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I, Robot Seizes #1 Spot


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  Chisoxfn said:
Cripes, 52 million, thats freaking huge for an opening.  I don't know about anyone else, but the two movies I really want to see are still coming out...Bourne Supremacy and the Village.

I haven’t seen The Bourne Identity, but should I see it before viewing the sequel?

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  Chisoxfn said:
Cripes, 52 million, thats freaking huge for an opening.  I don't know about anyone else, but the two movies I really want to see are still coming out...Bourne Supremacy and the Village.

I can't wait for The Village to come out. All of M. Night Shyamalan's movies are awesome, and this one should be badass too! :headbang

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well im part of the 52 million...wish i wasnt...same old tired story with a different twist...a renegade cop with a bad reputation is the only one in the whole world that can figure this great tragic plot against mankind..so with no help from anyone , except of course the only person in the world who happens to be, of course a female, they take on thousands of enemies and defeat them all stunts that could never happen in real life...the twist in this one being the bad guys are robots..very weak plot imo..


i too , am looking forward to the village...saw the previews during i robot..looks awesome

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  Mathew said:
I haven't yet liked an Shaymalan movie so I;m definately not paying to see th Village when it comes.

"Sixth Sense" is an outstanding movie.


The other two were disappointing. I'll watch them if there's nothing else on television, but I'd never recommend them to anyone.


I definitely look forward to seeing "The Village" when it hits theaters, however.

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I'll probably check I, Robot out this weekend. I love Alex Proyas and am thrilled as all git out that the film did that well. Granted it doesn't look as great as his past two films were (Dark City, The Crow), but I still love his visions, and expect his best still yet to come.

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