I'm a girl, and I don't take EVERYTHING seriously. Girls like that just have a stick up their butt.


Vent 3: Confused white guys are so damn annoying


Vent 4: I hear the FBI is currently searching for the Sox offense. Agent Mulder believes it's an x-file and that aliens are involved.


Vent 5: You mean like the Yankees and their fans?


There I hope you feel better now. :ph34r:

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My Vent of the Day...


All of the fat, old, and just generally slow people who have to get up 15 mintues before their stop on the train so that they can be the first off, and then struggle up the stairs, slowing up everybody else who has to get somewhere. If you are going to be that slow, it don't matter when you get off of the train. To me that is like pulling out of in front of someone in order to go under the speed limit.

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My Vent of the Day...


All of the fat, old, and just generally slow people who have to get up 15 mintues before their stop on the train so that they can be the first off, and then struggle up the stairs, slowing up everybody else who has to get somewhere.  If you are going to be that slow, it don't matter when you get off of the train.  To me that is like pulling out of in front of someone in order to go under the speed limit.

You didn't say "hi" to me? :lol:

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