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It's Official, Sox get Everett


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Burn Carl's mitts right now. He is brutal in the OF at this stage. Hopefully he can get as hot as he was with Texas at the beginning of last season. Has anyone heard of the cash coming back to the Sox? I would think it would be a pretty significant amount. I'm sure KW is still going to be working the phones. I think Rowand is going to be used as bait for Beltran.


I am not about to give the best White Sox CF since Lance Johnson for not even half a season of Carlos Beltran.

Then we have to overpay for a CF in the offseason.

This is especially stupid when you figure they will both hit about the same .280+ over the course of the year.

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Welcome Back Crazy Carl! :headbang


I can officially move him off of my "Favorite Former White Sox Player(s)" and back to "Favorite White Sox Player(s)" in my profile

I like him also, but i can't see how he would be your favorite player.

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After talking with Kirk Champion a week ago, I saw the writing was on the wall in regards to Rauch. I'm not at all surprised to see him go, although I'm incredibly dissapointed to see Majewski go. I really like his potential in the late innings out of the pen.


I'll put up an interview of him today or tomorrow for those that aren't familiar with him. He's really got that closers mentality and has been working on a change to go with a 94-96 MPH fastball and a good slider.

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I'm not at all surprised to see him go, although I'm incredibly dissapointed to see Majewski go.  I really like his potential in the late innings out of the pen.


I'll put up an interview of him today or tomorrow for those that aren't familiar with him.  He's really got that closers mentality and has been working on a change to go with a 94-96 MPH fastball and a good slider.

Don't worry the Sox will get Majewski back somehow, they always do :lol:

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I like the move...maybe light's a fire under Carl's ass. Sometimes players get motivated and get hot when they go from a last place team to a first place team, and start to play over their heads...ala Aramis Ramirez/Randall Simon/Kenny Lofton of last year(along with Everett and Alomar with us last year). That's what I hope Carl does for us.


However, I am happy we kept Rauch as long as we did...he pitched what I think is the game of the year earlier against the Indians...5 IP, 1 run allowed...that helped us get going and get out of our funk. Thanks to Rauch for that.

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:nono I'm not sold on this. I just can't see Carl doing that much for us. I was unimpressed last year, and he wasn't as good this year as he was last year. Hope there is a buyout at the end of the year. Maybe that's why money was included. Watch Rauch blossom in Montreal.
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It looks like a win-win. Odds are both Rauch and Majewski will play with the Expos now. Rauch for sure will, I don't know about Majewski. We needed a bat. This helps this team. Right now we need some consistency, hopefully Everett can bring that. I think the Sox might have been able to get Everett for Rauch straight up if Kenny hadn't bashed him in public.

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Rauch isn't the player he was prior to his operation. As someone who saw him last week, he was brutal. He left a ton of pitches up and he got lit up.


Gary has bounced around a lot of teams, he's pitched well as the Knights closer, but that's still AAA.

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Rauch isn't the player he was prior to his operation. As someone who saw him last week, he was brutal. He left a ton of pitches up and he got lit up.


Gary has bounced around a lot of teams, he's pitched well as the Knights closer, but that's still AAA.

Plus you heard what Champion said about Rauch....not so nice words :lol:

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i dunno about this......i mean not that i like Jon or whoever that other dude is...but didn't we trade Carl last year..........or was he just a free agent who didn't sign???....can't remember...but i dunno....at least it wasnt Magglio for anybody!!

People do have names, you know - not just 'dude' and 'man'. His name is Gary Majewski (sp?), reliever for the AAA Knights. IIRC he's 24, and had something like a 3.20 ERA this year. He could turn out to be a pretty nice reliever, but not someone who you should lose a ton of sleep over losing.

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:nono I'm not sold on this.  I just can't see Carl doing that much for us.  I was unimpressed last year, and he wasn't as good this year as he was last year.



Unimpressed last year? He hit .301 with us last year, 10 homers, and 41 RBIs. He was the most clutch player we had down the stretch, and he actually played a decent CF (in no way am I recommending even placing him in left or right. Keep him at DH). He brought an emotion to our team that not many in baseball have, and IMO, he's the perfect player for 'Ozzieball' - or the mentality of having fun, playing with passion, and most importantly, winning.


He's had 127 ABs this year - that's way too small of a sample size to take anything from it. Plus, you think he has to be pretty stoked to go from a last place, most boring place to play at in all the majors, simply bad team to a first place, contending, place where the stadium will be rockin' most nights, pretty solid team.


Again - Kenny goes out and finds another way to improve this team. Did I mention how, down the stretch, this greatly, GREATLY imroves our bench? When Frank comes back, Carl Everett will be able to come off the bench in late innings and be a threat against both righties and lefties. I love the move.

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Are you nuts Josh????


Freaking Everett gives us a veteran hitter who can take a walk, hit with power and was our most clutch hitter last half of last season for a couple of AAAA pitchers. Majewsji would never make our staff and Rauch would be gone next year if he did not make it, since out of options.


Now we can promote 2 pitchers up to AAA, Baj and a starter and let them progress up to the majors.


Great trade.

Absolutely pitiful trade, power? What power? He has 1 HR in his last 120 AB's. Get on base? Not this yr. And in no way shape or form are we getting the Everett of last yr. On top of all that we still owe him $4 mil for next season and he's having as bad a July as the White Sox O.


Can he catch or pitch? Otherwise what a waste of trade material.

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People do have names, you know - not just 'dude' and 'man'.  His name is Gary Majewski (sp?), reliever for the AAA Knights.  IIRC he's 24, and had something like a 3.20 ERA this year.  He could turn out to be a pretty nice reliever, but not someone who you should lose a ton of sleep over losing.

Plus the Sox have a lot of Majewski-type relievers right behind him ... Baj, Matt Smith, Josh Fields, Dwayne Pollock, and more. They dealt from a postion of strength.


Would like to see Smith or Baj promoted. Baj has a live arm, good control, and is a little older, would like to see him get a shot and see if he can get the job done.

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Absolutely pitiful trade, power? What power? He has 1 HR in his last 120 AB's. Get on base? Not this yr. And in no way shape or form are we getting the Everett of last yr. On top of all that we still owe him $4 mil for next season and he's having as bad a July as the White Sox O.


Can he catch or pitch? Otherwise what a waste of trade material.

Yeah - let's judge a guy on 127 ABs... rolleyeyes.gif


And I'd like to see you get pumped up about playing for the Montreal Expos.

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Yeah - let's judge a guy on 127 ABs... rolleyeyes.gif


And I'd like to see you get pumped up about playing for the Montreal Expos.

This ain't some rookie we're waiting on to catch up to the league, this is a vet and either he's swinging a good bat or he's not. Carl is not. He probably won't get any more than 127 AB's with us IF he can stay healthy. Again, can he catch?


Paying(AGAIN) for last yrs production is not what I call a smart move.

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The Sox were down on Rauch and Rauch was down on the Sox. Time for a change.

they like Diaz better any how.


Majewski is guy we traded once and exposed to the Rule Five draft twice (he was only taken once). Obviously, management had severe doubts.


So we gave up two guys the administration didn't like to get a guy who helped the team last year. He hasn't played as well this year, but Montreal ain't an easy place to play -- and he's been hurt.


he can switch hit, run a little, hit with power and play a little outfield.


Final analysis: KW got a guy who should help at a good price by giving up two guys management had already given up on.


Sounds good to me.

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For those against this trade, we've now given up Anthony Webster, Josh Rupe, Frankie Francisco, Jon Rauch and Garry Majewski for Crazy Carl Everett. I feel sorry for Borch though, looked like he was hitting the ball ok in his few AB's he had in his game yesterday which I saw, hopefully he can start producing down at Charlotte again.


You can officially say goodbye to Maggs now, although I cringe at the thought of Everett anywhere in the field. I think he's making $3.5 million this season, and Montreal is giving us about $800,000, so we'll only hav to pay about that much for him for the rest of the season. Then he's making $4 million next season.


I don't think Majewski was ever going to get much of a chance with the White Sox even though he has some good stuff, he'll be a good addition long - term for the Expos.

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